Listen up niggers. There is only 3 races as seen in pic related. Here are the rules.
>one drop rule when dealing with the droons. You're negroid ( mixed with caucus or mongs) >same goes for hapas. White+ yellow = yellow (You fucking weebs) >Hispanic is not a race. >Latinos are the nonbinary degenerates of the races. Either kill 2 negros to join the caucs or kys.
Order of importance goes: caucs>mongs>nigs
Any questions?
William Allen
>tripfag I hope you die a slow and excruciating death.
Josiah Reyes
Go back to you kiddy dungeon australia
David Collins
>one dropist >amerishart
i had enough of trash posters coming from that piece of shit continent
dustbowl 2.0 when
Gabriel Brown
I can only imagine what the khan did to your family tree. Is all dating for you technically incest?
Andrew Wood
Charles Brooks
Skull size is proportional to body size. Asians are on average the shortest race. So it's odd that this image depicts caucasion and mongoloid skulls as identically big and the negroid skull as the only small one. The reason why this image was made that way is because uneducated people think brain size is proportional to intelligence, which is false, so the guy made the negroid skull smaller.
Why are you people making it so easy to look down on you? I randomly visit this board and receive the confirmation again and again that you people are morons who are wasting space and resources with their worthless existence.
Lincoln Foster
this means poo in loos are caucasian
Colton Richardson
Obviously they are scaled by eye socket size to show that there is in fact brain volume difference when size is account for.
Run along Gunther and get another german girl for those "asian" guests of yours.
Jose Diaz
They have a caste system for a reason. Most are in fact negroid.
Ian Gomez
>three races
You forgot Australoid (abbos) and Capoid (San people)
Aiden Morales
No, I refuse to be associated with Germanics and Slavs.
Nathaniel Gomez
>Implying they are concentrated negroid.
You know it's true
Joshua Baker
Nobody has ever denied that, it's people who try to meme that "Caucasian = white" that spark meme wars here.
Joshua Wilson
Nice seeing you in Sup Forums now get the fuck out.
Joshua Brown
Samuel Mitchell
The Latinos are defiantly in denial.
David Cook
Abbos have a shit load of Homo Denisovan in them. Their bone structure is is completely different from the other three groups.
Capoids are the "purist" homo sapian there is, no neanderthal, no sub-species admixtures unlike every other homo-sapiens group.
Despite superficial resemblance such as skin color and hair, they are not close congoid/negroids because Africa had sustained isolated pockets for millions of years.
Eli Anderson
Well shit back to the drawing board.
Bentley Parker
Also, south Indians aren't negroid, they're more like Caucasoid/Australoid hybrids.
Ethan Bailey
>mfw there are other tripfag shitposters in my board
Austin Watson
Get a job and maybe you can get a pc that can hash a better tripcode
Camden Bennett
Jacob Robinson
Hey, Swud?
Landon Long
Proportionally negroids have smaller skulls than caucasoid and mongoloid people in comparison to their bodies.
If you got an average negroid and caucasoid of the same height, the caucasoid would have a bigger skull.
Also, White Male Black Female pregnancies are something like 79% done through C-section because the skulls of white babies are bigger than the skulls of black babies.
Joshua Taylor
Outdated and discredited.
Landon Thomas
I'll shit on you
Sebastian Reed
I get it you checking me digits.
Ayden Murphy
>White+ yellow = yellow
I'm a mix of white and black and I identify as white. Why not? It's arbitrary to look at a dab of gray paint and say "it's white" or "it's black". Technically it's neither. But if you're going to insist that it's black, you also have to accept it when others say it's white. So I'm white.
Tyler Mitchell
Plz see
Daniel Thompson
Now I know why everyone hates tripfags
Charles Martin
Hudson Thompson
>uneducated people think brain size is proportional to intelligence, which is false
It's generally true - and true across species - that the bigger the brain *relative to the size of the body*, the smarter the individual. It's relative size that counts, not absolute size, but size does matter.
Charles Gray
Nope. I reserve my right to participate in this board as a white supremacist. I'm not even joking. I'm white in every way. Trust me, I fit in at the Harvard gentleman's club more than I ever would at a Kanye concert. I wear Brooks Brother's for pete's sake. I only come to /pol to see how my redneck cousins are doing.
Nope. White.
Benjamin Cook
Only a leaf would think identity politics matter here.
Zachary Foster
Black people in western countries all have white in them, so when they see a lighter mulatto they don't really see him as being "different".
Africans, however, can and so can whites and both claim the mulatto looks more like the other.
Matthew Adams
>Only a leaf would think identity politics matter here.
This place us nothing but identity politics. What are you smoking?
Evan Hughes
>AHAHA BLACK GUY LAFFEEEN >See I'm not twiggered!!!