Think we need Sup Forums to get on the fucking case now.
R/Pizzagate is getting shut down
>it's nothing, goy
Bumping new pedophile lead connected to We The Pizza
bump dis
Fuck leddit.
Daily reminder that the mods from the_donald and r/wikileaks have all been changed on the very day that Assange went offline.
Daily reminder that there has been no PGP signed messages from wikileak's twitter since Assange went offline.
Daily reminder that the mods are The_Donald just posted saying that talking about Assange and Pizzagate is considered offtopic because "this sub is about Donald Trump". A few lines later he goes on about how it's A-OKAY to talk about Hillary Clinton though in, you know, the sub about Donald Trump but not about the wellbeing of the one guy he owes the election to. He also goes on and on about how this decision is to avoid clutter in the sub and to not make it lose credibility as if libshit reddit has ever owed it any. And while concerns about assange are "clutter", apparently re-re-re-re-re-re-reposting things such as Hillary fainting is A-OKAY though.
Daily reminder that Assange has not been seen since the day he went offline, whereas he used to show up at the window all the time.
Daily reminder that newest wikileaks files don't match precommitment hashes, meaning that they are NOT the original files and have been tempered with.
Daily reminder that on the day Assange's internet got cut down, we have witnessed one of the biggest DDoS attacks of history that took down entire DNS servers and most likely tempered with Assange's dead man switch.
Daily reminder that wikileak's bitcoin wallet has been emptied 3 days ago.
Daily reminder that mods at r/wikileaks and r/whereisassange have been banning people that are raising concerns on his whereabouts.
Daily reminder that in every single thread about Assange here there as been an italian flag, among some others from the US, trying to reframe what people say in a bad way to discredit them just like CTR shills loved to do.
Daily reminder that you're being played and everything from reddit through wikileaks is compromised.
Daily reminder that they won.
Leddits layout hurts my autismo
That's the hearthstone logo you mong
wtf I just subscribed to this subreddit 20 minutes ago
fucking kikes meddling into this shit again. My fucking ass personal information
Daily reminder that in order to get inside the equatorian embassy where Assange TOTALLY is at you now need EXPRESS AUTHORIZATION from the equatorian government.
Daily reminder that Sweden authorities nor Assange's own fucking LAWYER could not talk or even see him but apparently washed out whores like Pamela Anderson, who is linked to spirit cooking, and a journalist are A-OKAY to see him.
Don't let them control the narrative here because reddit has been entirely compromised. This place is the LAST bastion of truth.
They will never win, faggot.
Whelp shit it was certainly fun while it lasted
>doesn't know why this place is called cuckchan
You guys are adorable
Too late. Reddit needs to die. We will not create a safes pace for you cucks to browse here.
Please, keep bumping this, we need anons on this, this isn't just some shitty conspiracy theory, this is some real shit.
James Alefantis himself answering questions on pizzagate.
Here is the video.
So these two guys @Deplorable4L and @awoll2016 demonstrated outside Comet Ping Pong using big ass signs of his insta posts.
They asked him about the photo where the little girl is taped, to which he said she's playing with her sister.
Next question was about the pic of the child chewing on the stacks of euros, to which he said it was s a joke.
Now, these questions were fairly easy to dodge for him.
Those two guys are gng there tomorrow again. We can get them to ask some real questions we need answers to..
Also we need to figure out what to ask this motherfucker that will expose him or if they can record him without him knowing.
Reminder that Ian Murdoch, founder of Debian which has a similar logo, was suicided last year in order to cover up his plans to leak all the pedo stuff in going on in silicon valley
Not if we let them. Sup Forums is the last place that can freely talk about all of this because they have gotten a total hold of reddit as of now and normies are too retarded to notice.
But even though this is the last place to talk about this, it is still under attack. Just wait a bit and the italian man will probably show up just like all the other shills that try to control the narrative such as a guy yesterday posting in every single thread an argument that narrowed down to the invisible robes of the emperor analogy, in the sense that you're smart if you agree with him and dismiss anything I've said and stupid if you don't. You know, just like CTR shills did throughout the entire election by trying to imply that if you vote Trump you're stupid and if you vote Hillary you're smart?
This whole shilling operation is MUCH bigger than what happened in the election because they are obviously trying to cover the fact that they killed Assange or took him to some Guantanamo tier hellhole.
Also, another thing before I forget: in the interview of Assange with John, they NEVER showed up even once in the same frame nor does Assange reference a SINGLE recent event. There are also signs of editing on the video when Assange.
Also, the phase 3 that was promised never happened. Assange also never referenced even once in the interview about the 10 year celebration which he had previously talked so highly about in anticipation.
please more info on this. I know about his death but more about that he had plans to leak stuff?
>we need Sup Forums to get on the case now
Nigga plz....
At what point do we just start fucking shooting?
that pizza shit goes to deep. I'm looking at the start of this rabbit hole knowing I dont want to go deeper. Plus, i'm drained
Make fun of a casual like me all you want, but this shit is for real, historically, Sup Forums has solved problems. This is one worth trying to at least get a grasp on.
Do it man, all this twittergate bullshit proves that this organization of pedophilia is possible and that it's right under our noses!
Murdoch was nothing else than a schizo. Ignore him.
The level of pathetically crazy is too much for me to handle.
I am having troubles fucking sleeping at this point of how fucked we are.
Voting Trump was nice and all. But this is a different dimension of difficult and frankly dangerous.
Not to mention how much I liked Assange... Which most haven't even considered. Its like losing a childhood hero but worse.
Its real fucking life and this hero couldn't even sacrifice himself because what he tried to do was thwarted and now we'll never know about the fucked up pedo shit (and God knows what) is going on.
Our lives are so fucking Godless
Be broke this story you fucking faggot. I've been staying up till 5am websleuthing while you redditors recycle old info
This shit came and went 4 months ago.
Giving up now amounts to giving up on those children.
Giving up now means decades more of this unthinkable satanic shit.
Giving up now means giving up on God and letting the literal satanists win.
Stop bitching and get going, if there is a god he won't like your excuses.
>mfw these pizzagate threads
cool I love ARGs
Tell me what to do.
Why the fuck do people even use this shitty site? Everything gets censored or moderated.
Yes of course, good goyim
Ahhhh get ready for even more Reddit cancer
We're been coopted. You let faggots like David Duke make themselves welcome. Now the normies think we're one in the same because you didn't repudiate the interlopers.
David Duke did nothing but harm our movement by association, but he rode our coat tails and acted like our victories were his victories. You let him be the prankster that runs on the field with the winning team to get in all the photos. Nobody told him to fuck off loud enough, because he said the right racist shit that we like to hear.
Make no mistake; we're plenty racist, but we're practical about it. You're never going to change anything saying the shit that he says, because it's designed to appeal to a room full of 40 toothless rednecks and no one else. He has no problem torpedoing the entire movement if its means getting attention. He would have ruined Trump'a campaign by association if he could.
As Occupy Wallsteet, Gamergate and now the Alt Right have all learned; you cannot be an all inclusive movement. You have to actively eject and repudiate interlopers. Otherwise attention seeking faggots will hijack your message.
I like you.
Thanks for giving me hope.
Wow, Spez, the ultra cucked fucking piece of shit CEO of reddit just happens to have been moderating /r/CANNIBALISM for the last five fucking years.
Preach it brother
Some people like me are total normies who go on Sup Forums and feel edgy once a year, post on reddit and get some information on shit like Star Citizen or whatever.
Saw this Podesta emails and saw everything blow up in front of me. This is real. Twittergate was a distraction to make Pizzagate look stupid.
Just reopen it on Jan. 21.
It's the holidays take a break come back soon.
why would they wait to do this after Trump won?
don't even try to go after the pizza fags judicially, they're prepared up the ass for that. Everything is probably hidden now.
Just make their lives living hells.
Not your personal army
I want off this ride now, guys..guys. Please.
I need to detox my internet addiction. I think I'm developing a mental disorder.
It's all happening.
yeah they are not winning unsless you give up. we just spread like fucking weed
No is debian!
also remember there have been various cp ring busts lately
china america norway, coincidence? i dont think so
It's not for me. It's for all the kids trapped in this ring plus everyone else involved and making sure justice gets served
Cuck response if I ever saw one ffs.
goyim leave it.
the World is a dark place.
Let it be
Ha. I remember how plebbit was all like
...and then he was ded. People were mad and demanded answers. Two days later it was all forgotten. The show must go on.
They're tieing up loose ends and chucking the dog a bone to keep them busy while they tidy up the Washington DC operation!
Expect more people close to Podesta/Comet to have accidents soon. The Podestas tie in with The Company and do the bulk of the organisation of the wet work for Hillary.
Fingers crossed they all go down but we can only pray!
Praise Kek!
They would rather start WW3 than let this come out.
This shit should be posted in every thread.
Shadilay brothers shadilay
Then make it so
Spread the word, copy and paste it everywhere repeatedly
Fight back with information and truth
>They're tieing up loose ends and chucking the dog a bone
i have been thinking that aswell, im glad they could apparently rescue some children though
i hope the people behind dont get away with it in the long run
>Expect more people close to Podesta/Comet to have accidents soon
i wont shed a tear
Yeah we're missing something that's why the Twitter thing is happening etc!
Also why we're getting the mega Trump trolling! We're close, the chances are there's files in the open.
Anyone got the Descent Textures someone got from either wikileaks or comet?
Does this mean I can't play blizzard games anymore?
Its the fucking hearthstone logo, right down to the little bumps inside the spiral has PizzaGate as their top ten hashtags, tell everyone to migrate there.
Pizzagate must be the reason for all the shill threads today huh? It hasn't been this bad for awhile.
the_donald mods got purged the same time milo baited out the occulus rift billionare into dumping money into a fake republican PAC.
im surprised how few people remember that shitstorm and kept visiting it after it.
a literal reddit admin, not sub-reddit admin hijacked the sub-reddit admin account and swapped out all the moderators
Likely that Crick guy as it looks like he ran a holding cell.
Also could be used as a false flag on Trump.
That's another know pedo symbol.
East there Kaczynski.
It's worse it's one of the worst drugs known to man..... WoW.
Wtf I hate Blizzard now
this goes much deeper than american presidency, Hillary is one of many chess pieces
What is happening really is disheartening as fuck because of the sheer scope of this operation trying to hide how they killed/snatched him.
I mean, just look at this fucking shit:
Read through the thread and tell me with a straight face that the OP doesn't reek of shill trying to control the narrative.
Indeed. Alternate Wikileaks-type websites can be set up easily.
The idiocy of this conspiracy theory is close to that of flat earthers.
You guys actually believe that Hilary Clinton and her campaign chief John Podesta are running an international child sex ring out of a pizza shop.
Make sure you sterilize yourselves for the good of humanity.
I bump not the thread, but this post.
wtf is this shit
To be fair, podesta with his pizza related map is a pedo. The whole pizza place thing is a bunch of bullshit however, and even the owner seems totally unrelated. The elite do stuff like this far away from the common man.
Bump! the question now is, which platform are we gonna use?
You're the idiot if you think we only believe it's this one pizza shop. It's a pedophile ring, that shop was just the first clue, fucking shill.
Nah, libcuck, we'll be rejoicing once the shit hits the fan after the full details come out and your leftist empire takes blow #2 after you had to deal with Hillary's failures for being able to get into office. This year only gets better and better.
Bill Clinton flew to Pedo Island 22 times. Half of which he ducked away from his secret service detail.
>11/22/16(Tue)23:14:03 No.99785935
What did Milo do and why? I didn't hear about this
They did asswipe, and they use to deliver, I ordered a Large Texas special but all I got was a 6yo Latino girl dressed in bondage
Thank you for correcting the record.
r/whereisassange is fine. It was formed in response to the r/wikileaks ban and has open moderator logs and until two days ago only one mod. they other guys getting added are vetted reddit users, not month old accounts.
Maybe archive everything and go to voat?
That is EXACTLY what they want. You go to voat, you distance yourself from the mainstream public forever, which is who they are trying to control.
We need to stay here and SPECIALLY at plebbit, which is the main place they are trying so hard to control. The_Donald has been taken over and so was r/wikileaks, but everyone at r/wikileaks is currently fighting the mods off and there are many people at The_Donald who are not buying into their bullshit. If we let this die out there then we have no hopes of ever achieving jack fucking shit with any of this. It will forever remain as "that conspiracy theory from lol voat" and die out. If they are trying to take hold of a place, don't leave, stay and fight.
To anyone sayin to give up, please, read the above article. Different country, different decade but the same techniques being used to control victims and the same depraved evil being inflicted on inocent children. It's a tough fucking read and only the most hardend and desensitized will not be appalled. However we are talking about the same shit going on today for exactly the same reasons. We must never give up.