Deutschbros, can you have a look at this and correct it.
Im still pretty new to German.
Deutschbros, can you have a look at this and correct it.
Im still pretty new to German.
Belgiumbro here.
Dutch, so i understand german.
Great, but throw away the last one. That shit will put normies off.
We need normies.
Also the last one from merkel. My mom would only find that shit strange if it passed her on facebook.
Almost every sentence is incorrect in a grammatical way or in general very bad german.
First Merkels side:
" Kinderlos " ( without Children )
" Hat niemals in der freien Wirtschaft gearbeitet "
" Hat Millionen illegale Zuwanderer nach Deutschland geholt "
" Verstösst gegen deutsches Recht "
" Liebling der Mainstream Medien "
" verachtet die deutsche Flagge "
" Betrachtet das Internet als " Neuland "
Now Petry:
" Mutter von vier Kindern "
" Erfolgreiche Unternehmerin "
" Will die kriminellen und illegalen Zuwanderern ausweisen "
" Will wieder das deutsche Recht durchsetzen "
" Die Mainstreammedien hassen sie "
" ?????? ( that sentence just dont make any sense )
Skip that kek Bullshit. And skip also the part with the media if you are on it.
Why doesn't the Afd have a man as chancellor candidate?
Women have no business in politics, yet alone when the country is on the brink of collapse already.
Because any sucessful Man worth being a charismatic candiate still works in the private sector making a lot of money without being constantly in teh focus of teh media and called a racist.
Dont forget that the AfD is very young and not as far as your FPÖ. But there a lot of talented young politicians in the second lines, ready to start.
And Alexander Gauland is already a good national conservative candidate.
But right now the AfD has no chance at all to get a candidate into the Bundeskanzleramt.
Even if the same shit as in France would happen, were teh other parties always act together blocking the Front National.
What's it say? I don't speak Arabic.
Ask the Op to give you a translation in Ebonics, for sure you will understand that.
Fucking rekt
heres the original
Well, I'm afraid if the horrific shit that is happening in Germany (Serbian gang rapists who don't go to jail, Kopftottreten as Volkssport, women being horribly executed by their husbands, Sikh temple blowing up, Syrian dying in "German blast", that Iranian shootout, thousands of Einzelfälle) doesn't wake people up nothing will.
>Im still pretty new to German.
So you're an immigrant and fighting for petry? Godspeed user. Eastern Europe?
Didn't Petry get divorced because she found some new guy she liked more than her husband?
She got a divorce thats true
Circumstances surrounding I dont know
Husband was a lutherian priest, who adored Merkel?
she did but tbf her new bf is actually a member of parliament
Purge soon !!!
She's your best choice, ala Trump, but I wouldn't trust her, ala Trump.
Australian. English by heritage.
Married a german girl and we have a white baby.
And yes, im redpilling the fuck out of everyone I can here. Germany is a beautiful land and I dont want it to go to shit for my children.
My wife obviously grew up here and had this amazing sounding childhood, and i want that for my children.
Deutschland Uber Alles.
Anyway Petry isnt good for Kanzler
Better would be this guy
Pic related
Purge red judges first. They are a bigger cancer than the perpetrators.
Where do oyu live, Aussiebro whos now one of us.
> auslösen
Ich kek'te laut als ich das gelesen hab.
yes and she has a feminist hair cut. women think they are clever but any woman with a mans haircut is fairly liberal
Broisn wiederhegestelld :DDDDDDD
Trink dei linkendrähnen XDDDDDD
NRW near Paderborn.
Eine kleine Stadt. Far away from the shithole large cities..
Yeah. Google-Translation for Triggern.
Serbian gang raprapists? I need something to back that up. Last time when people said that there were rapists from Serbia it was Kosovar (he even had muslim last name).
Yeah, but still NRW. I live in South Hesse, Odenwald. 0,00001% Shitskin Population.
Hope you will have a nice time here.
That's all the german I know because it's in every Rammstein song.
Angie is waifu material
>Mutter von Niemandem
>lässt Millionen von so genannten Flüchtlingen rein
>Medien lieben sie
>fühlt sich provoziert von der deutschen Flagge
>betrachtet Internet als Neuland
>Medien hassen sie
>...zu provozieren
No need to trigger OP. He's doing god's work.
Judges, Muslim, Politician, Intellectual shitters and Unternehmensvorstände
Don't Swiss me (muh Bern is not real Switzerland! Muh Zürich is not real Switzerland! Only mountain villages in bumfuck nowhere are Switzerland! Switzerland stronk!).
>Broisn wiederhegestelld :DDDDDDD
>Trink dei linkendrähnen XDDDDDD
Lucky you. We are fairly OK with the shitskins. Winter is keepign them indoors and they removed them all from the school a few weeks ago, so we dont see them that much anymore (thank fuck).
Odenwald sieht schön aus.
Ich weiss, its the literal meaning. However no one would use it in that context. It sounds very weird.
Elaborate shitposting for german speaking Hahnreis.
Time for some Wehrmacht music
Another word that 99 % of the population never heard of and therefore would never understand. Simply because its also never used in the german language.
Be carefull, especially with images on social media. German police went full retard on the refugee matter. Better talk in person, as there's no hard evidence in case your dialogue partner is a snitch.
Best of luck with your family user.
Heard australia got some good beers, if you miss something, I'd recommend looking for Riegele (mostly only online, very good, but usual micro brewery prices), or Tannenzäpfle (good, but few variants).
Have a nice live here in Germany, hope the retarded part of the right doesn't fuck with you
That's the beauty of Sup Forums
most of us don't have to give a shit about your social media laws.Just tell us what to post when and we will
It's wrong to blame the police on this, it is part of an ongoing "Kampf gegen Rechts" which is a government coordinated action to violently oppress any unwanted thought, gladly paid for by the German taxpayer.
Yeah, but Australiabro shouldn't post shit from Germany. Would be a shame if an actually decent immigrant was jailed, while the rapist from cologne are still free.
Of course it is, but in the end it's still the police that'll kick his ass. I should've phrased it differently though, you're right.
>tfw the medias damage control worked
Migrants coordinated mass rapes and sexual assaults in many major cities, Cologne was just the one where the (mass) media was willing to admit it, while the other cases where confined to local news.
I know that things are tougher than the mass media is telling us, for example in Stuttgart the turks were fucking shit up badly, when they were unhappy with us not kissing Erdogans ass. At this point it is pretty much an open secret, even in Germany. Except for maybe at university, had a discussion today again and a feminist defended islam. But other than that, many, many centrist are getting mad as well. All we need is decent politicians now, like that young guy in your government, what was his name...
HC "Baseballschläger auf den Neger" Strache?
Was thinking of Sebastian Kurz. So young and already bolder than all our politicians together.
Not a single of our fuckers said a single word about the vandalizing Turks.