Richard Spencer fucked up, and now the entire media has put the Alt-Right into a negative light with their normie audience. Even Donald Trump has condemned the Alt-Right! [ Look at this shit: ]
The Alt-Right should have stayed in the shadows. The NPI should have never let the media near their conference this year. Why the fuck did they make Roman salutes when they knew the media was there in the room?!
The leaders of the Alt-Right no longer look like attractive, young, rebellious counter-culture intellectuals, but now they look like fat, dumb racists. Being in the spotlight sucks, now the entire world will crash down on this movement and Trump. If the Alt-Right had a potential of attracting a new audience, they lost it now.
You know what will happen. The world will think that Trump, and all white Americans are evil, ugly, nazis.
Because it wasn't actually the Alt-Right. All of it is staged and someones definitely getting paid to bring the whole thing down. It's stupid anyway, the Alt-Right hasn't actually done anything, memes did all the work and WE are creating the memes.
Lucas Perry
Link to trump disavowing this? I just saw it on normie book and people are shitting their pants saying trump supports this guy.
Samuel Scott
You memed Trump into the White House now own it you little shit.
Asher Smith
>alt-right >was meant to be made up of people who wanted to speak about Western traditions, culture and how to fix everything >now it's in the spotlight >it's now associated with the KKK, Neo-Nazis and white trash faggots
We all knew this was coming. And Sup Forums was never alt-right.
Cooper Brown
>caring what the media and the "world" thinks
Henry Green
oh no, the media which were previously reporting honestly on us are now calling us Nazis
what ever shall we do
Nolan Edwards
>bong actually associated with the alt right
Hunter Adams
>We all knew this was coming.
Yeah, if it wasn't Spencer it would be David Duke. There is always some autist who believes the same things we do, but doesn't have the social intelligence to hide their power-level.
Ian Hernandez
>made an entire room literally heil trump while saluting >Sup Forums still calls him a shill richard spencer has done more to further le cause than everyone who posts in this thread combined will ever do in their lives including me.
Kevin Bailey
>pol >the alt-right chose one
Wyatt Allen
I fucking hate you, Sup Forums.
For weeks we were praising Kek, memeing Spencer's bants, and kumbayaing in bathtubs full of CTR tears.
Now our guy is getting some bad press and all you rats scurry off and whine that WE WUZ never alt-right, that we don't know who this is, that Nazism is disgusting, etc.
If you have a Merchant in your image folder then you are alt-right. If you care about white genocide then Spencer is your hero. If Trump wants to disavow us, we'll meme his ass back to New York faster than you can say "some parts will be a fence."
Lincoln Adams
Whoever that guy is, he has a faggoty haircut
Robert Peterson
The reality is that Sup Forums and TheDonald are nothing but contrarian trolls and 1% alt-right.
When the contrarians don't have anti-Hillary stuff to argue against, and are left facing the grim reality of the evil racist motherfuckers they've been supporting, they quickly back away.
Sorry fuckers, you created this, you can live with it.
Kevin Morgan
Next would be the KKK faggot. These people were never the voices of alt-right. They're opportunistic retards
Is there anyone who publicly speak who isn't an opportunistic retard? you say the same damn thing about literally everyone who sticks out. ramzpaul, milo, david duke, spencer, literally everyone is an opportunistic retard to you weak faggots.
Connor Morales
>t. kike
Jackson Bennett
>the media and everyone will think white people and Trump are all Nazis
Have you listened to anything that has been said over the past election??
White countries are being invaded by shit skin sand niggers and white people are already demonized to hell
what do you expect white people to do start lubing up their asses to get ready to take it all in the rear
Thomas Sullivan
I'm an Americunt living in Britain. Don't draw conclusions. Also, what about Millennial Woes?
Ryan Robinson
Go whine about it elsewhere. Nobody cares about some literally who claiming to be some fake political party.
This same thread is spammed 24 hours per day. You're obviously some shill who doesn't understand that Sup Forums is not an "altright" hugbox.
Noah Lopez
Alexander Jackson
Whenever I think of the Alt-Right, I always picture these faggots
Bentley Hall
This. Sup Forums autists cast out anyone who has the balls to go public.
Never punch rightward.
Brody Cruz
He spoke at the conference. He's one of us.
Jason Rodriguez
Hahaha, love it when a plan comes together.
Connor Robinson
thats not the cause though you fucking retard. no one on the right except these stupid "alt-right" edgelords want some kind of resurgence of Nazism/White supremacy. Thats not what trump's movement is about in the fucking slightest
Juan Walker
He knew what he was doing you morons. He is not some 85IQ monkey who cant control himself.
Alt kikes are provoking goyim into hating whites. After Trumps presidency no white person will ever be elected again.
That's what you get when you are 60% white and go full retard bashing minorities who will soon outnumber you.
Jews are setting white americans up for a violent genocide.
Benjamin Price
So you admit to being a newfag who only started using Sup Forums because of the election? Or are you just a lost shitskin?
Jackson Lee
Yep, most people on Sup Forums are delusional. They think they are actually making a difference by posting memes all day.
Brayden Bell
Dick Spencer is either a spook or nothing but an attention seeker. Hopefully he figures out soon how to hang himself.
William Roberts
Western traditions?
Like interracial gay orgies with minors that Milo bragged about?
Face it. Alt right movement is a plant
Asher Thomas
Who is richard spencer?
Brayden Parker
>not realizing he's the controlled opposition
Grayson Rodriguez
Cameron Hill
it's so funny. They made themselves leaders but no one follows them. They just wanted to be famous, even if they had to be nazis. And now Trump has fucked them over. Thank god. No one cares about your little alt right bullshit
Matthew Lopez
If he stayed in the shadows and hadn't exposed himself to normies right away, he could have had more influence.
Alt Right could have been counter culture to liberalism, but normies will be turned off to it because of muh Hitler.
Charles Rodriguez
>slovenia >white
Carson Lee
The false flag is complete.
Once again, the MSM weave and cast their web of lies and deceit.
I beseech Lord KEK to BTFO these faggots once more! The 99M and 100M GETs will decide the fate of the world t b h
Noah Davis
Liam Murphy
I know he spoke there. My point is that he's from Britain, and you assumed Bongs weren't associated with the Alt-Right.
Parker Long
>memeing Spencer's bants >our guy Maybe in your Spencer dickriding threads that most people on Sup Forums ignore.
The best thing about this manufactured outrage is that Spencer is now completely discredited and will be irrelevant to anyone but teenage stormcucks.
Nicholas Adams
Alt-right was always cancer dominated by faggots, nigger-enablers and autists.
Sup Forums is far right.
Aaron Smith
Boy, you guys here in Sup Forums know shit about politics, you know that right? Sup Forums is literally the reflection of all the reasons why America (as a continent, not just the U.S.A.) is incapable of doing a functional democracy. Basically, to have a successful democracy, you need critical and educated people so everyone understands what they are voting for and what they are against, but, that's literally what Americans lack: critical thinking and an actual education. People here probably distrust scientific studies and statistics, and get their news from Infowars without understanding why is that a really stupid thing to do, just to give an example. I hope you guys think you're "awake" and on the "right side" of history just because someone agrees with your view of reality. Lol. BTW, this includes people from the right and left, not just right, to make things clear.
Jacob Gomez
this, complete false flag to make trump and his supporters look bad.
Xavier Sullivan
Alt right exists. It's called left wing which is what Trump supporters are.
Pro lgbt, hindu dundu loving cuckolds
Isaac Ward
Thomas Anderson
I have yet to meet a single person who identitifies as alt right.
The media is so out of touch that they're reporting on a false movement.
Joseph Roberts
top kek
Jace Hall
>t. Richard Spencer
Matthew Watson
>Richard Spencer fucked up, and now the entire media has put the Alt-Right into a negative light with their normie audience of course, he's a koch brothers insurgent or some such trying to undermine the core support for trump by having the media just stick some kind of racist etc blanket label on them the same thing happened with the tea party only this time Trump has actually been elected and nobody really gives a shit about the media
Nolan Thomas
>False flag lol are you 13?
Hudson Brown
To have a successful 1 st world country you need to have the average IQ above 95. Here is where you mexicans fail with your subhuman low intelligence.
America is ruined by people like you and negroes.
Hunter Mitchell
This stuff was always going to freak normies out and i bet richard knows that , i know Millennial Woes says that they are probably not scaremongering and the Alt right is white nationalism which i tend to agree . was always going to be met with shock and even horror by most people
Parker Stewart
If you guys want to fix this, you must condemn the whackos. Take back your movement.
Andrew Brown
>Now our guy is getting some bad press
Bad press that he literally earned himself, and deserves.
How can you present this guy to the non-politically aligned part of society like probably your parents (centrists, mild-conservatives, all kind of cucks who were starting to get redpilled and deprogrammed, etc.) as a rational being whom you could follow against the tidal leftist wave we had this last decades, when he raises his arm and says "Hail Trump" in a serious environment like a fanatic skinhead, and says things like "the jews are soulless golems"? The fact is that you can't present him as a rational being because he isn't, he is a (neo)Nazi and most people who want to stop immigration aren't (neo)Nazis. Most people want to stop immigration to curb crime, unemployement and maintain the base ethnical structure of their country (white WASP in this case) without gassing millions of non-whites. Maybe you want a racial war, most people don't, you can be a pro-white advocacy and still understand that things are more complex than "gas the kikes, race war now". Richard Spencer is over, he comitted public harakiri. And it's his fault.
Jaxson Green
>IQ Lol, like i said, uneducated. You need to read more boy, and not truthism websites.
Jaxson Gutierrez
Millenial woes a guy who spoke about his support of bestiality.
Hudson Murphy
?why do i care >i am user
Oliver Young
why do they look like potatoes?
Jace Morales
there's no movement here. it's a discussion forum. I'm not even american, I'm a goddamn Canadian who voted for the Green Party, which is likely as liberal as it gets. And I'm supposed to be some obscure foreign right wing nazi supremicist? give me a break
Justin Morales
>Alt-Right thread >mfw
Chase Jackson
How about you alt righters stop being fucking faggots?
Keep a low profile and cut out the racist shit? K?
Justin Bennett
Stop making these shitty kike lugenpress strawman meme threads. The (((alt-right))) label and mainstream narrative has been nothing but a kike strawman from the beginning.
Joseph Ward
I'm impressed that Sup Forums is still undivided
Remember how we memed /ourguy/ into the whitehouse, Sup Forums? Let's never get tired of winning. Let's always stand undivided.
Oliver King
how many times do i have to say this: RICHARD SPENCER IS A CONTROLLED OPPOSITION SHILL!
>The Alt-Right should have stayed in the shadows. What does that even fucking mean? Do we have "Official alt-right member cards" or some shit now? Fuck off, retard.
Ayden Rodriguez
Not an argument.
If Mexicans are as intelligent as whites why is their country a 2nd world shithole?
Why do africans who have low IQ just happen to live in 3rd world?
Why is there not a single 1 st world country with an IQ below 95?
Zachary Bailey
no, i'm 23 and not blind to this ponzi scheme nigger faggot called richard spencer. He takes credit for something he never created. Charlatan, look up the definition. Also look up how he comes up with elaborate secrt clubs with $1000 payment fees
Carson Cook
Wait a minute. You mean the liberal media is painting literal nazis In a negative light???
Adrian Anderson
Yeah lets forget about those waving mexican and communist flags. those black nationalists groups killing cops.Its only a problem when its about white preservation.
Lincoln Howard
Holy shit just watched it all. Rofl they even have Milo in there under Trump's message. Trump cucked the alt right hard goddamn
That's it! It's over! Surely this incident has destroyed the rising nationalism across all of Western world. I guess we will just have to let the Muslims take over now. Also better have the Italians double their efforts to rescue Africans from the Med.
Kevin Fisher
Idgaf. I know I am not him and that he is a retard. Never accepted the label "alt-right" anyway. If the media/academia,etc continues to paint us with this brush, they'll hand us another election. Works for me.
Austin Thomas
Alexander Evans
Education wont help you much if you are not intelligent enough. An idiot can study day and night to pass the tests but as soon as the real life problem is slightly different he fails to figure it out.
You are like a dog who was trained to open one type of doors but gets stuck on all other types
Luke Phillips
>implying traditonalist right-wingers could ever get positive mainstream media coverage
People really are this dumb. Stop caring what the MSM writes, they're always going to be against you regardless.
Anthony Johnson
Way to misinterpret a speech. You're either retarded or disinfo
Chase Williams
nyt, theatlantic, and thefederalists are not normies you dumb fuck
James Allen
why do either of you think that Trump stands for some kind of white supremacy movement?
At the core, if anything, he's pushing an american supremacy ideal, which includes people from all races, creeds, LGBT etc. etc. and in no way should reflect some kind of call to Nazism
Easton Torres
This to be honest.
Whole thing is hilarious. Spencer is a fucking autistic mong with a history of doing retarded shit (see: phalanx) but lmao at the faux outrage.
Who cares? Trump will still be president, alt-right memes will continue to penetrate the mainstream consciousness. All is good.
Anyone getting enraged by this on either side is a cuckservative pleb, non-white or a Spencer dick licker.
You are retarded if you follow guys who are open "nazis".
Go on the streets sieg heiling and fight antifa like a retard
Landon Smith
>NYTimes, BBC, The Atlantic IGNORE SHILL THREADS >saged and hidden
Eli Scott
This nigger is so on the dnc payroll
Luis Butler
Thank God you're here, this thread is full of newfags
Connor Lopez
Jack Allen
The alt-right was never defined, so the media used Spencer to define it fully as neo-nazi because of his dumbfuck followers. The "alt-right" is dead. Or the label rather. We need to move on and not make the mistake of retards like Spencer.
Jack Gutierrez
Its shills dude massive amounts of them are on here right now they will go away in a day or so. Keep strong and post red pill shit.
Isaac Price
posting in bait thread
Nicholas Moore
You actually believe he said Jews are soulless golems? Or could this be the media lying and blowing it out of proportion?
Stop playing their games
Nicholas Thomas
I didn't see MW sieg heiling anywhere.
Adrian Lopez
Whites created USA and keep it together. Once they fall the country will go down with them and will look exactly like Brasil or Mexico
Anthony Morris
I think this will all come back to haunt the left. By covering it so extensively they serve to popularize far-right positions. Sure 90% of people will read them and think, that's awful!, but 10% will read more into these people's views and consider seriously their motivations.