Trudeau announced Canada as first ever feminist country. Your thoughts?
Trudeau announced Canada as first ever feminist country. Your thoughts?
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I feel really bad for you and wish Canada somehow snapped and went full blown fascist then got back it's cool old flag and sent back the Chinks.
Not so fast, Canada.
whatever, I didn't vote for him
since when does social justice outweigh common sense?
all of the girls in that picture are ugly
How did this guy get elected?
Looks like there's going to be a cuck-off.
Move to the U.S before Trump can build a northern wall
>slut walk
>none are even dressed remotely slutty
>all 5/10's
this is next level attention whoring
Check your privilege.
he a CUTE
seriously though, wymyn and urbanites voted for this retard
youre not even close to sweden
Canada is beyond saving. Even Sweden can probably be saved, not Canada.
America annexing it won't help either, it'll just dilute the US with faggy liberals.
It's time for scorched Earth.
so the first country where women are in all ways superior to men. ha fucking retarded leafs
We really should separate this time
I don't think there is any hope for you leafs left after the colossal fuck up of electing Trudeau. Allowing mudslimes in and now this.
>>all 5/10's
only 5/10 is the bald photographer with visible pain on his face, and I'm not even gay.
they got sandnigger scum too
Im scared
As long as you don't bring any of the browns with you we welcome you in America. Non cuck white brothers from the north are always welcome.
when you're a handsome man who tricked canada into thinking you actually cared about women and now you're a semi-important world leader
He's a few years too late tbqhwy fampai
beat me to it
Wow suddenly my income got higher and my taxes got reduced, thanks Trudeau!
Ultimate cuck nation face off.
Now I know how it must have felt when they discovered that spaceship
As much as I want to laugh at you, truthfully everything West of Poland has a story like this atm.
Move to USA
Your move, Cis-nadia
holy shit, Sweden.
Let me respond
Post the Truedau's pedo friend who decides on primary school curriculum!
you aint foolin´ no one, only one can be first and we won
Perhaps you can appreciate this: The choices we were given were not that great.
Nothing of value was lost honestly
Other candidates were
>unpopular PM going for reelection whom everybody hated after he made it legal for universities to jack up their tuition prices as much as they want
>competent wet blanket with zero charisma who focused on long-term and overarching issues rather than topical stuff
He literally just won because the competition did not look as cute and friendly
>calls the country feminist
>allows mudshits in who actually do oppress women
more like first cuck country
>wants to be the first feminist country
>cucked by sweden
you can't make this shit up
People need to stop dwelling on each other's differences. I treat everyone equally, until they say they're different.
Didn't you get the memo? Islam is the most feminist religion there is, the islamic veil is liberating women and is an instrument of choice and empowerment.
I will never understand the stance with muslims in feminism, I guess it's a big taboo for them
Good, but not good enough, don't you know I'm loco?
[Translation: Classmates]
Trustin Judeau sure seems intent on doing the opposite of good policy no matter what the issue.
I didn't know the guy from scrubs was Canadian
Barely any Muslims in Canada oppress women aside from this stupid Tatar that stole my cousin from me. Fuck him.
Is Trudeau Canada's first woman prime minster?
We had one in the 90s. She only lasted for 3 months but was so bad the entire progressive conservative party was destroyed and they had to come up with a new party with a different name.
He obviously wants to outswede Sweden.
since when does a baguette know or care what goes on in leafland?
Please do us a favour and liberate or exterminate us.
It's not hard, really. They get a couple token "american-palestinian/iranian/egyptians" who really are second or third generation migrants, who of course have been taught to be good feminists and whose parents were muslims. They make up all sort of shit about how the coran is really just all about protecting women, treating women well, about respecting them, how modesty really is all about respecting a womans body and choices, etc. And since they are after all "muslims", you cannot attack their position. They are muslims so they necessarily know more than you since the religion is part of their identity, it's part of their lived experience.
YOu have to understand how regressives work : everything is about your identity and how you personally include elements of the world into it, not about overlyign concepts and ideas. If you can fit two elements into your life (which you can since you select bits and pieces of what you like and declare it to be the real deal because hey, it's part of you so it has to be true) then they are not contradictory.
Why did I emigrate here... Jesus christ.
Step it up leaves.
You're getting rekt.
Good god is 5/10 being generous
Trudeau is a funny one.
He doesn't actually strike me as a cuck, he just cucks Canada with cuck policy.
>feminist country
>minorities are just like us!
>canada has no assimilation problems!
I want Tom Mulcair to read me a bedtime story.
Are there any twinky looking conservatives Canada could vet for the next election?
Can your pm do this?
only rural people did
stfu scum
Once they report the mansplaining what happens? Is it just a service for people to cry about what a whiny little bitch they are and have their feelings validated by another whiny little bitch on the other end? Or do they pass it on to their media to shame the mansplainers like they do anyone accused of racism?
You didn't realize that feminism is for ugly women and beta faggots?
I keep an eye out for the day Québec will come back to us.
Nah, in all seriousness, a lot of folks I know have moved to Canada at some point and it got me interested in what goes on there so I followed the election a bit. It was pretty sad, really, another case of "pick your poison"
>you will never do the hip-flip with Mulcair while québequois classic pop rock plays in the background
Asians want a son that'll work hard for the family. Not a big deal.
What the fuck
His competition was a cuckservative who everyone hated and a boring leader of a declining communist party. I voted for Harp, but keep in mind that he loved immigrat dick almost as much as Trudeau.
>It's not about sex, it's about ethics
Can't wait to see what unfolds.
He's embracing their culture.
>today I visited a home for unaccompanied minors
The Poo in the picture really tops it off.
Based Trudeau.
REEEEE get the fuck out of my country pajeet!
who is stefan lofven?
I'm Cree. I wish we were like the other Asians.
In a way I would actually like to see world war 3 with nucular weapons.
Because then all this shit would stop in an instant.
You're on!
Swedish PM.
>of course we should help IS deserters by giving them free housing and help with debts!
He's gonna step on the gas!!
lol Futurama predicted this shit. Fucking Matt Groening and his spooky shows
God I fucking love Mulcair's voice
Good for them.
that is fucking hard one, in this case i must drop this bomb
Why don't we use meme magic to push for the changing of the national flag of Canada into a gay flag?