Name one reason that Shoe0nHead gets views besides the fact that she's hot.
Name one reason that Shoe0nHead gets views besides the fact that she's hot
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I can't remember a word she has ever said.
She bashes SJWs and Feminism.
I want her to fuck my dick.
She cucks white boys and it makes their little peepees tingle
Noone ever will, faggot. Enjoy your Pepes.
I'm still not convinced she isn't Boxxy.
The novelty of Boxxy still being a thing, I guess.
because it's the closest thing the average Sup Forums neckbeard will ever have to a female agreeing with what he says
I'd fuck her in the butt, if you know what I mean.
She looks like my ex but actually has a brain so I like to fantasize that I am fucking her like I fucked my ex and have sad cums at 3AM before crying myself to sleep because she was a closet lesbian only dating me to try and force herself straight and I was never wanted and never will be
I think Shoe0nhead is a pretty cool gal. Eh kills SJW's and doesn't afraid of anything.
>the fact that she's hot
I'm pretty sure that's the opposite of a fact.
She's a coalburner
>what did he mean by this??
>name one reason
>but not this reason
she's a woman against SJWs
She looks like boxxy
She liked the new Ghostbusters.
Look it up. She thought it was good.
She officially has shit taste in absolutely everything and is only popular because she talks about how much she likes being fucked and how she's into DDLG.
You understand this is a jewess, correct? Into the oven with all the rest.
She's not that hot doe
She's kind of a relic, a throwback to the old internet and how it was pre-2014 (or pre-2013, somewhere around there).
I know she shills here to promote her content, she knows her target audience. But either she is out of date with the times, or Sup Forums is still in a world of it's own. She tries to bridge the gap between Sup Forums and more 'normie' places like twitter and youtube but it doesn't work. So when she shills her content here it seems very out of place.
its even worse...
she is a leafblower
damn dude
Not even hot. Too much make up.
Good editing and humor is what puts her above Lauren Southern and Margaret imo
>She looks like boxxy
literally who
She looks like a down syndrome version of Boxxy
>how she's into DDLG.
Hot. Link to her talking about it?
>being this new
who is this bitch and why do beta orbiters on here shill for her ?
Bashing SJW/Feminism is fucking 2013-tier. It's completely low-hanging fruit.
Also, Shoeonhead is a coalburner.
There is none.
most critics thought it was good
you are autistic
Because people think she is Boxxy, but she is just some coalburner who somewhat resembles Boxxy.
>this new
>being this new
ꕤ Sup Forums Pass user since August 2016
>tfw boxxy is a feminist whore now
Nothing is sacred anymore
At least we have Angie Verona, she's my new waifu
>Please someone translate
>doesn't afraid of anything
Sure is 2008 in here.
oh my mistake buddy, might want to display your Sup Forums pass next time
You're not hot.
Sage goes in all fields
>most critics thought it was good
>you are autistic
most critics also went to art school, whats your point doesn't make them any less retarded
lol. He took the bait that Sup Forums is dying...
Her fat retard boyfriend.
Film critic intellectuals are a bunch of gaywads. WHy would you listen to them?
>being this old.
lolno. But she makes up for it with a good sense of humor.
Newfags can 7 in 2016
i wonder what she really looks like, all i see is makeup.
I recognise this artist
Its that manga about that cake office qt right
How old is she anyway?
She reminds me of my mother.
She has a pretty nose.
she's hot in her niche, there's no competition for her other than lauren southern who looks odd in some angles so she essentially is pretty, relative to how little females of note are spewing shit she says.
But I bet you cant triforce
>Because people think she is Boxxy,
I thought she was for a teeny bit too. But most people don't know what a Boxxy is. Not even on Sup Forums these days.
I don't give a shit about her taste in movies or her degeneracy, you guys wanted a reason she gets views and I gave you one.
Because people spam her on places like Sup Forums
I don't get it.
Is that like some girl who sucks off canadians?
Rode her boyfriend's coat tails, he also sucks, and parrots views fat redditors themselves have, making them think they could get their very own moderately attractive ambiguously brown gf.
There are only two good anti-SJW types out there, tl;dr, and Blair White, who's literally a Tranny
She isn't remotely hot you simping bitch. Mildly cute I'll give you. Hot? You need to be 18 to post here faggot.
>implying this isn't her promoting her own channel here against the rules.
She looks like a anorectic version of Boxxy.
I'm perfectly okay with that.
Checked desu senpai
most critics are SJW
She is smart and funny, Kyle
filthy coalburner
why are you shilling her tyrone?
I mostly do enjoy her content because she reminds me of the pre tumblr, pre sjw days when people were still normal and not so obsessed with race and gender. She's one of the few normal people left.
Pupinia is better. Prove me wrong. Protip you can't.
i bet she screams REEEEEEEEEEEE when she is cumming.
>it's 2008 all over again
>Because people think she is Boxxy
I thought she was and you made me look it up
I thought that faggot jim sterling was also the faggot son from pawn stars to for the longest time
She's hot? What? "She"? What the fuck?
Rekts SJW's and doesn't afraid of anything.
>weird chin
>still kinda hot tho
you mean to tell me that isn't boxxy?
I'll be dipped in shit
She's cuter than Boxxy
I'd give her 5 dollars, call her young lady, and tell her not to spend it all in one place.
>mfw still waiting to laugh at her woman made jokes
Too fat to be her
>people thinking Shoe is a she
>it's 2008 all over again
I want to go back
She looks like a ferret.
I want to fuck your mother.
with a quantum leap mabe. but i get the comparison. Shoe can be to Sup Forums what boxxi was to Sup Forums. but shoe still not thete. I think she voted clinton and Sup Forums will never forgive her for that
whoa so deep man im gonna go sub
shes slutty
>Answer my question
>But do not give me the correct answer
Counter-point: Sword, something her boyfriend collects.