prove me wrong
>you literally can't, kike niggerfaggots
Sup Forums is and always has been a NatSoc board
Other urls found in this thread:
only 10% of the posts are you losers, it would need to be at least another 41% for this to be true
This. Grow up
Im pretty sure the majority of posters at the beggining of Sup Forums were libertarian
I heard that people who really care about racial issues, be it white or black or islamic extremists all suffer from similar deficiencies in the brain
>Im pretty sure the majority of posters at the beggining of Sup Forums were libertarian
Is that what you read on knowyourmeme?I'm sure 90% of the posts are us, showing you proof that you're wrong.
>i heard people who talk about race are pathological
Did you hear that from your rabbi, John Oliver, or were you reading the Frankfurt school?
If that's true, you just discounted the entire state of Israel as mentally deficient; did you mean to do that Moishe?
John Oliver and my rabbi have the same mental deficiencies as neo-nazis
>Sup Forums is and always has been a NatSoc board
Pol used to be communist as fuck whle bush was president.
90% of posts are implicitly NS.
Bumperino. Msm is using d&c to demoralize the movement. Don't fall for it.
Daily reminder nazis are basically kike lefty authoritarians with better sense of fashion.
POL is a board for racist, misogynist, xenophobic, homophobic white males who can't get laid. There's the only red pill you need.
Every Jew has the mental deficiencies you have, every nigger and asian too; literally every human thinks about race, but only whites are told "you have mental problems" if you think about race. That's part of how you teach them to hate their own race, and become Oikophobes.
They hate us because they'll never be like us.
What is there to prove wrong bruder?
This. Sup Forums has become a place for shitskins to come and be salty over their inferiority.
Yes back before we knew anything there were a lot of dude weeds on this board
The only real dude weed Aleppo lmaos left on this board are some stoned burgers
Because literally anybody or anything was better than goorge duhbiya booosh
>Nazi wannabes
Remember Sup Forums harbor
Just because you shitpost so much about your failed and edgy ideology doesn't make the board belong to you. The board is just infested with angsty "NatSoc" idiots who think they're in good company with those making a mockery of their beliefs.
>your failed and edgy ideology
>The State of Israel
>The US space program
>modern inventory systems
>modern tank technology
>modern radio technology
>surface to air missile technology
>modern medicine
All the result of my ideology.
Did you think yours was an ideology that "won" something?
There is a poll right now on pol and the majority are... LIBERTARIANS top kek.
I see we mocked you out of using your trip
Way to fail like a cuck, faggotbreath, no wonder Nazi Germany lost!
get out other Sup Forums.
lmao ya right
kill you're self
please log off 4 chan and kill you're self
a fucking leaf day of the rake is coming bro
huehue get out of pol shitskin
Here you go bootlicker fresh straw poll from another thread 5 mins ago
>trolling is a art
>look how le edgy and strong I am
Was /news/ natsoc?
Early Sup Forums was libertarian and natsoc.
>Libertarians 19%
>Natsoc/Fascist 27%
And we got BTFO?
Can't you into math?
Kek, fascism != natsoc, eg Mussolini and franco. Nice try though.
Sup Forums has always been libertarian and natsoc, because everyone starts as libertarian and eventually becomes natsoc once they lose their idealism and autism.
Fascism was natsoc for the Latins.
Don't you read books?
Did you think they were all allies for no reason?
>tfw to intelligent to be a nazi
Debate me
Mussos system was different, no anti kikery, race laws etc. And franco even more so. NS was just one variant. Here's the same poll from a few years back.
Oh please. You were all kissing Ron Paul's butt at one point.
Save the new one that I posted, better resolution
cant compete with libertarians
>a strawpoll of 400 people that happened to be on Sup Forums at the time the survey was administered is valid as your fundamental basis for a claim
>On the same board that raids online polls for fun
This is why nobody takes you people seriously.
This is the symbol of the fourth Reich
>National socialism
Literally Sanders faggotry.
What 'you people'?
Thanks bro. Feeling this might appear a fair bit if these threads carry on like this.
I am right wing nationalist, and I grew fucking tired of you little spastics fucking everything up. Hold the line? I doubt half of you know what is a `line`.
>Fascism was natsoc for the Latins.
Forgot to say: remember the Italian fascists came to power in 1922, 10 yrs before nsdap did. Fascism is literally Italian in origin.
That is really, really sad.
The Nazi shit was always ironic to me.
You are just mad Hitler raped you subhuman retards in WW2.
Hello blogger
oh and don't forget Hitler was a muzzie lover too
N-no Sup Forums is not alt-right!! It doesn't exist!!! Just edgy banter. Yo!
Isreal is great btw and John Balton seems great!!!
Right Sup Forums-bros!!!
Btw I have but shitposting on Sup Forums since 2001!!!
Alt-right is so lame!!! Bernie 2020.
actually i'm a registered democrat who voted for hillary and i hate niggers
i'm proud of our slave owning heritage AS DEMOCRATS
>NS was just one variant.
Well, its big of you to change you argument and admit I was right. That's rare on Sup Forums
>27% of Sup Forums is fascist/natsoc
>19% is libertardian newfags
>conclude libertardians are the majority
Why are you all so bad at math?
>fell for the socialism meme
All these illiterates who can't into math...
>“’Socialist’ I define from the word ‘social’ meaning in the main ‘social equity’. A Socialist is one who serves the common good without giving up his individuality or personality or the product of his personal efficiency.
>Our adopted term ‘Socialist has nothing to do with Marxian Socialism. ((((Marxism))) is anti-property; true socialism is not. ((((Marxism))) places no value on the individual, or individual effort, of efficiency; true Socialism values the individual and encourages him in individual efficiency, at the same time holding that his interests as an individual must be in consonance with those of the community. All great inventions, discoveries, achievements were first the product of an individual brain. It is charged against me that I am against property, that I am an atheist. Both charges are false.”
-- Adolf Hitler 1938
>Against the Mainstream: Nazi privatization in 1930's Germany (Germa Bel)
hayle hörtler
this thread is probably some sort of division tactic
>unironically saying newfag
You must be new here
>electionfags reflect what year round Sup Forums posters believe
90% of this comment is bullshit.
>getting triggered by the word "newfag"
you must be new here
The swastika has always been our symbol. Go to the archives of /new/, and you will see it there, for it has been our own from the beginning.
We need to purge stormfags from Sup Forums. You are fucking cancer and it's been proven.
thanks for the kike memes Shlomo, but we don't need your help defining who we are
Not sure if understand. I was saying ns was just one type of fascism. Second, that fascism is actually Italian in origin and Hitler adapted it hugely for the nsdap. Seriously read any comparative work on Italian fascism and nsdap, big differences.
Also about allys. Yeah we allied with stalin, so I guess we gommies now?
>We need to purge stormfags from Sup Forums
good luck with that, faggot
>You are fucking cancer and it's been proven.
wtf, I totally hate stormfags now
You must be new here... :^)
regardless of whether it was natsoc or not, it was always racist. the board was created to give a space for racist discussions which is why it makes absolutely no sense when people blame stormfront for racism on this board as if stormfront invented racism
>he fell for the bush was the worst president meme
not to defend him of course
Fascists are slightly more Right-Wing and they're not anti-semitic. Fascism =/= National-Socialism.
>I was saying ns was just one type of fascism
after claiming it wasn't a kind of fascism, because you wanted to claim the combination of NS/Fascism to achieve the 27% majority was improper. You apparently smoke too much weed, and forgot how the discussion began.
>fascism is actually Italian in origin and Hitler adapted it hugely for the nsdap
You claimed the evidence for this was that the fascists gained power in 1922. Hitler went to prison in 1922 after the Beer Hall Putsch. He was already a member of the NSDAP. He wrote Mein Kampf while in prison in 1924. The NSDAP already existed before the Italian fascists.
If you'd like to read about it, check out the Sup Forums books archive, the natsoc general pastebin, especially the natsoc source books. Also, 'Mussolini's intellectuals' is a great source.
>Politically Incorrect Books Archive:
>A. James Gregor - Mussolini's Intellectuals
>Adolf Hitler - Mein Kampf (English)
>Adolf Ehrt - Communism in Germany
>Gottfried Feder - The Program Of The NSDAP The National Socialist Workers' Party And Its General Conceptions
>Gottfried Feder - Das Programm der NSDAP (Deutsch)
>Gottfried Feder - Manifesto For The Abolition Of Interest Slavery
>Gottfried Feder The German State On A National And Socialist Foundation
>being new
you must be new, no touchbacks infinity
>moot blocking redditors who loved the daily show and are libshits with the exception of extremely clownish feminism
moot did us a favor
Sup Forums needs to fuck off now
Wow it was a 3 way tie like it always has been
No problem with racism or any views, it's the whole Sup Forums is natsoc, if your not a nazi fuck off REEEEEEE threads the last couple of days. Also going 1488 irl and shitting up the rw and nationalists with their wehraboo larping.
Raped? We were unscratched through the whole war, while your half jewish fuhrer was licking the barrel of a gun amidst the rubble of Germany.
Epic shilling, bro.
I am not a nazi, but I'm fucking sick of these degenerate lolbertarians.
>implying all NatSocs are faggy larpers
what kind of sad fuck collects antifa memes?
I always imagine you look like this
>Including the Dixie flag
Cite me one online source for fascism, that doesn't say it was an Italian invention. Remember the Italian facisti were already in power while Hitler was still developing his ideas. I can't see how you don't think there were differences. It's like saying all conservative parties are the same. You can be fascist without being natsoc.
Also I guess you already know but 8ch/pdfs/ has a good set of fash lit.
>Israeli flag warns us that we're getting raided