call it now faggots, who are we backing?
Other urls found in this thread:
support milo, he says what we say and he has a shield of homosex.
not spencer
neither, gay boy
praise kek
Milo is for plebbit and normies.
Spencer is for edgelords so he is /ourguy/
Considering Spencer just destroyed the movement in a matter of seconds, I think you know the answer.
maybe you should take this over to reddit.
Milo is a neocon.
You all agree with Richard Spencer.
If you side with Milo, you're just as fake and dishonest as Hillary Clinton.
We don't back up anyone. They back themselved to us.
>Milo is a neocon
Come again?
Fuck off, we back ideas and ideals.
They're welcome to back Sup Forums, but ultimately who cares what a couple of attention hungry namefags think?
Spencer is our guy. At least he actually believes in something.
Milo just latches onto whatever movement is cool one week to gain popularity & fame. Spencer has been alt-right for years.
This board stands with president elect, Donald Trump.
>isn't spencer a kike lover anyways?
Neither you cocksucking shill.
Spencer was just on the news for saying jews aren't people.
>who are we backing?
>saged and hidden, faggot
He said the media are not people.
Make them duel to the death in a steel cage.
Winner fights her for leadership of the alt-right.
>the media are not people
>jews aren't people
What's the difference?
Spencer actually talks about the jews and backs white interest, he doesn't need pol to back him and we don't need him to back us
This, Spencer is his own thing, he is not Sup Forums
>destroyed our movement
What a pussy
No one, despite my flag I'm not a massive faggot.
Leslie Jones will always be my leader
Neither you fucking faggot
Milo is a faggot, Spencer is an edgelord you pick faggot.
That's what I was thinking. Since the joos do run the media. It's like when the jewish globalists said Trump was anti-semitic when he talked about the global power structure in his final campaign video.
So sick of this attention whoring faggot trying to insert himself into everything. He thinks pol is his ticket to stardom and constantly makes threads about himself. Sage
Spencer names the Jew, Milo is a Jew. I think you know the answer
that faggot actually went out there and did shit, the other faggot Spencer is a fucking idiot,
>waits for election to be over
>goes out with his stormfags zieg heiling 'n shiet
even if you're one of them you have to be literally brain dead to think that's a good mood unless you're in Nazi Germany atm
that, and all the shill #spencerisagoodaryan threads are annoying as fuck
>pic unrelated
You don't back leaders, you don't subscribe to labels. The moment you associate yourself with groupthink it will be infiltrated and coopted. Stop shilling this shit already.
>good mood
good move*
Both should go in oven.
why the fuck do we have to support either of these idiots, fuck off with this shit.
Obviously Milo
He's distanced himself from the false alt right and denounced spencer as a shill
Milo is a capitalist shill.
Sup Forums is a nationalist board.
You can't be a nationalist and call yourself a capitalist.
Milo is a literal co-op like how the globalists have co-oped the left, Spencer is a retard too btw.
Milo is bretty cool, this Spencer dude seems like a total faggot though.
>Richard is well spoken, but to closely related to the "white-trash" fash kind.
>Milo is to full of himself and will probably cuck on race-IQ but he's easier for normies to swallow
I'd reluctantly say go with Milo until we can force more of the normies a bit more to the right unless you think the demographics are at such a fucked level that a low-key race war is the only way to protect western-european society.
but ultimately, this is the correctest answer
Faglord because you won't convert the normies without him.
What movement? The one that never existed?
Stop shitting up this board,
Spencer is a CIA plant so fuck him.
Milo is good for now but will be a liability in the future since he is a jew and a fag.
Spencer fucked everything up and needs t go Ernst Röhm-style.
Spencer obviously. We need to push the window as far right as we can.
Western civilization is on the line. It's the ninth hour. We can't afford to play it safe. Do or die time.
Neither, because I don't care about quasi-political/pseudo-intellectual figures, go tip your fedora on Reddit OP.
it's like leaderfags all over again
fuck you anonoomoose
Spencer's a fucking nazi
He's an English gay jew who fucks black men. Couldn't be a harder person for the leftists to attack.
Remember to sage and report.
this, we don't back any type of attention whores that try to enrich himself.
Cernoshit, Milo, Spencer etc.
None. Sup Forums is not alt right. Trump will be president. That makes us just"right" now
i like this faggot
Spencer is legit. He has true esoteric knowledge. He actually called whites "The Children of the Sun." which is the meaning of the Swastika, the ancient symbol of our people.
Milo is a jewish, race-mixing, sodomite.
this is full-bore fucking retarded. leftists attack milo all the time and nobody gives a fuck about his identity protectors.
you accomplished making trump having to step away from anyone calling themselves alt-right.
How fucking retarded are you, you lost all the power of infuencing Trump.
Biggest fuck up yet.
It's called sublte red pill u raging faggot kike.
their attacks are never publicized because they all make themselves look so stupid every time. they have no credible angle to attack him from other than to say "this man represents hate" or some other equally stupid abstraction that they never back up.
>What is 1 divided by 0 come on it hás to be something
None of them. Fuck of shill
milo, more memable, better at subversion, oh yeah and he wasn't invented as a persona in an attempt to infiltrate and destroy us.
both serve their place and our doing good work. that being said, neither is our guy.
>tfw no extra spicy gingerbread gf
Spencer went full retard.
Milo, I guess. I've never even heard of this Spencer kid. The alt right is a meke anyway, so it doesn't really matter.
Spencer. Milo is Reddit normie tier
milo is miles above a faggot tha likes to play nazi like richard spencer.
My vote goes to Greg.
At the level we've been operating on itd be stupid to support Spencer.
People picking a degenerate faggot kike over a (admittedly spergy) Aryan goy? What is the deal with nu-Sup Forums?
Did I just miss something? Spencer going after Milo for being a jewy fag or a faggy jew now?
Milo. They can't play the MUH NEO NAZI card with him.
Starfucker, go back to your "rate these alt right cuties" threads on TDF or whatever
was the Alt-right always this splintered?
or is this something recent?
>hurr durr that was a roman salute you need to learn about history
milo = winning team and 2020 Meme War rights
Spencer got played like a fiddle by the lying media.
I'd back her if you know what I mean
you guys are fags
Newfag sameposting, Proof we back SPENCER not FAGGOT
Spencer will give you a wheat field waifu and a purpose in life.
Milo will give you AIDS.
Sweden being a cuck who's afraid of being called a racist.
leddit-Sup Forums is more apt
I'm a fag and a trannylover, i guess it was only a matter of time before i backed Milo anyway.
It's always been this splintered. Alt lite just didn't know it because they are idiots
some guy today, some guy tomorrow, maybe a woman after that. Whoever gives us the maximum amount of bantz and salty tears at the time.
A cat is fine too.
This post right fookin 'ere.
What did Spencer even do except coin the phrase 'alt-right'? Sup Forums isn't even alt-right but can we please go with Milo. Milo actually did shit throughout the election, normies who hear his message generally love him, the media can't attack him. He's done a whole lot more for us then Spencer. Spencer's LARPing will ruin us.
Milo, obviously.
The dude is making a lot of people switch to conservatism, and is more marketable than the paid opposition shill.
He also has the whole being gay thing shielding him.
I'm pretty sure milo was a good reason why Trump got elected
>This, Spencer is his own thing, he is not Sup Forums
You could say the same thing about Trump, or Farage, or any mainstream politician. The question is, who do we support. not who are we.
So much this, loyalty for the sake of loyalty is not healthy