Why are people on Sup Forums suddenly acting like this board hasn't always been pro-white nationalists?
Why are people on Sup Forums suddenly acting like this board hasn't always been pro-white nationalists?
it has never been in my timeline
Because we are being watched
CTR never left, m8. They TOOK OVER.
Because a lot of the new user base isn't committed. Red pills and actual debate with sources is now required. Otherwise this board is no better than fagbook.
Because ((they)) are still trying to subvert us. Now that we've won, they're trying to force this contrarian meme to get us to flip sides.
Remnants of CTR that have become trapped here.
lots of new fags thanks to the election
it's okay
we will teach them
Starting now
Why do people act like somehow Trump did something against Pro-white nationalist today?
POL always gets invaded,just expose the pedo stuff and ignore everything else
Daily reminder that Sup Forums was liberal in during the Bush years, faggot. Newfag doesn't even realize he is a newfag
Sup Forums is dead
even reddit is more right wing now
>Chicago NYC and LA not darkest on the bottom map
See my flag, why would I.
I thought nu-pole would be gone by now =(
shut the fuck up.
/r/thedonald refugees
The bulk of African Americans are in southern states though.
True, needs to be darker.
it's just a joke
we all are, alex jones is, trump is, paul watson is, etc.
But we have to cover ourselves a little.
We've done a lot in the dark, let's keep it that way.
Where still white nationalists, just not Spencer white nationalists.
I miss libertarian Sup Forums desu.
Richard Spencer is a plant, im sure pol is pro hitler anti jew but not under the subversion of a pretender out to ruin everything.
>calls people new fags
>stormfags have been here since the beginning
Because Sup Forums is also counter culture so now that Trump is prez we have to rail against him.
See, this is what I was talking about
Since when does alt right = white nationalist?
Sup Forums is not one person
Sup Forums consists of shitposters, white nationalists, white supremacists, libertarians, shitposters, contrarians, "culturalists" and shitposters
>op doesn't know about news man
>op doesn't know about the days when storm weenies were thrown the fuck out
>op being this fucking new
I feel old now
>he misses losing, logical fallacies and faggotry
shit man
Because Stormweenies fucked up extremely hard and they now need to be purged.
>people have been memeing against CTR for so long they forgot all about our true enemy: JIDF
>Sup Forums was liberal during the Bush years
>Bush was in office 2000-2008
"White" doesn't mean anything.
You say "white" when there are blacks in the room.
As soon as everyone brown leaves the room, you call me a Slavshit subhuman.
So fuck you.
There's no "white".
New fags
We never considered you white potato fucker. Go squat in front of a moving train
>this video isn't available in your country
We're being raided
Disliking one type of retardation doesn't mean you have to defend another.
Of fucking course. That's some bullshit user
Congrats, you have a non-white First Lady... again! Kekekekkeke.
We are, put calling yourself "alt-right" has always been retarded. Only the newfags and redditors ever did that. Anyone that actually saw themselves as alt-right can get fucked.
white nationalism is an end goal to imagine or covet or daydream about in the future, but most of Sup Forums is not stupid enough to think that it would be productive to start trying to make mainstream politics based off white supermacy.
The number one priority right now should be to gain back ground in teh culture war and against PC culture.
you do that by moving the centre to the right and making it normal, winning over the middle 60% who don't care strongly.
You don't do that by unironically hinting at looking up to hitler, and doing the cringeworthy , attentionwhore shit that richard "nobody" spencer is doing.
The choice between pushing patriotism and pushing white nationalism in the mainstream theatre is a choice between improving the situation for white people and the right wing in general and accomplishing nothing for white people or the right wing and allowing the anti-white left to gain even more ground.
People who are too stupid to realise what is in their best interests need to fuck off
Most people consider slavs white. Only people on Sup Forums falling for the kike meme say otherwise.
Don't forget there are literally autistics on here who find that Aryan vs. Anglo turkroach meme funny.
Better then Michael "Michelle" Obama
most retards that frequent Sup Forums now don't even know you were able to select your own flag, and most used the nazi one.
Damn thats a name i haven't seen in months. You notice we let Israeli posters do whatever they want now?
>not having been here since at least 2006
I wish it was but there are way too many niggers, faggots and marxists here to call this board pro-white nationalists.
Same here
pretty much this but then again its been about only 24hrs since I've started to see a huge push for this shit
Classic damage control.
Noone is saying that, or acting as you say.
We're just taking the distances from an entity that was interely invented by the mainstream media. Don't you see the shameful left always tries to take up a common enemy because otherwise they're too much of pseudo intellectuals to actually take arms together? Take any average leftist people. They don't actually think about issues (apart from the main ones). They just tend to think something that isn't "mainstream", to look new, innovative and thoughtful. So their media just HAVE to create a scapegoat to unite them. They tried this with Bernie, and ended bad. Now it's the alt-right, which is just a word to say "anything that is not us". and Sup Forums is the pinnacle of what the mainstream left isn't. But still I fail to understand what the alt-right is
That doesn't mean we supported or cared for the so called "established alt-right".
Like the anonymoose fags, these people are a betrayal of the ideals and goals, while still spouting the language and the affiliation.
The sooner the alt-right goes back into a heterogeneous mix of people rather than something with a face and a leader the better of we will all be.
That said, I don't understand why people expected a man who spend his time around people of all races while trying to help them when sensible would go about saying long live nazism, but that's just me.
>Now that we've won, they're trying to force this contrarian meme to get us to flip sides.
because you can be a white nationalists but if you think a faggot like spencer playing nazi is the future of white nationalism you dont know shit.There are better ways to argue your point than saying hail trump.
Be strong, endure the storm. Ignore them
Coindence Detector
I get all of the other shit, but what's wrong with being unmarried?
Religion in general is shit and marriage is a huge waste of time, unless you're looking at it from a business like perspective.
They're new
underage b& pls go
>before spencer shit
>multiple 200+ holocaust denial threads daily
>multiple 200+ hitler masturbation threads daily
>muh SS
>muh yte ppl
>after spencer
>durr guys Sup Forums was never nazi kek
everyone sees through your shit you faggots and there are enough screencaps around to dig your grave. Trump himself will most likely pull the trigger.
Enjoy your "God Emperor" and "ethnic cleansing" kek
White nationalism is the platform of the Republican Party now.
People still just haven't figured it out yet.
While I don't think of myself as a stormfag, I have to say this should be stickied for newfags
Oh please. You've never been united.
We will assimilate them
this place is worse than fagbook
The point of marriage is to have a stable environment to raise children.
If you're looking at marriage from a hedonistic point of view, which I can only assume you are, then yes it's pointless.
this. we need old redpill threads BACK
in 2008 or so it was all "a hamburger gets me to 3rd base" and 1337. i dont recall a significant political message even on Sup Forums
Till the next election liberals will be ramping up the lies, propoganda, and intimidation because half the nation refused to accept their degeneracy as normal. Its ok though user the end will come soon enough die well.
it means your relationship is so unstable you won't even register for some ez benefits
Because conservashits scheme to steal our credit every time we wreck the left. These ass-backwards fools will understand one day. At some point, we will have a movement powerful enough to shove aside everything, including Jesus and any other conservativ holy cows, to protect the nation. They'll be made to understand this is not a fucking joke.
Finally a smart post.
We aren't anti-nationalists, we just don't like Richard Spencer.
>his heart was in the right place, but his presentation was lackluster and easily construed as "hey look I'm a Nazi guy" and he cuts his hair in a way that is an obvious homage to Hitler, making him look like a silly teenage skinhead.
>the "Alt Right" requires some degree of tact.
Calm down Ahmed before I rape your sister and mother, slit your throat and soak you in pigs blood.
Because they're actually shills trying to divide and conquer us.
Sup Forums has always been racial equalists, which is the most un-PC thing of all in democrat-controlled ameriKKKa
It's still here.
Honestly that isn't the case. There has simply been a push for leaving the label "alt-right" behind. And it obviously makes sense. People are attacking the word, not the ideas.