Where were you when PJW told you that you had NO IMPACT on this election?
Sup Forums and /the_donald BTFO
He's now trying his best to cover for his Messiah, just like the Obamunists did in 2008.
He's mad about "THE MAYNESTREEM MEEDIER" meme
wtf is this little bitch talking about
The only people who had faith in Obama were middle aged mothers and niggers.
This dude has literally posted here before and bases half his videos on news or discussion that shows up here first (and eventually makes it down to reddit etc)
Racists absolutely btfo
My trump themed videos have a combined view count on youtube of over 40 million, as well as one having been tweeted by trump himself in the primary's.
I would argue I was more influential than most of the people who were pro-trump, and I definately obsess over Jews, racial superiority, and hitler. I had an impact for sure in getting Trump to the general.
I do not know what alt-right is though, seems like a faggy title made up by liberals.
What is the problem?
fuck off with your alt-kike larping faggot.
Nobody cares about your made up pronouns.
>Jews, racial superiority and Adolf Hitler
i would love to see him tell me more about those things
Why is the right eating itself all of a sudden? Why can't the civic nationalists and the ethnic nationalists get along?
bless you can't stump. It must suck knowing that /r/The_Donald users stole memes from your videos and started calling themselves centipedes after the colony was made. Your videos had me fucking howling. Fuck these alt kike larpers. Reddit always has to fucking ruin everything.
You are posting to 3 people on Sup Forums. But you know that don't you shill for hill.
>blames reddit
>all the redditors in this thread are booty blasted
Fucking kek
I was here, reading the same truth you're reading right now.
We only had a light amount of influence, the majority of it was from citizens who were pissed off due to being abandoned to pander to the globalists.
If anything we just fucked with some leftist retards online, we just fought on the digital front with memes, it just drew few people compared to Trump's speeches himself.
We did all the backroom shit, sort of like how the actors in films get all the major credit while the recording crew is mentioned at the end.
we are the first group faggot
>(((social media)))
Most of us are the first group, and satirize the second group for a laugh.
Actual literal autists are in the second group
Because the civic nationalists have internalized many of the Left's egalitarian race-related memes
I fought on the front lines of the great meme war. It was a long and hard fought battle, the true heroes never get the credit they deserve, but maybe it is best this way.
> implying /r/The_Donald doesn't endorse this message 100%
go away you shill.
bet you're one of those /r/EnoughTrumpSpam guys
God, this guy is a colossal faggot.
The "alt-right" or these dedicated shitposters have destroyed Sup Forums. Fuck off back to facebook, twitter and reddit.
I'm fine with the alt lite finally no longer calling themselves alt right.
>no influence
What was all the academic studies of our shitposting, media reports on us and hysteria about us 'ruining' Pepe about then?
Infofags just lost half their audience, they won't be here in four years time, Sup Forums will be though. No-one's going to care about them now the election is over.
Also fuck Reddit.
>What was all the academic studies of our shitposting
Probably sociology undergrads at shitty universities looking for something original to write about so they can pass their class
Based PJW. Fuck all of you actual racists, it's all been satire for most of us.
Fuck off Soros shill. we're on to your d&c bullshit.
I had fun.
Guess I helped trump win.
He's covering for us and disrupting the MSM narrative that Trump supports white supremacists.
I don't know how many times this needs to be explained, but Milo, Gavin, etc are storefronts for normalfags to get comfortable with the idea of a redpill and standing against modern values.
Top kek this idiot just keeps labeling himself.
Because ethno nationalists just want to LARP about a failed state and cosplay as the SS.
Most of them are retards who don't realize that civic nationalism will establish a hard, white majority in this country again via policies that aren't explicitly racialist but benefit them anyway.
This. PJW is a Sup Forumsack, that's why he's blaming reddit.
you idiots realize you're the minority here right?
and that the rest of us are just being ironic and laughing at you when you think we actually like hitler?
you're a small small minority
Who gives a fuck? We won the election. Who cars what the media is saying? Trump can do what he wants. The media have no power until the next election.
kek look at all the cucks, your are the new right now PJW is your leader.