This is what "get rid of Net Neutrality" fags want

> This is what "get rid of Net Neutrality" fags want.

Prove me wrong.

Inb4 "muh free market" retards claim a free market exists where crony capitalists have stopped it at the state level.

People won't pay for these services unless its actually worth it to them, other services with a different revenue model will appear to fill the gap.

Or in preemptive defense of this, these current services move overseas to retain their current business model.

They won't respond because they can't defend this.

So essentially Burgers are fucked.

You have no fucking idea what the issue regarding net neutrality is or how it affects anything, and you've clearly shown that.

They won't make you pay for websites. They will just make it so on certain websites your connection is so shit you'll not want to go.

Net Neutrality isn't about ISPs making more money. It's about shaping peoples experiences online.

Removing Net Neutrality would allow them to do *exactly* what the image in the OP depicts. It isn't just selectively slowing websites down - it's also blocking access entirely unless you pay more shekels.

What's stopping them from double dipping by charging companies for preferred bandwidth and charging users for overages? See the whole fiasco with Netflix and Verizon.

The Internet should and must stay free from taxation
Fuck off (((governments))) & (((companies))), go steal money somewhere else

Sure, it would allow them. But just because someone CAN do something doesn't mean they WILL.

I can just off a fucking building if I want.