*blocks your path*
*blocks your path*
Other urls found in this thread:
*unzips penis*
*picks him up*
*folds in half*
*put in my pocket*
*cums on your face*
reported and saged
Is that Evilore?
Just let me go man...I don't want any trouble
How did this faggot get elected?
leaf him alone
you punch your enemies they win
*reveals I was a shadow clone jutsu*
*emerges from the ground in front of you*
*locks eyes and traps you in my genjutsu*
*shows you a world where you defeat me*
*you drop to the floor because I win*
Not so fast. If you kill me, I win.
*teleports behind him*
Gets kicked in the balls and head butted on the bridge of his nose then has his skull crushed with a black jack. I walk of whistling the national anthem.
*unsheathes katana*
Charges at him like bull.
Leaf falls over.
I'm Genderblender, you can't hit me, thats a hate crime ;^)
This is what happens when you have fucking Zac efron as president
Trudeau looks good with long hair
hearty kek
if you block my path you win
Stop blocking my path.
Counter with overhand right
Our PM is so badass
check these dubz from these classic shitposters.
*You win*
*tips fedora*
I was expecting you Mr.Trudeau...
its funny because he was a bouncer and looks like he's never weighed more than 175 lbs and maybe deadlifts 1.5x max.
if you fight your enemies they win
Little does he realize that I'm winning right now.
Looks like I'm gonna have to talk to Mr.Fiji and get that goddamn flute.
Problem, heretic?
Even if I lose, I win.
What now faggot ?
someone post that webm where he gets laid out in one punch to the face
seriously, he jabs like a fucking toddler
*pulls out illegaly purchased handgun*
*empties magazine into his chest and head*
*be hailed as hero forever for adverting Canadas doom*
Who on this board actually fights or is /fit/?
I started about 4 years ago. In high school I was a skinny as fuck string bean kid, got beat up a few times even being 6'2"
Picked up Powerbuilding and BJJ about 4 years ago. Now purple belt and 200lbs.
I would snap Trudeau like a twig.
Feels good not getting picked on any more desu.
What about the one where he fell down the stairs?
Trudeau is the same height and roughly the same weight judging when I met him. You'd probably win because of the BJJ but still it wouldn't be so one sided.
Pull out $20 and unzip my pants
> *empties magazine into his chest and head*
No one's going to point out his limp wrists? If he actually punched me like that he'd break something.
I was once sucker punched by a fellow leaf after putting my cigarette out on his friend's neck for stealing from me and this fucker straight up fractured his wrist in 3 places.
I can't believe how fucking retarded people are. No one in this country knows how to fight.
The back of my skull literally defeated a nigger.
But I'm built like Bradley Cooper in American Sniper and he's built like... Paul Ryan.
I doubt he weighs 200lbs.
He's skinny as fuck, and I've watched him fight....
I'm not sure if this is dancing, fighting, or some weird nigger mating ritual.
Also that baboon wearing the cross triggered me to all hell.
As expected of Canada: A literal case of "if you fight them, they win."
We would all win
what kind of niggotry is this?
>I win
*pulls ripcord on leaf blower
Canadians let women actually vote. Instead of just putting there vote in the trash and giving them the sticker.
>mfw boxing/wrestling since 1997
poles are so fucking based
Stop posting my face.
*turns 360 degrees and walks away*
Why is he so limp-wristed when he throws his punches?
>putting there vote in the trash
>there vote
Go back to English class and demand a refund. It's obvious that you didn't learn anything.
*draws katana*
>implying I don't win if he kicks my ass
*breaks shin*
Nuthin lid
20 great laffs. Le upvote for you, my friendo
>deadlifts 1.5x
I'm fairly certain that's the minimum amount a man should be able to bench press
Unsheathe this bad boy.
Nah, he isn't.