Well Sup Forums? Which alt-right are you?
Two Alt-Rights?
both if you pick your battles right
He's not wrong, you know.
Who the fuck is this "leader of the alt-right" guy, and where does he get off throwing around Hitler salutes in public?
Its true.
Frankly, I mean, I am a minority that supports a lot of the ideas of the Nazis but they lost, its time to move on. Find energy in a meme that isn't as blacklisted by the masses.
He was never alt right. He took the label and called himself without knowing what it means until Richard Spencer showed his final fash form
Reminder (((prisonplanet))) didn't want you to investigate pizzagate and called it farfetched
never trust the water filter merchants
Well you are fucking rare
Alt-right is a meme term and anyone who calls themselves a "member" of it is probably a Redditor who's still liberal as fuck "but, like, not one of the CRAZY ones!"
holy shit rare
can you post passport with timestamp, i don't have you in my collection
But I don't go on subreddits.
Paul Joseph Watson BTFO
*watching Watson nail my wife*
Me: "dag nabbit....shucks, he's doin' a fine job, I may as well sit and watch for a spell...."
He's controlled opposition, they tried to push him here as well
I don't even know what a sub-reddit is, nor do I care to
Sup Forums has nothing to do with this alt-right faggotry
PJW is wrong. There are indeed two alt-rights, but one is reality and the other is a media fabrication. The media has been pushing a meme about how anyone with conservative views is basically a nazi in disguise. Anyone who goes against the mainstream is immediately labelled as 'far-right'.
The global media was routed in this election. No one believes their shit. So what do they do? A new narrative of 'fake news' and the alt-right who are 'literal Nazis'. It's fucking cartoonish.
Pol is pol, it is not alt-right. Please go back to /r/the_donald
There's not "two alt-rights". Alt-right was an attempt to create a front for an anti-pc / anti-feminism / anti-establishment sentiment you can see form at Sup Forums and other social media. But there was never any official group created and it's currently trying to grab any power they can by jumping into the toxic mess. Similar to all e-celeb faggots who has been trailing the sniff of attention.
God DAMN it. We've been fucking coopted.
He's right.
He's right.
Stormfront trie to call itself alt-right.
They are not. They are just far-right (extreme far-right).
ur either alt right
or your'e alt wrong
PJW Is right, and stop fucking concern trolling OP. So called "leader" of the "alt-right" is a fucking autist who sperged the second we made grounds.
Are you new at shilling? It's really obvious. Step your game up senpai, or you don't get paid.
Neither. If you label yourself or let yourself be labelled, your position is easier to incriminate and destroy.
apex kek
they did shitty job before and got paid anyway
>there is no leader
>the alt-right is a ctrl-left meme used as a blanket term for "anyone I don't like"
My alt right has no leader, I don't hate blacks gay or trans. I want a level field to play on regardless of male or female or queer.in my America it doesn't matter if your gay it's none of my business
Muslims stop being terrorist and I won't care what the fuck you do
So is the alt-right really a whites only club? I am an Antiochian Orthodox Monarchist that believes pic related, am I alt-right or New Right?
Like all great movements we need a church council. Civil vs Ethnic Nationalism. The Ethnic nationalism fringe must be destroyed if we want extended power and influence in American politics.
I believe in the constitution as it is.
I work to destroy identity politics.
I believe in Economic protectionism.
I believe in doing what is best for Americans. America, first.
I believe in libertarian social freedoms.
I fight to destroy ideologies against these our principles.
Can I add my race is American
Us rare posters have to stick together
Nigger what the fuck are you talking about
Spencer has been a faggot since day one when he made that faggy logo
He's been getting pushed here HARD for the last three days or so, primarily by people like you
The whatever pisses off the libs the most kind hHaha
this nigga knows whats up
maximum kike shilling this strawman false flag
Retard broke frame. Its this kind of behavior that let the left dominate the culture war for the last few decades.
One little attack, clearly built from the ground up to discredit, and PJW are already on the defensive.
Trump literally rose to popularity because his frame was unbreakable, and after a year and a half this faggot just doesn't get it.
Blend of both.
What is this actual autism I just laid eyes on?
The big guys like Watson and Jones don't talk about it constantly and when they do they tread lightly.
The smaller fries at that place talk about it a lot. But if the heads know to tread lightly right now, it proves the evidence is circumstantial at best. These guys make soo much fucking money they probably have a team of lawyers.
next level shilling or red pilled shitposting
Sup Forums is the edge of the spear in art entertainment and at times information
1st by Day, 2nd by Night.
Its night now. dont give that race traitor and kike shielder any more attention.
Neither. I still think the alt right is a made up opposition by Shlomo and idiots like Richard Spencer and Milo fall exactly into this category pretty well.
None have a goddamn fucking clue about the philosophy of national socialism itself.
It's the same with dumbass Neo-Nazi hooligans. All controlled and paid oppositions. I don't give them any credibility.
easy lets create 2 terms, new right and the alt right(nazi wannabes}
Pizzagate was far fetched but I'm not opposed to investigation and discussion
Spiritcooking was legit. She admitted that occult shit on reddit
fuck off sandnigger this shill shit is weak
We have a fucking term though. Sup Forums is always right.
holy shit I knew these newfaggots were around here
There are zero alt-rights, all we have is a bunch of opportunistic kikes hoping to make shekels and win some goverment's jobs and a bunch of autists shitposting in a vietnamese imageboard.