How can free-market capitalist kikes even compete?
How can free-market capitalist kikes even compete?
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they'll subvert
One of the best economists alive today who BTFOs free market capitalist lies.
SEA, the EU and the US can combine to fight the Jews and they'll lose. There's a reason we rule world
Fuck off Melbourne
>implying that book contributes anything that Ha-Joon Chang says
Holy fuck you ignorant retard stfu already
>Thomas Sowell
mah nigga
>trusting a black neocon kike who is a mouthpiece for the Koch brothers
>He has served as a consultant to the World Bank, the Asian Development Bank, the European Investment Bank, as well as to Oxfam[7] and various United Nations agencies.[8] He is also a fellow at the Center for Economic and Policy Research[9] in Washington, D.C. In addition, Chang serves on the advisory board of Academics Stand Against Poverty (ASAP).
>Chang's contribution to heterodox economics started while studying under Robert Rowthorn, a leading British Marxist economist,[13] with whom he worked on the elaboration of the theory of industrial policy, which he described as a middle way between central planning and unrestrained free market. His work in this area is part of a broader approach to economics known as institutionalist political economy which places economic history and socio-political factors at the centre of the evolution of economic practices.
He's a cryto-socialist marxist faggot, and so are you straya.
>saged and hidden
Thomas Sowell:
- doesn't believe in a federal minimum wge
- wants free trade and supports the TPP and supported NAFTA - he loves immigration becuase that's why his kike overlords at the CATO and Hoover institute want
- he supports neocon war mongering
- doesn't believe in providing the citizens of America with proper health care even though every single developed Western country has it
- doesn't believe in regulating the kike banks
This guy is a mouthpiece for the kike neocon overlords. Anyone who believes this guy is a blue pilled faggot.
>hasn't read a single one of his books or talks
>assumes his economic idealogy and political idealogy from a 1 minute skim of his wikipedia page
Fuck off you ignorant Amerifat retard. This is a thread for real discussion. Ignorant fucks like you need to fuck off and die for ruining a once great board.
.t never read Sowell
>saged and hidden again
take the marxism back to tumblr, faggot
Is that Ha-Joon Chang?
Bad Samaritans made some good arguments but huge misrepresentations.
Can you please kill yourself communist scum
I have read Sowel dummy. The guy is a neocon war monger who supports unrestricted capitalism because that's what his neocon kike financiers want him to believe and spread
>yes goy financial regulation is bad! the banks should have all the power and shouldn't be put into line
Not an argument, fag.
Not supporting unregulated free market capitalism that has lead to all of the West's problems does not mean I'm a communist.
Do you even know what you're talking about? Do you even know that neoliberalism free market policies of the 1970s have led to all the problems that we face in the West? From the mass immigration from the destruction of the family unit from the outsourcing of manufacturing jobs from mass globalization -- all this can be tied to the neoliberal policies of Reagan and Thatcher. You ignorant fucks are a disgrace to the real wing movement for sucking up to these globalist free market kike policies. Scum!
Milton Friedman, Thomas Sowell, The CATO institute, Hoover Institue, etc. all you free market kikes need to be purged from the real right wing movement.
Learn what fiat currency is and does before you talk about banks. Banks operate the way they do purely due to state influence
Capitalism doesn't exist in the West
>Start out as basic bitch Leftie "the gubmint should provide everything"
>9/11 moved me to basic bitch Conservatism
>Get into Right-Libertarianism and the Austrian school
>Realize the inapplicability of Austrian prescriptions or descriptions in a society where
1. States exist (whether they should or shouldn't is irrelevant) and cause market distortions
2. Sub-90 IQ people exist, and are not rational actors
>Crack open Das Kapital
>Don't agree with Marx on everything, but look at property, capital, and transactions in a more philosophical way
>Look into the Cambridge Capital Controversy
>Adjust views accordingly
Are not the free market capitalist kikes the ones who repelled Glass Steagall and Dodd-Frank and other regulations that limited the power of the banks. Are they not responsible for the current mess that we are in?
Imho all these banks need to be nationalized. Hitler, Mussolini, Stalin, etc. all these guys got it right when it comes to banking and the vast influence that international PRIVATE financiers have on a government and society. Bankers need to be hanged and shot.
I say this as a fascist not as a socialist or commie as many people are accusing me of being.
They can't, because a Free Market is not a Competitive Market
The mess we are in is due to fiat currency and the sweet lies of statism; the lies of Jews like Straus or the lies of Jews responsible for cultural marxism.
Discussing how inept free market capitalism is makes no sense since you are basing capitalism from corporatism, which is caused by the state.
If you remove fiat currency, then we don't we need to argue about running things the way we do now, which is equivalent to managing a fire in your house.
They'll run out of water within the next decade.
Screencap this.
Firstly that doesn't prove anything. Whether or not the term is a real doesn't negate the truth that free market capitalists think that by cutting down taxes for the uber rich this will create jobs and the money will eventually trickle down to the middle and lower classes. This is what they believe, lol. In reality this isn't true.
Growing economies always engage in protectionism to protect their new industries from outside competition this is how they grow initially once they reach a certian point where they can outcompete other companies then thats where free trade comes in. America is prosperous precisely because it adopted protectionist policies throughout its early history.
Fuck off this board you dirty Melbourne hippy
>going against free market capitalist kike principles of friednman and his dirty kike friends means I'm a socialist
Lol get educated you massive faggot. Read about Hitler and Mussolini's views on economics, they are completely against the views that modern right wingers advocate. I'm a real nationalist/fascist unlike you subversive scum who have taken over the right wing movement. The real right wing movement has always been anti-free market capitalist, it has always advocated for big government.
Free market capitalism has destroyed the family unit, it has commoditized culture, has lead to the rise of globalization/globalism, it has lead to mass degeneracy, it has lead to everything that we traditionalist and nationalists cry out against.
Capital and banks and corporations have no national integrity and loyalty -- they will go wherever they can to make a profit. If it means that allowing the immigration of hordes of third world slime into a country will decrease wages so they can make more profit they will advocate for it.
The white working class needs jobs, good health care, good schools, good infrastructure, etc.. It doesn't need free trade that takes away its jobs and low taxes for the billionaire bankers and corporate kikes.
I know it's hard for a brainwashed retard like you to understand these things because you assume that anyone who questions free market dogma is a socialist but you need to read more.
>unregulated free market capitalism that has lead to all of the West's problems
>Not corporatism
>Not blowback from military interventions
>Not regulatory capture
>Not sub-90-mean-IQ-races
His book was referring mostly to developing economies
His analysis of protectionism in post-WW2 USA was pure autism
He completely ignored the effect of the change in immigration policy on per capita GDP
He also ignored the fact that America's economy is so big that it's less reliant on exports
In short, OP read one econ book and now debates people online
you don't even know hat you're talking about.
I should add that Gook Ha-Chink's book does make some good arguments, but they apply mostly to undeveloped economies
>posts picture of a Sup Forums screenshot that supposedly dissporves ha-joon chang
>claims I don't know what I'm talking about
lol abdul you are funny
Corporatism is a meme. In reality its just the inevitable result of allowing corporations to garner too much power through the same economic policies. Break up the big banks and big corporate monopolies and you get rid of corporatism.
Sub-90-IQ mass immigration is the result of corporations needing low wage workers. Same with the rise in work visas from India and China. It's all about reducing the cost of labor.
Military intervention is always necessary in capitalism because 1) oil companies always thirst for new supplies of cheap oil and war is a good way to obtain this and 2) banks profit greatly from war because they give out massive loans to governments to finance such wars. This is really basic stuff.
>Meme-tier nazi rhetoric
Holy shit, you're a fucking psycho
Do you realize that Hitler's economic model was almost identical to that of China?
He Chinese are not living very well
Neither did the Italians under Mussolini.
Are you really trying to say that Hitler wasn't a left winger when it came to economics?
- nationalized the banks
- created government funded work programs
- had universal health care, strong welfare state and other benefits to the working class
- spent massive amounts money on defense research and on the military
- advocated for wealth distribution, attacked income inequality
- advocated for strong regulations of corporations and financial institutions
Hitler was considered an enemy of free market economics.
Like I said. Get educated. Faggot.
>biggest recovery in economic history
>somehow the nazis had bad economics
Lol you are fucking dumb.
>Corporatism is a meme.
So firms don't lobby the state for special protections and make markets asymmetric?
>In reality its just the inevitable result of allowing corporations to garner too much power through the same economic policies.
The banking industry exists in the state it does because it is backed by the State and the taxpayer.
The oil industry exists in the state it does because it is backed by the State and the military.
The media exists in the state it does today in part because the state uses the media conglomerates to push its propaganda and vice versa.
>Sub-90-IQ mass immigration is the result of corporations needing low wage workers.
I'd argue this is the case in part, but the other part are rent-seekers in government like social workers, educators, and hell, even prison guards needing a raison d'etre
>Military intervention is always necessary in capitalism because 1) oil companies always thirst for new supplies of cheap oil and war is a good way to obtain this
It seems we agree on this point
>2) banks profit greatly from war because they give out massive loans to governments to finance such wars. This is really basic stuff.
Which is why we need to quell the state, not the market.
>Nazi system was best political system
>regime collapsed in 18 years
Keep masturbating to Hitler, fanboy
Because they lost the war you dumb faggot and got fucked by the kikes afterwards. They were forced to pay reparations and punished by the banks and the allies.
The Nazis were right about everything. Including economics.
Hitler's economy was absolutely unsustainable
>or at least it was without new assets to conquer
German gov revenue 1928
>10 billion marks
>12 billion marks in spending.
German gov revenue 1939,
>15 billion
> 30 billion
>German Debt @ start of WWII
> 40 billion Reichsmarks
30 billion Reichsmarks.
September 1939
>Two options for Germany:
1. war
2. bankruptcy
>Also, the Autobahn project was started under Weimar Germany
Anyone can come up with the brilliant idea of
>increase spending
>take others' resources
>GDP up ;^)