Even Infowars are turning against us.
Time to pack it up lads. We lost. They chewed us out and spat us out.
Even Infowars are turning against us.
Time to pack it up lads. We lost. They chewed us out and spat us out.
Other urls found in this thread:
Friendly reminder, Ahmed: Sup Forums is a board of peace, and all posts are work of fiction and are satire.
>Sup Forums is a subreddit now
I told you guys Trump was just another Zionist shill. (way more than Obama or Hillary) Alex Jones has been Pro-ZOG for decades.
You cucks got Out-Jewed by the Jews
>implying we are alt-right
Go away faggot.
We reddit now?
what the fug does the alt-right have to do with Sup Forums?
this is a mongolian ritualistic wrestling forum
Watson is right, though.
he's right
>Sup Forums
>we lost
I'm pretty sure Sup Forums fits both those descriptions. Everyone is just trying to disavow the blatant nazi shit in the alt-right because it will freak out the normies.
We're ironically extreme because it's funny and freaks out normies.
PJW is a crypto-kike himself. Of course he stands against le ebil nazis.
"Turning against" they were never turned to us in the first place
We're only kind of on the same side
Difference is they haven't taken the racial pill
But we do have the same enemy
Infowars are "turning on you" because they've never been on your side, they're complete disinfo kikes. Alex Jones is a kike, his wife is a kike, he refuses to mention kikes or speak negatively about Israel, his show is produced and funded by kikes, and everything he tells you is just part of their manufactured illusion which they use to control you.
>Had no impact on the election.
You mean it wasn't the shitposted frogs that did it?
You are entirely correct, you should know that Trump isn't just a shill for the Zionists, he himself is a kike via his great grandmother from Bavaria of all places.
>labelling anything "alt-right"
(((They))) did this. The alt-right is a left label created to give a name to anyone and anything that opposed their political ideology.
This is faggotry.
He's right
The first one are the normie conservatives useful idiots that ultimately voted Trump in
The LARPing NatSoc are the ones we used to create the useful idiots by convincing them to create r/the_donald
We are neither because we are not alt-right
We are the ones who control the alt-right
we're the jews of the left
>Sup Forums is not one person
>Sup Forums is satire
>Sup Forums is a board of peace
Everyone knows that /r/The_Donald are edgy teens idolising Nazis, and Sup Forums is the inclusive beacon of light for the alt-right
he is right I didn't vote lol I doubt anyone here actually gave a fuck and voted.
This is good you retard, unless you're fresh from reddit
>we lost
Keep trying shills
Sup Forums is a board of peace, there is no racism on this board. It's even against the rules!
I wonder what's the ooutcome gonna be.
>TrANNs Coutler knows about Sup Forums
>Mainstream media knows about Sup Forums
>Cuckservatives were lurking Sup Forums in the inception of the election
Where do we go now sweet child of mine
Sup Forums was never alt right
we all know that this is your new narrative talking point. We all know you same fag it up and keep your own disingenuous discussions. No one is altered or disturbed by this.
>ever relevant
Alex Jones is fun as entertainment, but he's not legitimate.
Paul Joseph Watson is just a cuck, what a surprise?
>Trump sells everyone out immediately
>infojews attack imaginary satire nazis
2016 is crazytown
We did it we are now the globalist
He openly says the Jewish globalist mafia is a huge problem, Alex talks like he just browsed Sup Forums sometimes.
What's wrong with him fucking a Jewish qt, 99% of Sup Forums would breed a hot Jewess rather than avoid them.
you've convinced no one.
'alt right'
Doesn't fucking exist in any meaningful sense, and because of that it is able to be painted however they want.
Get over yourself.
Reddit are evil disgusting Nazis. Sup Forums is board of peace inshallah.
He calls out Soros all the time.
You know the way home
Wee ar ltering t smpece tiem qontinuom thee ar trnign anaigst su
God Emperor, why have you forsaken us ?
> President-elect Donald Trump on Tuesday said he did not want to “energize” the alt-right movement and denounced the conference held over the weekend where white nationalists cheered his election and used Nazi-era terms and salutes.
> “I disavow and condemn them,” Trump said at an on-the-record session with New York Times reporters and columnists when asked directly about the meeting.
bad goyim, disavowing the lugenpresse faggot strawman of the (((alt-right)))
>Even Infowars are turning against us.
Owned by Jews just like most media.
Reddit needs to cool it with the antisemitism
The Hungarian Jew that helped the nazis? Very courageous of him. So brave.
But Sup Forums is made up of both groups. That's what gives us our signature dynamism and synergy.
Wow, I am shocked, a kike that wants to subvert your beliefs and have an influence over you acts in a way that makes you truly believe that he agrees with you.
I'd love it if you could find me a single clip where he mentions "Jews" or Zionism having any connection at all to the globalist elites. I can show you several videos where he gets triggered because his guest connects the two.
He isn't just with a kike woman (it's disgusting that you can find any of those lizard women attractive but I'm sure you think Ivanka is gorgeous too), he is a kike himself.
A traitor is worse than an enemy
Soros is worse than the other Jews
He's fucking right
Sup Forums was GAS THE KIKES RACE WAR NOW years ago when we were all 17 year olds with a chip on our shoulders.
Now you get threads with "based black man!" and "based nigress!" and support for anyone with common sense.
It's the new batch of 15 year olds shitting this up.
There is nothing wrong with black people, asians, even jews, so long as we lived in a world where everyone had their piece and stayed out and kept to the others rules. See: Japan as a working example of the correct amount of nationalism and ""xenophobia"".
This alt-right shit is a bunch of crap is stormfront thinking they have relevance. Stormfront has always been the direct enemy of Sup Forums
Sup Forums is literally a Haitian mud cake recipe forum wtf is a "alt-right"?
wtf we did everything by ourselves
Yeah, because Soros is a major figure of the controlled opposition illusion that they keep all of you people focused on.
TRS is like 8chqn's Sup Forums, only difference is that it sucks. They completely leech off of Sup Forums, everything from discussions and memes, all the while having the usual forum circlejerks that you'd get from having an online identity.
Sup Forums is literally part of the first group. Whenever there was a latino or black guy/girl on here who said that he/she voted for Trump Sup Forums would call them based and honorary white.
you sound like an Alt-Leftist hatemonger. You leave the children out of this Stormfag.
That son of a bitch literally just parroted twitter/pol/, he hasn't had an inspiring idea he his whole career.
> don't bite the hand that feeds you
By that logic we're all kikes. Except niggers and abo's
>to fester in dark corners of sub-reddits
You guys realize that Sup Forums doesn't even exist in the grand scheme of things, right?
Do you suck the rabbi's dick or is that an honor only your mother gets?
Implying Sup Forumsis racist grow up kid
anyone who thinks that now is the right time to try and push ideological purity and accomplish nothing by doing white supermacy rather than push pragmatism and accomplishing a lot by pushing trumpian nationalism is indeed fringe, festering and irrelevent.
Is it possible the attempt to make natsocs mainstream failed? Because he's right.
> he hasn't had an inspiring idea he his whole career.
he hasn't had an inspiring idea in his whole career.
Sup Forums is responsible for Pepe and a huge presence on twitter, Sup Forums was one of the main online campaigners.
Alex Jones' infowarriors were on the ground campaigners.
I voted for the God Emperor, kek willed it.
By what logic you fucking moron, I didn't even explain yet what about his great grandmother makes him a kike.
>Infowars kicked out of the mainstream: LARPs as Alt-Right.
>Infowars kicked out of Alt-Right LARPs as mainstream.
Alex Jones is a turd in the punchbowl. The purpose of conspiracy theories is to rent seek from groups out of power by indirectly asserting that those in power are corrupt.
In six months they'll be inviting on Shawn King to tell us about the conspiracy against black people.
She on the right... Yes! I would.
>There are people on Sup Forums RIGHT NOW that advocate for white supremacy and think jews are evil
You idiots realize that Sup Forums is satire, right?
I guess it goes back to the old Voltaire quote, once again. In good company, etc.
Sup Forums created the altright, but now that altright is the mainstream view as proven by Trumps election.
The majority of normies are altright now, so Sup Forums is now pretending they were never altright in an eternal cycle of contrarianism.
In order to be politically incorrect you have to have non-mainstream opinions.
Altright is now politically correct, and progressive SJWs are absolutely despised by normies.
Now progressive SJWs are politically incorrect, Sup Forums will turn into a progressive echo chamber in order to stay politically incorrect now right wing is the norm.
Prepare for Sup Forums praising Laci Green as the "Queen of Sup Forums" next year.
Infowars has always been controlled opposition. This all but confirms it. Throw out the water filters, boys.
its true tho
>and obsess about Jews, racial superiority and Adolf Hitler
not gonna lie aside from the BBC threads that's pretty much spot on
I think there's a lot of infiltrators today trying to make Sup Forums look real. (((They))) need an enemy, and that enemy is the Alt-Right.
I wonder if stormfags realize that they're the right equivalent of sjw.
>Sup Forums is alt right
I think you guys got confused with always right
Go back to /r/TheDonald, newfag.
That will never happen, and your ramblings had little resemblance of anything that actually happens in real life. Kindly pour your cosmopolitan onto your keyboard and go lay in the nearest road, faggot.
In all fairness, he created the alternativeright.com website before Sup Forums existed.
> alternativeright.com
created 2010
> Sup Forums
created 2011
I've always hated Infowars, Alex Jones and mayne streem medier man
He doesn't say anything about the actual "religious" Talmudic/Kabbalistic/Zionist connection to all of this corruption, he just says that he calls out Jewish people involved in the bad stuff, while specifically saying that he isn't against Jews, that he's against the nazis, etc. The whole "Jews are just part of the conspiracy, there are some good Jews and it has nothing to do with the "religion"" BS is a meme talking point created by kikes and being pushed by Kike Jones.
What about his great grandmother makes him a kike?
Wait until we co-opt Zionism and use it to push racist memes and anti-goy memes for all the normies to see.
You won't be laughing then.
Fuck this pommy fag
Where do you get your super male vitality from then?
> 2016
>Thinking the only people on this board who say "gas the kikes" are white.
What a racist assumption
>implying we have to care
Her last name is Kober, which is an Ashkenazim surname. Her father's name is also Johann Jakob Kober, and Jakob with that spelling is a particularly popular kike name. I'm sure you'll think that's purely coincidence or that it doesn't matter if they're not "religious Jews" (as if there is such thing as a Jewish religion) but the Ashkenazim population of Bavaria came from Khazaria, and before that from Babylon. Trump's ancestors being at all connected to that means that without a doubt, Donald Trump has the same blood as the Moloch-worshiping baby murdering kikes of Babylon.
>alt right
Why does this moron even accept it as a proper word
Feminists say "We're not like those radfems - they're not real feminists".
Muslims say "We're not like those radicals - they're not real muslims".
The mainstream current of the movement needs to deny any connection to the radical fringe. The mainstream current acts as the good cop while persuading the public and the radical fringe is the bad cop pushing the Overton Window.
We're like black ops - we work in the shadows and our own comrades deny our existence. That's the way it has to be.
Wtf I hate /pol now
By digging into ancestry none of us have control over. But I don't expect any less from a burger with no cultural identity.
Kill all Brits!
And just so that nobody thinks I'm a mussie...
Kill all Ahmeds!
Gas the kikes.
Kill all whites.
Death to CIS males.
Nuke the chinks.
Burn the spics.
Lynch the niggers.
What is it that I'm not supposed to be able to say?
and black people were rulers of egypt and come from mars. Back to /x/.