That fat orange fuck betrayed us.
KAYNE 2020
The Clintons are done. Also congress investigates not the President.
I'm not trying to be a debbie downer, but each day im losing just a little more respect for trump.
He was supposed to not take anyone's shit and if anyone tried to hold him back he was supposed to tell them to fuck off.
He's trying to seem more relatable for liberals instead of serving the people who fucking elected him
We can't let him have the nuclear codes.
this is a good post
At this point I'd rather he just nuke america, let the chinese have it all.
It's up to FBI and DoJ,not the president. Secondly, more leaks to come after Dec19 . Let him get into office for god's sake. Clinton will get her day.
he won't be prosecuting hillary
but he will be "taking care" of isis ;)
and by that i mean he will be "taking care" of the people who fund isis ;))
76 get
Where are all the shills coming from? If Trump starts advocating throwing Clinton in prison, Obama would just pardon her and everyone complicit. If Trump pretends to forgive everything, then Obama won't pardon her.
>not realizing that denying hillary the presidency wrecked her harder than 200 email investigations ever could
I also used to supproting trump, but now not.
She's defeated, no longer a threat. Why should he pursue?
Is this what happens when a thread is almost entirely CTR posters?
Rollan for the future
Because he said he would do so one gorillion times during all of his rallies?
we didn't elect him because he was respectable
These excuses for Trump are getting pretty pathetic. I still have faith in him, but there's no reason to defend betraying promises.
>months away from taking office
>opposition still controls all the levers of power and still has the power to grant pardons
Regardless of what his intentions are he needs to play it cool and be non-confrontational now, how hard is this to understand
so many shit countries.
GET a good one
He is not in office yet yaa Emu.
Fuck it. Let's see where I'm heading.
>Actual policies
How fucking dumb are you for not realizing the difference. For anyone who knew ANYTHING about the US system knew a President does not have the power to "lock up" anyone. He used the rhetoric to hit her where it hurts, to put emphasis on her shady background and to make her seem like a criminal
Nice Try, but nobody cares. That sick hag will be dead before they even get to trial. He needs to MAGA.
Fuck off
Not really defending Trump here, but it would be stupid of him to say "oh yeah, I'm going to investigate Hillary" months before he can actually act on it.
It gives her more reason to cover her tracks if he's saying he's going to do it ahead of time.
You probably think he's actually going to build a 20ft tall concrete wall along the border? He'll build some hundred miles of it for propaganda, rest of it will be fence.
A dogs anus
Obama can just proactively pardon her
Trump said he'd investigate to bring more attention to it
There's literally nothing to stop someone doing exactly what Hillary did with her private email server. Trump should at least make what she did punishable in the future.
Also, he promised to go after her hard during the campaign. It sets a very bad precedent by allowing what she did to go unpunished, or at least not making an effort as president to get her punished. She had SAP level, beyond top secret, information on an unsecured server. You can start wars if that sort of information became public. It endangered America's national security and she deserves jail time. Failing that, she should be barred from ever holding any public office again, although that may not mean much at this stage, it would still send a message that her behaviour, whether there was intent or not, will not ever be tolerated.
CTR: the thread.
Are there any goo countries on that list?
This. It's almost like Trump has been talking about how important it is not to reveal your tactics this whole time.
Lmao you retards really want Hillary to become a martyr.
The best punishment for her is to fade into obscurity.
Yeah wait until he gets rid of net neutrality lol
Now that she's lost everything, she is piiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiissed.
inb4 zimbabwe
Shills are working hard today.
> she deserves jail time.
Yes. But guess what, the legal system doesn't work that way.
>She didn't do anything precisely significantly illegal
>People can't be punished retroactively.
> Ex post facto laws are expressly forbidden by the United States Constitution in Article 1, Section 9, Clause 3 (with respect to federal laws) and Article 1, Section 10 (with respect to state laws).
doubters get btfo everytime with trump, hope you're ready for yours.
> No reason to defend breaking promises
That's why I don't defend politicians. This guy will have some merits I guess, but don't expect them to stop funding ISIS and the Syrian rebels. According to John Podesta, as long as we do business with the Saudis, our tax money will be funneled to ISIS.
The system has workarounds in case someone like Trump comes into office, so only expect minor change.
The only plus I see is that Clinton rightfully lost and the symbolic defeat of the SJW special snowflakes who were so used to getting everything they wanted. This far right stuff has gotta calm down though. It would be disgraceful if whites started chimping out like niggers.
please be america
Fuck thank you! 42 dimensional chess anyone!? Have a bit of faith.
>not having gibraltar
Is the 4D chess game still alive?
A test to see how good my karma was this life
not very good I see
Rollin for worm
pls be best korea
US get
no fucking way
This is sad...
But i'm already a jew...
76 plz
Why do you fags keep responding to obvious CTR threads? It only encourages them to make more.
Even this specific topic has already been posted dozens of times today and every time OP is proven to be a fag. Please stop bumping this and other obvious bait threads.
Wow, based trump. Did u really come up with this masterplan by yourself ?
You know he also has to serve the people who DIDN'T vote for him as well, right?
I do believe he will do his best but he's playing with fire by keeping so many neocons close to him. The anti-alt-right talk is fine, nobody in his current position can be openly alt right, but the unfortunate truth is the alt-right is on point about alot of things, although they need to learn compromise on things to get the support of normies. Jews are a real problem.
90-99 pls
Also I guarantee he's pulling back because if he doesn't the riots will only intensify and Obama isn't going to do shit about it. Wait until he takes office and see what he does then.
put me in the shithouse
roll. hope for best korea
But hold on. What if obama knows trump is faking. What if he pardons hillary anyways, just to be on the safe side? Then what ?
Fucking dumb nigger
Fuck you gookmoot, let me post.
And no, I'm not buying a fucking pass, you slopeheaded piece of fucking shit.
And you're not shitting on the LOO yet.
Trump said he will summon an attorney to investigate on clinton.
He can do that as president.
Why wait the afterlife little roach?
Seems like uare in denial. Wake the fuck up, trump is a faker.
He promised u all kinds of shit and u ate it up like a fucking moron that u are.
Nigga u is stoopid
I really hope this is just another case of 4D chess.
If not, there was not much to lose compared with the other option besides just returning to the original plan and be on our own again.
you're either concern trolling or the same idiots who lost all faith Trump could win because of CTR
All he needs is plausible deniability to fuck that bitch. Trump takes office, Hillary goes to jail, Obama makes a pouty face and says "S-S-She told me she dindu nuffin." Then goes golfing.
We're witnessing the beginning of hell for her.
Nigga, u are stupid.
Trump never said he will lock her up.
Trump said he will start up an investigation against her, trough an attorney. That attorney MAY OR MAY NOT lock hillary up.
If she could cover her tracks, she would have already done it when the fbi decided to end the investigation (she knew it can be reopened any time)
0.01 shekels have been deposited in your account.
rollan save me from this hellhole
come on montenegro
Oh dear, here we go.
allahu akbar
Cannot be true
1/99 shot and he made it
It was found her intent wasn't malicious.
That doesn't excuse her from bypassing security protocol with matters of national security
The FBI is a bought organization. Their handling of 9/11 should've made that clear.
She categorically breached 18 USC 793 F, and should be held accountable. That's not something that's even debatable.
Trump was just controlled opposition so that an actual outsider wouldn't get into the White House.
Works for me.
What can he do to the Saudis?
Eternal shitposting leaf here
This shouldnt be allowed on pol its off topic
>you got aborded
Gib me dat white pussie boi
I'd like to think he's just waiting to officially get in office before announcing his plans.
He talked about not giving away military strategies all the time, maybe this is the same idea.
If not, I'll actually be pretty disappointed. I don't want him to act like every other politician.
Do you guys give that much of a fuck about putting her in jail? She'll probably get a rich person jail anyway (swimming pool, five star food, etc).
Though it would be funny if she had to spend a few nights with superpredators, if you're an American politician, war crimes don't go punished and funding ISIS isn't iillegal the private server was bad, but you guys care too much about it. She was already humiliated as one of history's worst presidential candidates and she is despised by most of the country.
If we focus on this too much, we'll lose sight of the real issues.
what's the purpose of putting clinton in jail if obama can just pardon her?