The 3.2 tonnes/kW+ thrust obtained in the second generation superconducting EMDrive WILL power flying cars !
They've tested 2G extensively, this is not speculation, Shawyer talks about applications at 5:53 and about flying cars specifically at 8:10 :
Trump literally just cancelled the wall so we could build a dome instead.
Henry Hill
Ayden Hill
Videos of gen 2 in action or its fake
Charles Kelly
You know there is anti air and fighter interceptors in the US right? You know radar picks up a lot right? Plus it gives Border patrol the ability to get to a location faster and the ability to drop the illegals back faster and further away. Drop their asses off in South America kind of far.
Noah Roberts
>spics being able to utilize advanced technology invented by whites
These people haven't even mastered mediocre engineering....
Colton Ortiz
>3.2 tonnes/kW+ thrust
Thems overunity levels of thrust.
Kevin Brown
why is it difficult for niggers to do concrete pours and build roads?
Robert Bennett
Mexican intellectual
Nicholas Robinson
Trump launches relativistic kill vehicle at Mexico in 5...4...3...2...
Cameron White
It would change the world as we know it.
Get fucked physics!
Michael Thompson
Ok, in all seriousness, anybody living in the west coast or Arizona, New Mexico and Texas should move up north before those states become Mexican colonies. They may have lost those territories in and business transactions, but they'll win them again culturally in sheer numbers, returning it all back its original 3rd world state.
Lincoln James
Flying cars would be trivial to target and shoot down.
Wyatt Smith
Yes, I'm sure all the illegals have flying cars easily at their disposal to just fly on over with.
Andrew Russell
Caleb Jackson
user, you are watching (((someone))) who did not create this technology act like he did.
>EM drive was invented in a garage by a 20 year old taking apart microwaves and building whatever he could.
(((they))) saw the potential and wiped the real story from history so they can use trash like this old fuck as a 'face' to appropriate the patents.
>ITT: billionaires killing one of mankind's greatest inventors and using actors and lies to steal his intellectual property, his patents, and his legacy.
fucking jews. If you invent something that can change the world user, a jewish billionaire will have you murdered, the information changed, and a pawn put your place.
Adam Butler
Undeniably, walls and fences have utility.
>muh, flying cars!!!
yeah I'm sure MEXICO will be the country to be flooded with flying cars. I mean is this a joke or what?