It's an outdated system that serves no purpose in our democracy today.
It's an outdated system that serves no purpose in our democracy today
I know you guys were pretty upset over the whole "No representation" thing when you were a British Colony but what the fuck is your obsession with voting.
Vote for your parties candadate
Vote for your Electoral college
Electoral college votes for your President
Super pacs
What the fuck is all these words?!
You only need two votes
One for Leader, one for President surely
They actually rewrote this article from another one. Micheal Baca is a Colorado elector. Two of the other electors in question were from Virgina. Two others, have vowed to vote against Clinton.
This is misleading garbage.
>Said the country with an election process that's definitely more corrupt than ours.
Not a democracy. A democratic republic. And you'd have to rewrite the consintution to do it, not amend.
A fucking leaf knows more about you're political and legal systems then yourself.
She needs to flip 36 Trump electors and hope that none of hers flip (we know one said he would for sure).
So she has to hope for the impossible and that the country will have enough left to rule after the incoming civil war.
Why is the electoral college actual people?
You missed out voting for the delegates who vote for the candidate.
good thing he is 36 votes over the line
>I think we must do all that we can to ensure that we have a Reasonable Republican candidate who shares our American values,” he said.
So these are retarded republican electors who are just going to abstain.
Therefore Hillary will never
become president
They just want it to go to the house to decide, which will get shit on in 2018 if they don't go with Trump
You do realize an amendment can override the articles of the constitution, right? In fact, some amendments can even override other amendments.
You do know that? Right? Right?
reminder that presidevacantists are scum
We've permanently shifted timelines, there's no going back now. It is literally impossible at this point for her to become president
>what is Plato's Republic
Could you make a amendment abolishing the consintution altogether?
Do you think you amend anything you want? There are rules in place about amendments.
You're a fucking idiot
This might be a dumb question, but is it illegal in any way to vote against the will of your constituents?
Trump will be POTUS......get over it. The Americans won the election.
> cast vote
> some dude decides to vote against the voters because he can
Your vote matters! :^) lmfao
In some states, yes. In others, no
Not really illegal, but it's scummy as all hell.
No, but it would immediately end the political careers of whoever did it. It's a completely suicidal move in that regard. Electors can vote for whoever they want but deviating from their state's popular vote means they will never ever work in politics ever again, because neither party will trust them.
Which is why this is all BS, because very few Electors will pull such a stunt.
It's illegal in about half the states.
It's a good way to get lynched in the other half.
>yfw they're all democrats
IT IS a democracy. It's just not direct and not equal.
To be fair the concept of the electoral college would be pretty good if you distributed votes proportionally inside the states
So the small states have more power per capita with less overall votes
Because if you think the current system helps smaller states - you're wrong. It helps the swing states and ignores the loyal partisan states. Huge California and tiny Wyoming both lose because of that.
The fucker quoted in the fucking article is a democrat. Of fucking course he isn't voting for Trump
Peaceful transition of power was never in the cards.
is it really illegal? I mean that elector's vote still counts, he just goes to jail or whatever?
>This might be a dumb question, but is it illegal in any way to vote against the will of your constituents?
Nope, not in a representational system.
Wait wait wait
So you're saying Bernie still has a chance?
The EC hasn't voted yet? What's the point of waiting? For voters to showboat and become celebrities by teasing a flip?
In the states where it is illegal, their vote is automatically assigned to the candidate they were supposed to vote for. But if they try to break away from this then they get penalized.
In the states where it's not illegal, the electors can vote whichever way they want, but these are electors chosen by their representative parties. So, all the red states will have republican electors voting making it highly unlikely they'll switch because if they do, their political career is over and they can be replaced
>Clinton won popular vote
>claim they're going to vote against popular vote
So they are supporting Trump or did Clinton not win popular vote? Which is it?
We need the electoral college to stay. Without it, you can have three major population centers asserting their will on the entirety of the rest of the nation. EC exists to prevent tyranny of the majority in 49-51 scenarios.
They aren't voting against the popular vote overall, they are going against the vote that their states did. Trump won most of the states, so it's the assumption that EC members in those states will vote Clinton instead.
good luck with that
>democrats in democratic states aren't voting for Trump
Wow, I guess the electoral college is working as intended! actually a good question.
So tyranny of the minority is better?
He's right. Good thing the US isn't a democracy
Is it not a crime for electors to change their vote? It's not even THEIR vote, it's the people's. They shouldn't be able to do that
>Baca is a Democrat from Colorado, a state Hillary won. Chiafalo is from Washington state, which Hillary also won.
Wow, so Democratic electors are not voting for Trump. What "news"!
One of the more famous and recent cases involved casting a vote for someone not even running.
However it is believed to be an accident. And the state in question cast anonymous votes, so no one knows who did it.
Gotta get that 15 minutes of fame before people check what color Colorado was.
No shit retard but an amendment to the constitution to remove the constitution wouldn't be an amendment.
>>One elector, Michael Baca
from colorado
or as alex jones says colorada
ie nobody gives a shit, clickbait article
He's right. If it was gone, more California Republicans would have shown up to vote and he'd have won by a landslide.
>>One elector, Michael Baca said in a statement that he wouldn’t vote for Trump.
He's a fucking Colorado elector.
Colorado; one of the states Hillary won.
It installs the dominance of the swing states instead
You realize there is not now, nor anytime in the foreseeable future, a two-thirds majority in the House, a two-thirds majority in the Senate, and 75% of the states to support a constitutional amendment to get rid of or change the electoral college, right?
It's a complete non-starter. It's just the Democrats' coping mechanism right now, until they forget about it and move on to the next shiny object.
If you read the Politico article, the faithless don't believe they can change the outcome of the election, but the idea is to cause discontent in the electorate system.
all the people that signed that pledge were from states that voted Clinton
Michael Baca, for example, is an elector from COLORADO
this is one of the dumbest things i've ever seen. its just ass blasted bernouts that are voting for Bernie instead of Hillary in the electoral college and trying to get republican electors to vote for Mitt Romney. they will accomplish nothing except make Hillary lose even more electoral votes.
> tfw soros buys enough representatives to make hillary president
> tfw libtards are happy, system is dead
EC is made up of State Reps and State Senators, right? not surprising some are finks
But who votes to make these particular ones the official "Electors"?
I think a realistic result if the electors flip isn't civil war, but effectively so much dissension that the US ceases to operate as a coherent nation at all for at least 4 years.
underrated comment, this is very true
I hate this fucking meme.
I'd rather a diverse group of swing states (FL, OH, PA, CO, NV, NH, VA, etc.) "dominate" than California.
Seriously, if you took out California, Trump won the national popular vote easily. The electoral college was devised by the Founding Fathers to prevent big states from having too much influence over the outcome and, agree or disagree with that, it worked 100% as designed in the 2016 presidential election. It stopped California from deciding the outcome on its own.
>discontent in the electorate system
all that it will accomplish is for states to pass laws imposing criminal penalties on faithless electors
America is a constitutional republic, not a democracy. Direct democracy isn't a thing
>A slew of Democrats, on the other hand, have also signaled they may defect from Clinton, which wouldn't help or hinder Trump's path to the White House but could contribute to a sense of disarray and voter disenfranchisement.
I remember there was Indian who was a Washington elector who said he wouldnt vote for Clinton because of the pipeline protest
The party that wins nominates the electors, who actually make the votes. The electors are almost always party insiders.
Thank fucking god America isn't a 'direct democracy' or it would of collapsed a looooong time ago.
Fucking top kek.