Who just scrolls thorough street view in remote and rural parts of Iran?
Zachary Lewis
wow a girl! what a finding it's like half the fucking population doesn't exist
Oliver Young
>women not dressing moderately in public Thank you, I have forwarded this image to the basij. Hopefully she gets the beating she deserves soon
Nicholas Williams
I'm looking for a waifu.
Asher Reed
refugees belonging to terrorist cells searching places back home and then posting on an anonymous website as if they were not from there
Jackson Sullivan
Is the image uploaded by someone called meneiro? Pbly a tourist with his gf. Also she doesnt look very iranian.
Joshua Walker
She actually does look Iranian.
There are basically two castes of Iranians. The first one is pureblooded Persians who look mildly white.
The other part is Kurds and arabic Iranians who are subhuman shitskins.
Charles Collins
aren't we all
Logan James
Prolly tourist.
In those fatal few mintues of ignorant bliss where she thinks Iran is a place where women are not harrased and murdered for showing their face.
Carter Turner
Elijah Allen
Iranians are like the model minorities here. Sadly my moronic countrymen can't differentiate between the noble Persian and the common dunecoon.
Julian Hill
What is it with all the Iranian shills as of late? Is it just the diasporafags trying to convince us they're white? Or does Sup Forums unironically believe these sandnigger shitskins are white
Girl in OPs pic has dyed hair too btw And her skin is that color from light reflection
Luke Cook
Please stop saying mummy while posting this whore it is too cringey even for Sup Forums.
"In 1219–21 the Khwarezmian Empire suffered a devastating invasion by the Mongol army of Genghis Khan. According to Steven R. Ward, "Mongol violence and depredations killed up to three-fourths of the population of the Iranian Plateau, possibly 10 to 15 million people. Some historians have estimated that Iran's population did not again reach its pre-Mongol levels until the mid-20th century."
Christopher Kelly
Stahp. We wuz Cyrus and Xerxes and sheet.
Alexander Clark
Looks Iranian/Persian. Pureblooded Persians are white.
Sauce of knowledge: my hairdresser is Persian.
Zachary Russell
get a like, ya fookin' leaf
Justin Nelson
>guillermo meinero
obvious italian tourist
girl looks pretty damn italian too
Ayden Russell
The photo is quite overexposed, isn't it Ahmed ?
Easton Morgan
Joseph Roberts
Real Iranians are white and I hope that one day they manage to gas the Arabs.
Nicholas Mitchell
Caleb Nguyen
there's no "pure blooded Iranian" just Mongol scraps and rape babies
Jason Garcia
There are some families and smaller communities of Iranians who are still Persian.
Parker Taylor
Iranians are the original Aryans.
Cameron Collins
>Real Iranians are white Too bad they represent only 0.0000001% of the iranian population
Justin King
Last night I dreamed I was cuming inside of mummy and she was smiling at me with her blue eyes
Luke James
what scraps the Mongols left were already mixed with Arab invaders
sorry to break it to you but there's never been anything pure blooded in that region
just slaves and slaughter
Jack Baker
what's her real name?
Adam Hill
stfu %60er racemixed immigrant trash sharter
persians are white just like turks. we just have too many ar*b and mongol racemixed subhumans
Matthew Moore
>Persians are white just like the Turks Bless your delusional little roach heart. Persians may be "white" but Turks are all sub human niggers
Owen Richardson
mummy is my fuck toy
Ian Foster
>what is reverse image search Her name is Natalia Poklonskaya.
Parker Morales
Mummy is not for lewd!
Gavin Williams
this comment wins the internet >"persians are white just like turks"
yeah uhm I'm European born 0% non-euro dna
ps pic related
Hunter Thomas
Lurking through Northern Canada can be fun too.
Cameron Walker
Lucas Allen
It's probably a trap. And I don't mean that she has a dick.
Zachary Roberts
i have family in iran and visit regularly it's honestly nothing like what you guys make it out to be. granted, the government sucks and is oppressive but the people are pretty normal.
Jackson Brown
Looks Persian to me...
But of course, you wouldn't know that... You need to kill them all, goy
Elijah Sullivan
Abandoned commieblocks in northern Russia are pretty spooky.
69.701268, 170.261215
Joshua Sanchez
>it's honestly nothing like what you guys make it out to be. granted, the government sucks and is oppressive
so it's exactly like we make it out to be
Christian Perry
Let me know when Iran goes back to how they were before the 80s.
Kevin Peterson
>>guillermo meinero >obvious italian tourist what bait? That's no italian. Neither the name nor the surname. Gotta be hispanic
Charles James
A pure Turk would look like a Mongol (or Kazakh), you faggot. Turks aren't white and the ones that are "white" in your country are descended from Greeks.
>Spotted on a Google street view/photoshpere in the middle of rural Iran. They don't even have Google streetview in Iran.
Leo Walker
Pure turks are pretty hot desu
Aaron Barnes
This is what a pure Turk looks like.
Parker Reed
Hence the "photosphere" remark, people can still upload their own photos.
Brayden Long
They do. I just tried it.
Kayden Nguyen
So that's what it was.
Andrew Flores
We Iranians range from white skin (but not same reddish/pink skintone as Europeans) to brown. The large population centers are in the north and so most there have either white skin or light brown skin.
Further down the country we have a bit darker skin.
I am Iranian - this is the truth.
PS: Did you know we have african-Iranians in Iran :) they are bro-tier :)
Angel Barnes
>pretty normal
all the women are forced to wear rags on their heads or their breasts and parents will be chopped up
Logan Rivera
I knew it. Under all those burkas are hot white chicks. Thats why they cover them up.
Josiah Butler
>flag >family in iran go back
Angel Evans
what's your comment on this >white skin you mean translucent Mongolian skin?
Connor Perry
stfu with ur retarded propaganda u piece of shit
Brayden James
Yes the mongols slaughtered us but they didn't stay, settle and replace us. There is almost no mongolian ancestry.
Luke Allen
Justin Diaz
>you mean translucent Mongolian skin
No I mean like the lady on the left in this picture White but not the same pink skintone as Norwegians.
Oliver Roberts
IT DOES LOOK LIK MUMMO!! veru nice its good wen boys cum in their mummys cos it brings them closer but always use protection!!!
John Collins
>Photo posted by "guillermo Meinero"
what a veinless leaf
Caleb Gonzalez
Shut up Peter
Joseph Diaz
Evan Perry
>non-white Argentinian in Argentina for a non-white Iranian in Iran. LEAFS! STOP! Is your post necessary?
Kevin Baker
you don't know shit burger. we were white before mixing with chinks
mongols= chinks + turks
Jordan Collins
Shills who like o make things up
Daniel Rodriguez
>32.370118, 58.753521 why can't i find these
Liam Baker
There are tonnes of very very pale white beautiful Scandinavian looking people in the Middle East.
Nobody knows how or why they are there, it is believed that they are definitely not left overs from the crusades.
Ethan Barnes
Who is anzu
Carter Gonzalez
X Leaf shitposting confirmed
Easton Baker
Why do you think white people are called "aryan"?
David Baker
This. /thread
Lincoln Foster
The first one was a bit off, pan up and to the right a bit.
Second one is around the top Quebec.
Zachary Foster
>be me >be Persian >go to LA for vacation >walking down Hollywood Boulevard >see white qt with blond hair and blue eyes >try to talk to her >speaks Persian and and keeps repeating "no english" >speak Persian back >She gets suprised >tells me in Persian she already has a boyfriend
Samuel James
Yes, a lot of Iranians have white skin. Arabs too, but started off brown. Mongols fucked the Persians up though, so only a few are left.
Christopher Evans
Logan Gonzalez
iv seen a couple iranians in iran that looked like swedes, what's wrong turkroach? jealous that you can't be that white and join Europe?
Isaiah Bailey
You're the last nation to talk about whiteness on earth. Loaf the fuck up
Samuel Cox
Didn't think they had trees like that in the desert.
Brandon Price
Turks arent actually Turks. They are culturally raped Lydians/Anatolians with 10-15% turkish blood.