Well, Fuck. This was shared by a page that supports trump and has a decent amount of likes.
I feel that, even though we rose Trump to power, started the Alt-Right, we in the long run will become the bad guys still. We will lose everything we have fought for, because some Normies will try to fuck this all up, to appeal to the niggers, spics and other scum, that voted trump. It as suppose to be our time in the spotlight, but already I feel it was a waste. Trump is going back on few of his key things, and most of the shit pages that follow trump, are becoming more and more normie. Has everyone forgotten we rose Trump to power? Is our message dead? After reading this, I litterly felt like all we have done was for nothing. Its like we was the soldiers who fought the battles, yet we are the ones demonized once the war has been won. I understood Trump will never be what we all wanted, but I hoping he wouldn't be like the rest. I still have faith in him, but a decent portion of his followers have turned there backs on us, and I even heard that trump denounced the Alt-Right (his more "Radical" supporters" your take on all of this?
i expect to see this post in a vox article about how Sup Forums is melting down after trump disavowed them.
Landon Rivera
wtf i hate PJW now
Liam Martinez
>Trump praised the Clinton Foundation! He's betrayed us! Pic related shows that they twisted his words. He was probably asked a loaded question about it
>Trump denounced the alt-right! He's turned his back on us! The (((alt-right))) is a strawman that the media made up to slander all Trump supporters as evil radical racists. That Spencer faggot has them pushing the Nazi angle especially hard right now. Trump saying he doesn't want to "energize those people" is only common sense. To say otherwise would have everyone screaming that he's a white nationalist and a Nazi and an evil right-winger and other shit. He didn't turn his back on us, he simply disavowed the media's made-up fear mongering machine.
Whatever he said today was just trying to reassure the normies that he's not some big bad fascist who will destroy the first amendment. These people have been lying about and slandering him for months now. He won't easily forget.
>Trump won't prosecute Hillary! He's already going back on campaign promises! All he said is that he's not in favor of prosecution. Based Gowdy is still fully committed to investigating Shillary, and everyone knows that she's toast once Obama and the DOJ aren't able to run interference for her anymore. Trump knows this, so why give more ammo to the "Trump is a fascist!" crowd when he could take a hands-off and seemingly merciful approach and get the same result?
For fuck's sake you faggots, chill out. We've already gotten a sneak-peak of the wall plan, so we know that he hasn't done a 180. Don't let the concern shills and lying media get to you, because we need to survive 8 more years of it.
Robert Thomas
You have to admit, dont you feel bit depressed, even betrayed even? We built our expectations for trump to high, it would seem..
Charles White
Ryan Parker
u wot m8
ebaum's world did this
Connor Thompson
you turds he isnt even sworn in yet. Would you honestly expect him to ramp up divisive speech before you even get the keys?
Fuck, you guys are dumb.
Jackson Myers
the desperate rebranding attempt is so obvious.
Parker Young
I haven't lost faith in Trump, it just his normie ass followers will kill any of our visions. It just hearing (or seeing..) the words " they had no impact on the election" makes me feel like we all was backstabbed. Pieces of shit like him will teach the normie fan base of trump (which is fucking huge) that we are the evil ones. Its just sad, I guess. I'm not trying to really say anything bad against Trump, but just stating if he does actually don't do few of his key things he promised and a huge portion of his fan base keeps viewing us the same way they view the fucking Clinton crowd, then it will be time to accept that we fucked up, and do what we do best, and bitch on Sup Forums..
Aiden Walker
Why do people think we have to choose one or another?
I can shitpost memes, wear a hat, and have fun one moment and sit around thinking about how Hitler literally did nothing wrong another minute.
Being against Nazis is part of piety in what passes for morality in the pozzed dildocracy we live in. How can I help but try to subvert it by ironically embracing the tenets of National Socialism. But then I remember that doing things ironically is for hipster cucks. Therefore I am forced to embrace it earnestly.
Chase Collins
Fyi the country is still controlled by jews - their values have been imposed and you cannot criticize or name them
However the only real problem with jews is their hatred of whites, ethnic war against whites, and subversion of the west
But what happened is alt jews won the election. These alt jews are ok with white countries and hate jew globalist internationalist
With these jews the whole basis for antisemitism would disappear, so even though jews still rule, the alt jews are not destructive to whites or western civilization
Luis Thompson
nazi is a nazi.
Jordan Kelly
I kinda feel like the whole "Alt-Jews" will become a common new phrase..
I understand what you mean..it just sucks dick either way we will be sucking the Jewish cock.. But as long as they don't Fuck us to the level the traditional jew has, then I guess we are good?..
Colton Baker
Look man, these people have to rebrand themselves pretty hard right now. Of course this guy doesn't want to be associated with the "alt-right" boogeyman that the media has created. The way the "alt-right" has been portrayed is as a force for evil in this world. You have to play into the people who follow you a little bit. Appeal to them, reach out. Gain their interest and undying support. You don't stand a chance of maintaining their support otherwise. And you don't make allies when you're labeled as an evil human being by the media and everyone on social media.
Cooper Gray
We're the badasses not the bad guys faggot.
Welcome to the cool kids club.
Christopher Reyes
not even a little you fucking faggy bitch.
jesus seek help
Connor Morris
advanced concern trolling
Aaron Kelly
he is right though
stormcucks, as always, BTFO
Aiden Flores
I come here for HAPPENINGS, praising KEK, and DANK MEMES. Not some made up "alt" identity or ideology.
Ethan Cook
Did he tweet in comic sans? What the fuck?
Josiah Sullivan
1) fuck off concern trolling shill
2) theres no such thing as the alt right
Ethan Walker
Grow a back bone, have some pride etc. "what's in a name?"
Isaiah Richardson
>I feel it was a waste IGNORE DEMORALIZATION THREADS >saged and hidden
Jose Hughes
we won. get over it.
Joseph Perry
>we started the alt-right wew lad
Austin Collins
The fuck is this? Are we getting night of the long knives'd?
Ryder Watson
maximum kike shilling this strawman false flag
Anthony Sanders
Isaiah Murphy
These bait threads crack me up.
Jose Turner
DEC 19TH BITCH - our ranks swell again.
Don't forget your egdiest bandana.
Jack Hill
If they dont attack ethnicity and subvert the west there is no reason for anti semitism.
The only reason they rule is because white people cant see them. Its almost like anglo society was perfectly made for their entry. Their high iq's and social talent are wasted anywhere else.
We are not harmsd , but helped by jews like drudge shapiro and milo and alex jones
Hitler noted that jews attacked the ethnic character of the native folk. If they r not doing that, there is less of a problem
Also the marxist deconstruction also goes away with these alt jews. They have a moderate critique and freedom loving rather than oppressive progressive orthodoxy
However most jews are i belive a matter of instinct anti native folk - so there will aleays be the anti white male hatred from a %
Cooper Reed
Learn to 4D Chess user and quit being an autist
Aaron Gomez
>Memes=good >Reddit=bad
How exactly is this controversial?
Landon Rivera
lmao watching this from afar has been fucking hilarious
you fucking stupid niggers allowing reddit to fester here and engaging in cognitive dissonance about trump and the rest of the cringey as fuck alt-right
hilarious, keep burning you stupid faggots
Dominic Thomas
Trump was always a Zionist puppet. He used you Sup Forums, you'll see.
Aaron Morales
stfu troll
Carter Wood
divide and conquer,lal
Asher Green
>quit being an autist This.
Aiden Morgan
What kind of font is that ffs?
Joshua Watson
As a normie Trump supporter, I hope you alt-right neo-Nazis go the way of the dinosaurs. Trump's is a compassionate nationalism for ALL Americans. Our country is a bastion of diversity and inclusion. Trump will secure our borders and put America first. But it's for ALL Americans, whether white, black, Latino, or Asian, gay or straight, Christian, Jewish or Muslim. If you guys don't like it, move to Canada.
Christopher Reed
>This was shared by a page that supports trump and has a decent amount of likes What page?
Bentley Nguyen
Richard spencer's name has never been posted on this board until this morning
>Because he's the hero America deserves, but not the one it needs right now. So we'll hunt him. Because he can take it. Because he's not our hero. He's a silent guardian, a watchful protector. A meme knight.
Luke Price
>I haven't lost faith in Trump, It's because you never had faith to begin with. You're a typical subversive kike trying to pollute this board with concern trolling. Thankfully it doesn't work on anyone but thedonald fegs.
Joshua Rogers
Jaxson Nguyen
You're on Sup Forums faggot. No amount of JIDF stormfag posting is going to subvert and change this board from being aware of the Jewish issue. That was the whole purpose of this 'containment board' in the first place.
Ian Foster
Every other post is about this non story the MSM is pushing.
Nicholas Butler
Again I could point out how 9/10 of the 1919 German communist revolution leaders were Jewish, how affirmative action was a Jewish creation in both Canada and in the USA, how the lawsuits that opened abortion in our countries were lead by kikes, I could even lay out all the noses behind the drug/porn/tranny degeneracy they target our children with. But I won't. Rather i'll ask that every time someone in this thread sees societal/political rot ask yourself, and do some digging if necessary, if a certain sunken eyed inbred tribe is behind it.
Sup Forums calls this 'taking the redpill' and it ruins people for one simply cannot stop seeing the (((coincidences)))
David Walker
>they had no impact on the election
guess this faggot didn't see the 77777777 get that cinched trump's win
Brandon Nelson
I don't like Stormfaggots either.
Landon Johnson
we are the heroes these people deserve. Let them say what they will, Sup Forums never really changes.
Ian Butler
We're not the alt-right, anyone who unironically identifies as one is an idiot.
Carson Roberts
Fuck off kike
Landon Robinson
topkek this poser is talking out of his ass
Nathaniel Wright
We we we Lol fuck off all of you. First start off by saying supported trump Still do and i never view reddit
Quit saying we. The media has given Sup Forums zero attention. Its always reddit. Not you fuckin neckbeards here that keep saying we we we. 99% of you did zero to help trump get elected outside of voting which over half this site probably didnt do.
The missinformation and need to feel apart from something is terrible. I before the election has two thoughts Sup Forums will die if hillary wins it will not be worth viewing. Exact opposite if trump won i thought Sup Forums would be great. It fuckin sucks here now all the weebos come out of the woodwork and want to say they helped it happen.
Yall made memes that was what i hear is the biggest contribution. Well memes are to target the under 30 crowd and hillary crushed that demo.
White working men in their 40+ won trump this election. Plus all the minority votes he got that romney and mccain couldnt. Not you nerds.
Jonathan Evans
I'm still not AltRight no matter how they define it, just a simple meme farmer.
Carter Howard
Paul Joseph Watson occasionally makes a show of standing up for the Jews. Just ignore it. He's only a faggot like 5% of the time, 95% of the time he's okay.
Carson Lewis
Fuck all you divisive faggots who say shit like "stormfags". Most of what we have done has been in the name of White Nationalism and it will stay this way. The "Alt-Right" is already falling victim to jewish subversion, this is the reason it did not exist before but with Trump as a figurehead the average conservative leaning "alt-rightist" feels the need to belong to what they think is a movement. This was my fear to begin with, Trump has won and now people are complacent, never forget that the fight continues regardless of what the supposed "Alt-Right" thinks
Grayson Bell
Underrated post
Adrian Sanchez
This is a new age and we don't give a fuck what the media says about us. It's stupid to try to please your enemies.
Jaxon Gutierrez
Holy fuck what a joke Watson is...
Jumping ship because 5 guys somewhere did a nazi salute.
Charles Adams
Lincoln Anderson
If you truly cared about the nation and its well-being, you wouldn't care what others thought of you. Do what is necessary to ensure that the world is a better place, it's called self sacrifice.
Brayden Reed
Exactly this you have to have tact, be strategic, play the game, and hopefully change it to suit you, but this heavy handed bullshit gets you nowhere, use something the left doesn't, logic.
Dominic Edwards
Doing God's work user.
Am proud. Am proud.
Lucas White
Andrew Phillips
most of what we have done has been in the name of edgy shitposting
thanks for helping us elect a normie reality tv star as president, stormfag.
Nathan Walker
Our "edgy shitposting" has been much more. It just happens we are all edgy shitposters. People dont spend hours on hours investigating politicians and putting someone in office without passion for what they do. Speak for yourself Mr."Alt-Right"