I don't believe in racism
defend it to me Sup Forums
I don't believe in racism
defend it to me Sup Forums
that's pretty closed-minded of you
Define racism
Do you believe in evolution? Congratulations, you're a racist.
spanish whitest nation on earth
*watching a man of another race nail my wife*
Me: "dag nabbit....shucks, he's doin' a fine job, I may as well sit and watch for a spell...."
the part where I go out of my way to have a conversation with people who think differently than I?
choke on your next burger.
really low energy thread desu senpai
I was rather hoping for something to the effect of a positive belief than criticisms of criticisms
like this guy said it needs a definition before any sane argument can be had
You don't believe in racism because you hardly interact with other races. Live around them for awhile, and you won't need any explanation.
I don't believe in racism either. But I do believe in cultural superiority.
Literally the only reason pol is racist is BC they can't get laid. That's the REAL red pill. They can't compete with BBC so they literally want to deport all blacks and Mexicans. That's how pathetic and pety they are.
You are the one that wants your belief challenged so you have to define what you mean by "racism".
It's scientifically unsound to place humans in their own category where distinctions are not permitted and to pretend blacks don't win running events and whites don't win strength/swimming events and jews don't win at chess.
No other animal is observed through this same feelgood lens.
it was my understanding that there are people here who see themselves as having an ideology and would have something to convince me of if I do not share it
Racism is hating someone for their skin color. Race realism is noting the differences in race. Most here are race realists and only dislike niggers and shitskins because they are genuinely inferior.
I too was once like you OP.
I grew up in a state that was 99 percent white. Only ever met a few black people and Mexicans.
The Mexican kids were always trouble but i never attributed this to them being Mexican.
Then i moved to the south where im surrounded by black people. I went to school with black people. My job forces me to interact with black people.
Now i understand racism. I myself am not racist. But i do live in reality. Non whites do not share our culture or our way of life, in fact they hate it. Go live among their kind and you too will learn to hate them.
>It's scientifically unsound to place humans in their own category where distinctions are not permitted and to pretend blacks don't win running events and whites don't win strength/swimming events and jews don't win at chess.
>No other animal is observed through this same feelgood lens.
All differences are cultural! Black culture just values running and Asian culture values math.
If you don't open with your belief than you are forcing people to create and then argue a strawman.
What is racism?
Believing there is genetic differences between human populations?
Thinking that human populations can be grouped into races?
Thinking that genetics influences intelligence and cognitive ability there for making different populations differently able?
Is it thinking that people are better off living in homogeneous societies?
Or is it blind hate for anyone not in the same ethnic/racial group that you are?
Many people would say all of the above. Most of Sup Forums holds those positions excluding the last one.
If you want people to discuss something with you, you have to actually post your own ideas not just one sentence and then animal GIFs.
What do you mean by racism?
All the racism shit just comes from other races having shittier living conditions due to history.
Time after time, it's proven that races aren't inferior/superior in any other way.
Is this stormcuck image even real?
Never really followed up on the statistics of all this, I just see humans as following the same genetic rules animals do.
I hope this is bait.
>Oppress niggers for hundreds of years
>Be surprised when they act like niggers
Don't keep images that don't link to a source.
Why is that? And the superiority of what culture?
we sure opressed them in Africa
>Oppress kikes for hundreds of years
>they somehow have the highest average IQ and have a disproportionate influence in finance, industry and the media
leaf btfo.
>muh oppression
stay on your containment board Marxist scum >>/his/
We kind of did.
Of course less educated people have lower IQ
I feel like a culture that educates people from around the world, so that they can improve the condition of their native people, while simultaneously providing said countries with billions of dollars of food and pharmaceutical aid would be superior. I don't have any specific cultures that would be givers/takers in mind, just musing.
>Of course less educated people have lower IQ
Why are you shifting the goalposts.
And also, people with low IQs fail to get educated because they're dumb, not the other way around.
I wasn't coming here to convince anyone of my beliefs in any way so I'd rather not offer them beyond the general "they are not the same as yours"
I suppose if you're not selling anything either we don't have a thread. I'd thought someone would be, with the amount of noise that relates to this place.
>separate nigger twins at birth and raise one in the ghetto and one in an upper class home
>still both dumb as shit
They're not shifted at all. Nig nogs lives in shit holes, drop out of school to join gangs for protection from shitholes, and subsequently can't leave the shitholes.
Sadly I studied this stuff for 4 years, it's been well researched.
I said this to you 3 times. I'm closing the thread now.
Which one are Modern Mexicans most likely? A bit of Spanish / Mayan?
That's literally false though.
Again, all this stuff has been well researched for the past 50 years.
First you must define racism.
Is it the belief that there are sub species of humankind? This should be obvious, but if it isn't, go study genetics and get back to me.
Is it the belief in racial pride? Birds of a feather flock together, as the saying goes. It is normal and healthy to be interested in your forefathers and their accomplishments, and to want to be with your own kind.
Note that having pride in your race does not imply hatred towards other races. This last bit there is where a lot of people go wrong.
It is also worth noting here the difference in response to "white power" vs "black power." Just as an aside.
Is it the belief that your race is superior to all others? That racial supremacy, which is really a misnomer; supreme by what standard? Note that one can have pride without being a blind supremacist.
All that goes against the natural order cannot stand for long.
All right I'll take the bait.
The various human races separated around 50 thousand years ago, and evolved in different environments, yielding different physical characteristics, but most importantly, causing vast differences in cognitive capabilities.
Civilizations are biological constructs: they are not a collection of ideas existing in an abstract plane but are a reflection of the people comprising those civilizations. Nearly all civilizations existed exclusively in Eurasia (with one or two in America). No civilization of note ever existed in Africa.
Modern western civilization is based on capitalism and technology. It requires a high average IQ to maintain (as opposed to for instance a feudal slave based society). The fact is, Africans are simply unable to live under western civilization because they're simply too dumb. Now of course you have some smart africans on the right side of the african IQ bell curve, but those are exceptions. As soon as the population of Africans grows the law of large numbers kicks in and you end up with an african-type civilizational enclave in your (previously) entirely first world country.
This is why you should be racist against africans. They're inferior in average cognitive capabilities. Which doesn't mean that you have to hunt them down and kill them. Just prevent them from immigrating.
Yes you did shift the goalposts, by ignoring my comparison with Jews.
Kikes lived in shitty ghettos yet thrived. What's your explanation for that?
>Sadly I studied this stuff for 4 years
I have no trouble believing that. What are your preferred gender pronouns?
Have you ever heard of twin studies? Or did your african studies courses consist of watching the movie 12 years a slave over and over again?
Of course I did, look up the findings of behavioral traits in them.
There's a link to the parents, but you can't produce a solid link to race in any of them.
We don't have enough nogs for african studies, so we have aboriginal studies instead. Thankfully I never took any of those garbage classes.
I think some people would argue that we don't understand evolution, intelligence, or society to that kind of degree and you're just assuming lots of things
>There's a link to the parents, but you can't produce a solid link to race in any of them.
What the fuck is that supposed to even mean? All the african americans have an average IQ typical of african americans, all the whites have an average IQ typical to whites, and the halfies have an average IQ in between those two. How the fuck can you not conclude from that. Are you mentally retarded?
I'm not talking about behavioral traits btw, I'm talking about IQ.
And those people would be wrong. We understand those things very well.
And by the way, even if there were lack of evidence (which there isn't), it wouldn't mean that race denial would be the preferable course of option.
>includes Hispanic whites
>all races include Hispanic
wtf... Can someone please explain this shit to me. Are hispanics / spics / latinos a hybrid race or some shit? I don't get how they'd catagoize Hispanics without interviewing them all unless maybe they look at their ID and guess. Seriously what the fuck, it makes no fucking sense. How do they categorize Mexicans?
Hispanic is not a real race, a better classification would be castizo/mestizo
It means exactly what it sounds like. Go ahead and link me to the findings of the nigger twins raised in rich/poor households and both resorting to crime. There's neat things like twins naming their dogs the same things and liking the same toothpaste, but that's pretty much it. Every researcher has said there's no stronger link to behavior than choosing two random people and studying them.
I'm not disagreeing that whites have higher IQ's than Blacks or commit less crime, because they absolutely do. But that can be attributed entirely to the higher education they receive or any other difference between us than just race.
>Go ahead and link me to the findings of the nigger twins raised in rich/poor households and both resorting to crime.
Wow seems like your low IQ brain has a really hard time following. I'm talking about IQ you fucking moron. Not crime rates. IQ. Get that through your thick skull.
A nigger raised in a upper middle class white family will still have a nigger IQ.
And you still haven't answered my remark about the Jews. But then again you're a low IQ leaf, I shouldn't expect a coherent response coming from you.
How the fuck do i tell which one i am? This is thee stupidest fucking shit.
no one here does with a brain tbqh
I did address that, you're just ignoring it and resorting to ad-hominem attacks.
>How the fuck do i tell which one i am?
Are you white or not?
No you didn't you lying leaf.
No... Ohh now it all makes sense.
Vietnamese confirmed as master race
Sub-Saharan Africa, North Africa had Egypt and Carthage . You're not wrong though.
Yeah I was obviously talking about SSA. North African was peopled by neolithic eurasians who migrated back.
>defend it to me Sup Forums
I can't