Have you done your part to defeat the Alt-Right movement?
This is now a tank thread.
>>Challenger tank best tank
"Alt-right" is effectively conservatism + ethno-nationalism (i.e., racism). Basically what 80% of Sup Forums is all about.
>it's not real guys, it's a MSM psyop
>the ((((alt-right)))) is a real, serious thing, and not a kike lugenpress boogeyman created to flase flag
i can see CTR and david brock are still fucking away kike sorosbux on this forum, even after the election
Poland you have nice tanks.
Or will have, technically.
It's just a stupid blanket term you mong.
>"Alt-left" is effectively liberalism + multiculturalsm (i.e. fuck white people n sheit). Basically what 80% of tumblr is all about
Quantity over quality.
Why what they been up to?
>t-72 cosplaying
defeating a fake enemy that never existed.
Looks like something out of command and conquer
New Polish tank based on T-72
wtf is an alt right?
purge the inner sphere
Not yet. The minute I see some uggo beta faggot scream "cuck" out in public I'll deck him in the jaw and keep walking
is that pic for real?
>no madcat
not posting the leo ...
leopard 3 when
>Purge the Inner Sphere
>Using shitty IS mechs
Give me a break, Freebirth.
its in progress
leo3 based on leo2 A4 codename MBT
Fuck off CTR.
Okay, I'll admit it. I was just trying to troll.
But seriously is no one going to comment on how faggoty the picture I posted is?
Sup Forums I am disappoint.
tits or gtfo