ITT : People who would be labeled 'racists' by the liberal media if they were white
ITT : People who would be labeled 'racists' by the liberal media if they were white
Probably 99% of rappers for using the word nigger dozens of times per song.
Isnt she a Hillary supporter?
Isn't that genetic appropriation?
Barack Hussain Obama
I don't think gorillas can legally vote
Another fucking low life wagecuck nigger.
larry elder
thomas sowell
ben carson
mohammad ali
Brandon Victor Dixon
Malcom X
Black Panthers
Black Lives Matter
Kanye is a racist despite being black.
Based or not there's quite a few of them
David. Just stop posting. Tired of having to monitor your shitposts because my boss told me to.
When people could vote for Harambe in the US election then Gorillas sure as hell can also vote.
Fucking what
excatly. b-but he's so based (after the election) such faggotry such get people gassed
I dont know who David is but this is my first Kanye post
>Heard Yeezy was racist, well, I guess that's on one basis. I only like green faces.
You are David, buddy.
You mean if she was human, right?
>literally tryna be white. garth brooks and shit. fucking kek at this shit. who but a black hating, "african centric guy" would do this?
Okay lets say I'm David. What shitposts do I make on the regular?
If you answer correctly, man to man I will stop shitposting from here on out.
"Give me one reason" threads and Yeb! Threads
What leads you to believe I'm this David?
What is my location right now? If you can just give me the city I will stop.
Kayne is racist as hell but one thing I noticed about him is, he has recently tried to improve his views somewhat. At least he isn't closed off from opposing points of view.
Sorry to hear about his psychiatric breakdown. Wouldn't wish that on anyone other than sjws.
What is my IP?
>if u can say what i post ill stop
>proceeds to do that
>o-okay, what city am i in
>says that too
>w-w...whats my ip?
Just stop while you're ahead, unless he's been wrong so far