Memes aside, it's becoming more and more clear that he used us and wants nothing more to do with us now that he got his prize, and additionally, he's been walking back or softening on several key positions. He's well on his way to becoming a cuckservative like Yeb, which is what we didn't want in the first place..I think we should look for a new person to get behind
Use his ego to steer him, call him a faggot when he's weak - spam his weakness across every medium, and he will shift his policy to protect his image
Jeremiah Walker
>memes aside >posts meme
>trump not even in office yet >Dow hit a record high
Adrian Green
So you're denying what I'm saying?
Oliver Watson
Should've voted for Cruz, to be honest. Y'all dun goofed and fell for the memes of a meme candidate.
Dylan Scott
Fuck off, retard
Joseph Martin
Those brainiac wojaks are getting creative
Sebastian Thompson
He is trying to unite the country this is what he has to do.
Don't forget trump is unpredictable. Highly respectable
4D chess master
He knows how to create a little drama so that we can overcome t and in the end come closer together.
I knew this was going to happen. I'm not surprised. In the end he is going to be the greatest president ever
Ryder Green
>Dow hit a record high
Good to know that happy merchants have a reason to be happy.
Wyatt Jenkins
He keeps backtracking on his stances. Fuck him
Jace Mitchell
Yep Cruz would never have forgot who gave him the delegates to beat hillary.
Dylan Turner
Fuck you you divide and conquer faggot.
We'll turn on him when globalism is destroyed and middle class Americans and white people are secure.
Then we can go back to indulging your liberal fantasy bullshit.
Dominic Cox
Fuck the TPP Fuck "Global Warming" Fuck lobbyists FUCK THE SHILLS ON Sup Forums
Hunter Cooper
>us, us, us, us >we, we, we, we Stop making it so blatantly obvious, senpai.
Cooper Roberts
>vote for a man with no principles just because he is predictable >mad because he flipped on you
You faggots are like the story of the fable of the frog and the scorpion. Trump is going to round you all up via your IPs to get back in the good graces of normies. Kys.
Joshua Torres
Trump is one of the end time kings of the beast, the one with the head wound that was healed. He just hasn't received the head wound yet. Economist mag shows him with his feet resting on all of North America. Second seal, black awakening for the chosen first, then order out of chaos that puts him in place!
Angel Cruz
Shit, I guess I'm a #CruzMissile now
William Martinez
I swear Sup Forums has become a right wing sjw hugbox now. I miss old Sup Forums
Kevin Ward
burgers got scammed
oh well 8 more years of bush 2.0
Wyatt Nguyen
when the progressives aren't pissed anymore 4now enjoy the tears
Jose Nelson
here's what I think Trump actually cares about:
>new trade deals >outsourcing jobs >importing foreigners to take American jobs >wealthy countries like Germany and Japan freeloading off of us for defense
Hudson Ross
>implying you aren't a redditor >implying you don't nigger dicks >implying
Christopher Rogers
>it's becoming more and more clear that he used us and wants nothing more to do with us now that he got his prize >he used us >used us >us >he >us
you're on a chinese cartoon imageboard/forum, not the front lines of some political campaign
get of your high horse you self righteous burgercunt
Hunter Carter
Yes because things are already improved and he hasn't even done anything so you are wrong. OP is CTR and drinks cum instead of milk on his breakfast cereals
Levi Johnson
I turned on him the day he started appointing shithead warhawk neo-cons into his cabinet.
You guys better start making noise fast before we get president George Dubya Obama Trump.
Don't start kissing his ass and let him get away with shit please.
Justin Murphy
You can turn on him whenever you want. Don't let us stop you...
Daniel Parker
Don't forget Sup Forumsacks, this election was just the first step. These fucks are going to keep fighting us. Trump is unstumpable but he needs our support to succeed greatly
Kevin Price
Jaxson Johnson
Fuck off CTR
>Trump praised the Clinton Foundation! He's betrayed us! Pic related shows that they twisted his words. He was probably asked a loaded question about it
>Trump denounced the alt-right! He's turned his back on us! The (((alt-right))) is a strawman that the media made up to slander all Trump supporters as evil radical racists. That Spencer faggot has them pushing the Nazi angle especially hard right now. Trump saying he doesn't want to "energize those people" is only common sense. To say otherwise would have everyone screaming that he's a white nationalist and a Nazi and an evil right-winger and other shit. He didn't turn his back on us, he simply disavowed the media's made-up fear mongering machine.
Whatever he said today was just trying to reassure the normies that he's not some big bad fascist who will destroy the first amendment. These people have been lying about and slandering him for months now. He won't easily forget.
>Trump won't prosecute Hillary! He's already going back on campaign promises! All he said is that he's not in favor of prosecution. Based Gowdy is still fully committed to investigating Shillary, and everyone knows that she's toast once Obama and the DOJ aren't able to run interference for her anymore. Trump knows this, so why give more ammo to the "Trump is a fascist!" crowd when he could take a hands-off and seemingly merciful approach and get the same result?
For fuck's sake you faggots, chill out. We've already gotten a sneak-peak of the wall plan, so we know that he hasn't done a 180. Don't let the concern shills and lying media get to you, because we need to survive 8 more years of it.
Cameron Perry
Here's your (you)
Luke Thompson
> globalism is destroyed
kek. Are you 12 or something? Globalism is going to exist as long as there's a fucking Globe, nothing short of Nuclear winter will stop globalism
Jason Reyes
how does one nigger a dick?
Luke Wright
it doesn't make sense to analyze things that haven't happened yet.
Wyatt Taylor
>not even president yet
You shills really need to be more patient
Jaxon Stewart
Nice concern trolling.
Zachary Jackson
should have voted for hillary, idiots.
Anthony Sanders
>fuck the shills on Sup Forums >while shilling on Sup Forums
Jacob Peterson
He used Breitbart, Drudge, Infowars, Molymeme et al.
Kayden Allen
No you moron the system is broken he was the only choice we had. He sounded solid during his campaign. Now he's flip-flopping faster than Obummer.
Jose Baker
>Drinking all the shills and MSM kool aid >I'm so smart Nope
Brody Harris
Literally cognitive dissonance the post. I'm starting to think you people screaming "fuck off CTR/shill" to any criticism of Trump are actually the real shills
Evan Reyes
Only the fools that you guys are would believe in someone like trump. Wake up, he is nothing else than a crook, everything he did in his life is crooking. Trump is a scam, a fraud, and you are now locked with him for the next 4 years.
Sebastian Watson
>opinion based on purposefully misleading news >criticism pick one
Juan Bell
Give him a year. If he doesn't build the wall, we'll be against him. Until then, I really don't care. Anyone who legitimately thought he was going to jail hillary is a moron. going after your only chance at immigration enforcement is retarded. The man isn't even in office yet, jesus. He already kicked Chris Christie and his neocons out within 48 hours. Since then he's been adding Jeff Secessions and a bunch of other shitlords to his administration. What more do you want?
Matthew Torres
Is this your first political campaign? how old are you? 15?
Noah Bennett
Sup Forums isn't associated with ANY of those channels and they sure as shit wouldn't dare align themselves with a decrepit excrement like Sup Forums
Christian Wilson
It was obvious he was just using you idiots for votes. Should have voted for the woman who had a real plan for this country.
Jeremiah Martin
I already have. I realized he played all of us as soon as he said he wasn't repealing Obamacare. Fucking scumbag
Xavier Stewart
>he used us He didn't, you faggots just rallied after him because you got the delusion he was some Nazi white supremacist who was gonna kill all non whites. You heard what you wanted to hear. You saw what you wanted to see. The Don never said anything to support your cause, but you faggots were so desperate for a chosen one to make your fantasies come true.
Asher Jackson
>he used us Where do people get this meme? Do people actually think Sup Forums influenced the election at all? How retarded can you be to think a few thousand autists who probably didn't vote swung a national election?
Adrian Sanchez
Every single thing is becoming very fishy. This Alt Right shit feels like a set up. I wouldn't be surprised if it was the same way on the left.
Does Soro's have puppets on both sides to divide us? ?
Parker Garcia
Hey, divide and conquer CTR shill, he disavowed the alt-right because of imbeciles like Spencer who wanted to become relevant. The "muh nazi Heil Trump" people are the minority he wanted to fuck over, not the rest of us who, as you might have seen, we got no spokespeople.
Brandon Russell
He can't do it all at once, if anything the ACA will be tweaked so that you won't get penalized if you don't buy insurance. He will just allow for more competition to drive down insurance costs.
Anthony Long
Caleb Gomez
Fuck off shill
David Green
True, but they subscribe to what Sup Forums does on the web.
Leo Perry
Yeah funny
Mason Williams
Haha if you believe this you're just as if not more stupid.
So we should vote for the corrupt bitch woman who also pandered for votes.
Great plan.
Luke Harris
Josiah Jones
Aiden Long
I hope your right because all I've been seeing are broken promises.
Kayden Russell
>>outsourcing jobs >>importing foreigners to take American jobs >>wealthy countries like Germany and Japan freeloading off of us for defense All this stuff systemically cannot go away until the USD transitions from world reserve currency into "one national currency among others". If there is one country that has been FREELOADING off the productivity of most of its trade partners ---since their trade deficit turned chronically negative year on year on year for decades (must've been in the 60s or 70s, research for yourself)--- it's, sorry to report, the US. It's ultimately a self-defeating monetary system and no one player or group of players can unilaterally end it without getting the whole world in trouble --- and yes it gave them some perks such as trade liquidity or military occupation I mean "assistance"--- which is why it is still limping alone on its last breaths. They probed all manners of ideas after Aug 1971 how to resolve this smoothly and it wasn't realistically possible even by then.
Trump is a good choice as this transition picks up pace, as far as containing the damage and accepting the necessity for multilateral monetary transformation, with Hillary it would have been catastrophic.
Ryder Powell
There a lot of MSM talking about pol since that episode with pepe the frog.
Jason Morales
wtf I hate trump now
Gabriel Miller
*concern trolling intensifies*
I think people actually believe they can still elect Hillary.
Cooper Smith
>limping alone *along
Jack Allen
im looking forward to the trump amnesty plan 2k18, which will give citizenship to 5,000,000 illegals. shits gonna be cash.
Oliver Murphy
Not realising posts like this energise us
Kayden Garcia
Have you really been in it because you support Trump? For real?
Dude, it`s all a big joke. All of it.
Joseph Thomas
Samuel Gray
Everyone was a retard in the first place
You had intelligent dissent and you just shouted us down
Fuck yourself and enjoy 8 more years of the same+paying more for everything you shit eating retards
>economy will naturally bounce back under trump And this is the worst thing because people will think he did it
Juan Rogers
I'd get behind Jill if you know what I mean
Alexander Campbell
lol, Sup Forumss 15 min in the spot light was due to the propagation of a cartoon frog which may or may not have influenced young voters.
if you're an adult and memes genuinely affected your choice of presidential candidate, i have some bad news for you.
Dominic Martin
She's very pleasant on the eyes for an auld one, also I would benis in bagina if you know what I mean.
Jonathan Bennett
Did you all not pay attention to his campaign? This is the same way he ran it, and he fucking won.
Did you really think the 4D chess was to cease upon him winning?
Jordan Baker
>So when do we start turning on Trump?
Look the left is never going to support him no matter what he does.
So what does Trump do? Chuck his guys under the bus to win the lefties back.
All he is doing is alienating everyone by trying to appease one side or the other.
Trump needs to make a choice. The PC control freaks of the left or the anarchy and chaos of the new right.
Joseph Young
Let him get into the ACTUAL fucking office, he lost the popular vote, liberals are going full out to make the electoral college change their mind, ONigger can chimp out at any time.
Trump is biding his time until he actually gets in, then it is full DEUS VULT.
Levi Gutierrez
reminder that you're gonna be salty for the next 8 years.
Noah Russell
I only wanted him to win because it makes things interesting and pisses off people I don't like. I never took his specific pledges too seriously. Only his tone and stance on the issue.
So, I don't see him turning around and granting mass amnesty for illegals.
Nathan Peterson
The shilling is so fucking real. It's even worse now, than it was during the election. David Bowie wasn't lying when he said he'd suck Sorrows dick and get better funds to fight the Trumpets.
Luis Hernandez
None of this lines up with his message while he was campaigning. I do agree that its kind of weak but it may necessary. If Trump didnt hold to his promises and just went limp he would be the most redundant buffoon of a president to ever exist. Trump is about one thing and that isnt being a traditional president or political player.
Asher Taylor
I think its sort of adorkable, plus its what I expected, that he doesn't really know what he's doing as a politician so he is very real and down to earth (for a Billionaire).
Aiden Moore
>H..hey fellow Sup Forumssters Trump is a big meany after all you guys we should oppose him.
CTR, you don't have a job anymore. Go and do something productive, learn an actual skill.
Gavin Evans
Meme Pence use that gigantic brain
Carson Hernandez
The only plan Hillary had was for a war with the Russians that would quickly escalate to a nuclear conflict which would eliminate current post-industrial civilization in the best case scenario and most likely human life in general.
TL:DR Fuck you faggot, Hillary would have killed us all with her stupidity.
Parker Wright
This is the latest CTR tactic that's flooding Sup Forums.
Concern trolling.
They pretend to be one of us. Then they push the "trump has betrayed us line."
I only have two words for these obvious shills.
"Rapid Build"
Andrew Kelly
That's a tragic level of denial.
Juan Perry
>yfw Yeb returns in 2020 to settle the score
Elijah Thompson
Xavier Sullivan
>it's becoming more and more clear that he used us and wants nothing more to do with us now that he got his prize, and additionally, he's been walking back or softening on several key positions.
Is your purse feeling a bit light? Winning some bread for your single mother family?
Kayden Ortiz
As a Jew and a Trump supporter, I'm so happy we got our guy. Trump is a staunch pro-Zionist. You guys were just useful idiots. Go retreat back to your safe spaces.
Zachary Ramirez
But the democrats won't be happy that they can't use Mexicans for votes anymore, so I suppose we won didn't we, you fucking loser. You lost, and you are a loser.
Christopher Phillips
He's not even in office yet. Wait for his attorney gen to take power.
Jeremiah White
Jaxon Wilson
>i miss old Sup Forums hurr durr This is the old Sup Forums
Eli Morales
I'm so sick of these fucking shills still trying to act like they know whats up
Jose Cook
>walking back or softening on several key positions. Like what? :^)
Carter Thompson
>This is the old Sup Forums Something newfags say. Sup Forums changes pretty radically before and after every electoral cycle.
John Miller
You guys didn't make him president, at least, not through memes.