why did the Jews conspire to kill their fellow jew, Jesus Christ?

why did the God allow Jesus to be killed in this manner?


Other urls found in this thread:

basilica.org/pages/ebooks/St. Justin Martyr-The First Apology of Justin.pdf
biblegateway.com/passage/?search=John 10:28-30&version=NIV;KJV

Because he was able to multiply things out of thin air and he said it was bad to be greedy, which, most jews are.

Imagine, if there's free food and wine for all, how would you make money off those two products?
Remember, he also trashed them at the church.

Cuz he was a lunatic in the forefront of certain branch of supersticion.

The members of the supersticion it branced off of didn't like it, so the killed him for it.

Has it been all downhill for the Jews since jesus? It's weird to think they used to be so powerful. Maybe in the next 1000 years they will take over again

Spelling, Kåre.

Watch the passion of the Christ by Scorsese. The speech the Jewish plant known as Paul (Saul) pretty much sums up the purpose of the Jesus narrative. If you are further interested, read the Passover Plot

>Roman Empire

American education strikes again.

Because it was written, timeless, and fulfilled. God is Christ, Christ is God, Two persons of the same essence, to make of the Holy Trinity. Three essences of One God, distinct but inseparable.

>why did the Jews conspire to kill their fellow jew, Jesus Christ?

Because they, the Jews, thought Jesus was a heretic by preaching that he was/is the son of God. Plus he was embarrassing them left and right on scripture, tradition, and practice.

>why did the God allow Jesus to be killed in this manner?

Because of sin and as a sacrifice to pay as penence for sin. More over the way it was done is easily recognizable in showing what happened.

At the time of Jesus, the Jews wanted a military/political leader so they could take back what they felt was there's and they could stop being shat on 24/7
Jesus was a spiritual leader.
They didn't like that.

They didn't believe the Kike was for real
Now Trump is the Kike and they don't believe it again

If you haven't noticed, the world is run by an elite group of investors and bankers, 50% of which are confirmed Jews or married to Jews.

Also the Roman empire buttfucked Greece into submission and stole their culture, giving all their gods different names. (+ 1 lion fighting pit)

American education does suck though, I'll give you that.

Also, Jews didn't believe that Christ is the Messiah because they only thought in a worldly, temporal sense. They imagined (incorrectly) a king and army to vanquish the Romans and death.
As is evident throughout the Old Testament, the Jews became lost and idolatrous time and again, just as they did in their disbelief with Christ. Even after His death and Resurrection, the Jews (to become the Talmudist Jews) distorted the Old Testament in order to "disprove" Christ being the Messiah. This false Old Testament is the Masoretic Text, which sadly is used by Protestants.

God allows 100% free will

However you are judged on what actions you make.

Jesus literally saves thousands and the jews still murder him

They are judged accordingly

Two main reasons:

1. Imperfect Messiah
Jews produced messiahs by the sackful. They would come, brandish daggers, promise to lead the Jews to liberation, and promptly lead a failed rebellion. Jesus, by contrast, had a message that was open to all peoples (not just Jews, the chosen people) and he preached non-violence, which was most definitely not what a warrior-King would do. So, they turned against him for blaspheming and calling himself messiah when he obviously wasn't (in their eyes)

2. Self-Preservation
Caiaphas and the High Priests resented Rome, but they'd worked out a deal with Rome and Antypas to preserve their autonomy. Jesus, as "King of the Jews," was someone who would attract Roman attention and cause the Romans to comeback and possibly quash the nascent rebellion by killing many Jews. So, better to have him killed as a scapegoat than have the Romans target every Jew in Judea. Also, it helped that Jesus was a threat to their power and the corrupt temple

Well, you're not a Muslim or typical Protestant with that affirmation on Free Will.
What are you, if anything?

>why did the Jews conspire to kill their fellow jew, Jesus Christ?
Because he claimed to be God.
He is

>why did the God allow Jesus to be killed in this manner?
The wrath of God had to be satisfied. Jesus took all the wrath that was meant for us for every sin ever committed and that will be committed in the future.

They expected a political leader.
They got a spiritual leader.

>why did God allow Jesus to be killed in this manner?

The wages of sin are death. Before Jesus, to absolve themselves of sin, the Jews had to sacrifice animals without blemishes to the Lord. Jesus was the ultimate and final sacrifice, a man without any blemish. His death was God's way of redeeming us of our sins forever, now all we have to do to be forgiven is to repent and ask for forgiveness.

I hope you accept the red pill and join us in the faith, brother

He undermined their religion and their leader's authority

>the wrath of God had to be justified

Not so much "justified" as "fulfilled"

His wrath is always justified


Are you retarded?

He upset the Money Changers

> Give unto Caesar, what is Caesar's
Which means; don't sell your goods to Romans who use fake currency to steal all your wealth from you.

It is the same situtation as today with the Dollar.

Americans can literally usher their currency into existence and buy all the world's goods for NOTHING, ZERO.

This what Christ was trying to put a stop to, literally enslaving the nations through the Money Changers.


He was a bank hating hippy that declared all people equal under god! So the banks killed him!

I didn't write justified user. God doesn't need justification.

Because he was a hook-nosed, bastard child, closeted homosexual, hippy, self-hating Jew.
Traitor were often killed in those days, he had to go.

> Continued

This is the enemy in pic related

Wow I'm retarded. Sorry, I have no idea why I read it like that

As am I. But not many today affirm Free Will. You don't belong to a Church?
Catholic? Orthodox? Anglican?



>why did the Jews conspire to kill their fellow jew, Jesus Christ?

Because he had information that could indict hilary

quiet, Jeb.

Please clap.

Reminder that Pontius Pilate did nothing wrong.

mmm, I've been found out.

Theres forgiveness for you user.

jesus was a black jew that invented communism before marx was even born. All the SJWism is his fault. All christians are useful idiots and all marxists want is to control christians, but they cant because they are not that smart.

The biggest redpills on Jesus are that he truly existed and pretty much was the most significant martyr for being redpilled.

Jesus was probably one of the most enlightened individuals of all time.

The jews were SJWs and Jesus was the red pill.

He ended their chosen people bullshit, and essentially fucked up judiasm. Christianity was supposed to be the religion for the gentiles and all, Jesus came to teach us how to live right and also to give rest from all the oppressive and burdening filled religious traditions of the world. He showed us that we don't need to make sacrifices to angry God's, he took it up and became the ultimate sacrifice for humanity, it's a shame that the Jew's have infiltrated Christianity from the beginning and twisted it

Please clap

>the Jew's have infiltrated Christianity from the beginning and twisted it

It really is too bad it took me as long as it did to see how blue pilled the whole evangelical movement was. I can't believe I actually read Francis Chan and Mark Driscoll books. Literal trash.

Because it's all not true and Christianity is nothing but a modern incarnation of recurring solar myths.

God allowed this to happen on purpose because of the famous verse John 3:16 - For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

So simply put, we are all sinners, and the punishment that we deserve for our sins in death and hell. But, since God loves us, He sent His Son Jesus Christ to die on the cross as a sacrifice to pay for our sins. When he was on the cross, he was taking the punishment that we deserve for our sins. He stood in our place. God offers us the free gift of eternal life through faith in Jesus Christ. That means you believe that Jesus shed his blood and died on the cross for your sins, was buried, and resurrected from the grave. Basically, you are trusting in what Jesus did for us, NOT trusting in your own good deeds to earn your way into heaven. Also, the gift of God is eternal life. Once you are saved, you will always be saved. You cannot lose your salvation even if you sin, however you may still be punished here on this earth for your sins in the same way that a parent might discipline a child for disobedience. If you are interested just watch the video below for more detailed explanation.

>The Bible Way to Heaven

>Once you are saved, you will always be saved. You cannot lose your salvation

I always disagreed with that belief.


its literally a desert people god and there's people on pol that would prefer the company of brown christians than the entirety of pagan europe if the were sent back in a time machine?

so when did jew-jews make the pact with moloch? i think it all started there

like, when christ resurrected, he promised an eternal kingdom for those who believe in him. jew-jews basically said NO because they wanted it here on earth -- earthly, material possessions -- and the devil gave it to them as we can see today. throughout history. when was the pact made?

Jesus wanted to spiritually cut out the middle men when it came to God's relationship with his people and the rest of the world. just like Hitler to the jewy banksters. The Jewish high priests known as Pharisees were these power hungry middle men. And Jews can't give up control so they hung him out to dry. He came back tho and they've been henceforth cucked.

Can I get a sauce on this because I'm wanting to dive further into it

What the fuck are you?

What is your current denomination?

bassicaly he was a honorary gentile, says greed is bad, does not turn his eye to the evil, multiplies food.
the merchant cant even compare.

The bible mentions the star of remphan and the tabernacle of Moloch in acts 7:43.

So I'm guessing they always had that pact going.

>Once you are saved, you will always be saved
Nah, that's not correct. Salvation is a journey, both in this life and the next. Judgement and the Resurrection will be both body and spirit, as that is what Christ showed to be the case with the resuscitation of Lazarus and Christ's Own Resurrection.
"One saved, always saved" is a Protestant heresy started by those who did not read the Church Fathers and did not devote their lives to God as they did.
We cannot go "be saved" in an instant then go whore around and kill people until we die and still be "Saved". We must lead a Christian life, as instructed by Christ and taught by His Apostles to the world when they founded the Church.

Bonus passage for posterity.
Leviticus 18:21

I'm what I guess what would be considered agnostic, even though I'm just nonreligious, now. I was involved in Four Square, which is a terrible evangelical denomination. That might have been the church I went to, but I was personally non-denominational.

If I went back to religion I'd go with Orthodoxy.

is this one better than the Mel Gibson 2004 movie?

The OT was about the prophets trying to turn the mob and priesthoods away from Polytheism outside of its historical relativism.

Rome was essentially running Jerusalem under a puppet king Herod at the time. The Messiah is an almost archetypical revolutionary figure, whose end goal is to restore the Jewish state to Jewish sovereignty. There were many Messiahs around Jesus's time. Many were crucified, and their followers slaughtered for the crime of sedition. The messiah's probably had the support of many Jews.

But, it was Rome and those Jew's who benefitted from Roman rule (i.e. the corrupt priestly class and their corrupt High Priest) who had Jesus killed.

I would say the reason God allowed such a death is for the powerful social cohesion it provided the western world. A society told to abide Faith, Hope and Love in one another. Western society, simply put, pwned under this social fabric for 2,000 years, although it's disintegrating.

christ was an israelite, from israel, not a jew from judea. King herod was a jewish king who persecuted israelites to exemplify this distinction. The lord said the israelites would be lead out into a land of milk and honey, and thus they were led into north western europe. Look at the welsh language for example, it could be described as "aged" hebrew.

It's called The Last Temptation of Christ

In a way. The Catholic church has labeled it heresy for depicting Christ as someone who was uncertain of himself. His carpentry job actually being that he made crosses was also a really fucked up addition on the movie's part.

The ending message of the movie is 10 times more powerful than any Jesus story I've seen.

In my own words I will just sum it up simply by saying look back at John 3:16 again. He said "everlasting life" didn't he? What does the word everlasting even mean? If you can lose your salvation then by definition it wasn't everlasting. Now in the words of someone who actually knows more about it than I do personally and if you are legitimately interested in learning then I will again direct you to a video below.

>Once Saved Always Saved

Acts 7:54 When they heard these things, they were cut to the heart, and they gnashed on him with their teeth.

Acts 7:58 And cast him out of the city, and stoned him: and the witnesses laid down their clothes at a young man's feet, whose name was Saul.

He died for saying that, so I'm guessing they didn't immediately stop.



But there are actual texts from the 800s-1400s detailing it as well. I'll see if I can't find one. Basically though, the Greek Septuagint was written about 200 years BC, being the oldest surviving Old Testament. It was written by Jews on request (for a fee) by one of the Ptolemy Dynasty.

>The First Apology of Justin - Saint Patrick's Basilica, Chapt 31
basilica.org/pages/ebooks/St. Justin Martyr-The First Apology of Justin.pdf

>coming to conclusions based on one line from Scripture

jesus speaked hebrew or aramaic? whats the different between the two? isnt armaic/assyrian not jewish? the 2004 movie had subtitles

The Jews were pretty damn greedy and believed salvation was through works and sacrificing animals to atone for your sin and during festivals. So if you sinned, you would sacrifice a dove, or a lamb, or an ox, depending on the sin. It had a very rigid structure.

Jesus Christ continuously pointed out the Jews greed and their constant "holier-than-thou" attitude. They prided themselves on being more pious than one another.

Jesus came along and told them to forget about salvation through sacrifice, trying to one-up each other, and status. Instead he encouraged them to do works like taking care of the poor and people in a bad position and that they didn't need to sacrifice animals to atone for their sin. For belief in Jesus is the only way to salvation. This is why when Jesus died on the cross He became the sacrifice for all of our sins.

Further, Jews knew a messiah was coming, but as a lot of other anons mentioned they were expecting a great warrior king who would dominate like when David was king. Instead they got a hippy who pwned the elite Jews at every possible moment.

Different user here...

It's a difficult topic, but this verse makes it pretty clear:
biblegateway.com/passage/?search=John 10:28-30&version=NIV;KJV

I'm not certain how God does it, but it definitely worked in my life. I grew up in the church and was very devoted as a kid. Later on I spent 5 years of my life being an anti-Christian militant Atheist. He brought me back as an adult and now I go to church every Sunday again.

at the end of the old testament the jews having already turned their backs on god after having demanded a man king to lead them are now demoralized because all that they had selected turned into evil bastards

in this moment they corner god and ask when they will get a messiah. he basically told them when pigs fly

there is the lack of continuity between old testament and new testament. and even a shit load of rules added but the concept of forgiveness pushed despite the burnt offering being in the old testament

the entire new testament is fake without a doubt though i like the golden rule when coupled with eye for a eye (i dont care if im miss using eye for a eye eat a dick god burned down a entire city because of rules he never told them)


it's all there, huh? thanks

Both with some Latin due to the Roman occupation. He also probably knew every language due to being God and everything.

I didn't come to conclusions based on one line from Scripture. I summarized my belief based on one scripture then offered full details of my belief in a video directly below that. Again, if you are interested in learning about the fact that Salvation is eternal then it makes more sense to listen to an expert actually provide the proof directly out of the bible, which is why I linked to a video of a Pastor proving Once Saved Always Saved directly from scripture and also refuting some of the verses that are twisted to make it seem like you can lose your salvation.

the point is that when you personally know jesus christ, you will likely see through the evil's bullshit and you won't murder or rape cause why the fuck would you?
but theoretically, you might, but you are forgiven.

lol no. I was considering if this was even worth a (you)

Same reason why I'd have anyone killed that shills for equality and open borders if I had the influence.

Next level edge

> American with an opinion on religious matters

Your religion is being an abomination.

It's all I got for now. I've only been an adult Christian for about a year now. I haven't done a lot of research on that particular topic since I'm focusing on the basics.

Sorry I don't have more of an argument at this time.

>1 Corinthians 1:18: For the word of the cross is folly to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God.

>1 Corinthians 15:1-2: Now I would remind you, brothers, of the gospel I preached to you, which you received, in which you stand, and by which you are being saved, if you hold fast to the word I preached to you—unless you believed in vain.

>Romans 5:10: For if while we were enemies we were reconciled to God by the death of his Son, much more, now that we are reconciled, shall we be saved by his life.

There is not "instant salvation". Judas was a Disciple and knew Christ, yet he is in Hell and willfully betrayed Christ for silver.

It is a big mistake to believe that a person can make a onetime “profession of faith” and expect to enter Heaven regardless of their ensuing actions and behaviors. As Clement of Alexandria said, “It is neither the faith, nor the love, nor the hope, nor the endurance of one day; rather, ‘he that endures to the end will be saved.’” And in the words of Tertullian, “No one is a Christian but he who perseveres even to the end.”

again, as I stated here Judas met your requisites and yet still allowed the Devil to influence his decision of following his greedy heart.
Constant prayer and willingness and such to live a Christian life, of helping others, fasting, prayer, etc, will help bring you into God's Grace, though we will never comprehend Him. It will allow you to see the works of the Trinity all over the world, but also you will be attacked more by demons to lead you astray. Christ forgives, but you can't just say a magic word then sin the rest of your life. Many know Christ, even demons, but do they follow Him and His teachings?

I doubt judas is still in hell desu.

and the last part you mention is just another way of saying "don't off yourself before i'm back and we can all go to zion together."

there isn't instant salvation no, but no one finds daddy out of nowhere. believing is enough. that's why I died after all so don't go blaspheming on me.

Holy shit, I finally understand why some of you fags unironically hate Jews.
It's because of an old ass book you hump tells you Jews killed jesus and paints them in an evil light.

Honestly, some of you take the Bible way too seriously

Jesus wasn't a jew. he was an Israelite.

>Jews killed jesus and paints them in an evil light.

>15 “Away with him,” they yelled. “Away with him! Crucify him!”

>“What? Crucify your king?” Pilate asked.

>“We have no king but Caesar,” the leading priests shouted back.

>16 Then Pilate turned Jesus over to them to be crucified.

Yep. The last temptation of Christ decides to tell the story of Jesus in a mundane way and also decides to mix mystic elements with realism. Pretty good by the way.

Jesus is the son of man but also of God(when Jesus talks about being the son of God he talks about all the world beings sons of God, not only him), and now he has over his shoulders the destiny of humanity. Naturally he tries to prepare for this, and to accept his death. He gets scare of death/destiny and decides to run away. This leads to the end of the movie with him watching the end of the world and becaming the ONE. The whole ending is really powerful and shows an interesting interpretation of Jesus, going from a man to the chosen one to finally God in human form.

The human aspect of Jesus has always being interesting and it's a really important part of him.
If you want to read more about this interpretation of Jesus, watch the movie or read the book with the same name. The Gospel according to Jesus Christ of Saramago is also pretty good.

Both also explore a lot more of why he doesn't like happy merchants.

Jews are the devil's spawn.

They turned away from worshiping god to worship idols. Also they brought money and did business in God's temple. Where Jesus BTFO them kikes

what about jesus of nazareth 1977


7 hour film. do not want to waste time if it boring

It's no surprise that after the Jews rejected Jesus, the temple was destroyed, the priests ceased to exist and they became a rabble of Mammon-worshiping degenerates.

>wasting time
>Sup Forums
Just watch it

It is a heretical belief

Haven't see it. Probably going to.
The best way to watch long movies like that is to watch it like a mini-series.
Watch one hour and later another, or watch the whole movie in one go if you feel like it.
But from what I remember from a few reviews the movie is good.

Jesus wanst a christian he was just espiritual advanced person that knew how to use what we call superpowers or especial habilities and knew knowlead that is only knew before or after we are on this planet. and the jews modified his teachings in branewashed manner so they could contain people and easly control them,

It's actually an astrological story. Most of the New Testament is pretty much a ripoff of the Old Testament. It's fucking Turtles all the way down.

atheist here bumping the thread. i want to learn

How can I help? Where are you, roughly? There must be an Orthodox Church nearby I can find for you. Better yet if there is a Monastery.

It's a long, sort of complicated story. Once upon a time, in a land far, far away...

First, you have to understand who Israel of the bible actually is. Adam = to show blood in the face (i.e. blush). Only one people can do that. Jesus specifically stated he only came for the lost sheep of the house of Israel, who had been taken into captivity 700 years prior, were prophesied to lose their identity, and their language, but were to eventually be called "sons of the living god". There are many other blessings given to Israel that are only fulfilled by the Western nations, as detailed in the following links. All of this leftist craziness going on right now? Look at the curses for not following God, given in Deuteronomy. I could go on. I strongly implore you to not write this off as kangz shit. I assure you, it is not.



Everyone needs to read this guy's series on the tribe of Judah. It starts with the first newsletter.

The start of this "Judeo-Christian" nonsense was the Scofield Reference Bible. Written by a drunk who was willing to sell out to the Jew publishers for money.


He named the Jew and got executed. We know that much for sure. All the miracles and stuff is probably bullshit.