I came to this board a few months ago like a naive newfag months ago. I though all the Hitler did no wrong memes and the whole white genocide and the antisemitism was just stupid Sup Forums memes I was wrong Sup Forums All this shit you've been saying is true I've become woke as fuck man and I don't know how to feel. I've been lied to my whole life. everyone has been lied to their whole lives our society has been crafted extensively by the jews to keep us all slaves. I fear for the future Sup Forums I See what is happening around the world and I genuinely fear for the future. I hope to someday raise a family but I worry about what world will my kids be born in. A world that hates them because their white a world where we're all debt slaves to the jews. we will ever rise up again. I hope this wave of right wing nationalism holds. I really do. they can't keep getting away with this shit.
Required viewing don't be a newfag educate yourself on what the jews have done.
Nice user. The Greatest Story Never Told is the best redpill of all time.
Benjamin Clark
If you really want to get redpilled
Read: >State Dept. Letters on Foreign Relations Russia, 1918 vol.1-3
Anthony James
Jaxson Rivera
Care to elaborate on that?
Jordan Hernandez
Yes I to am very much intrigued any PDF on this or a synopose I very much want to be informed.
Ethan Torres
Well the history is written by the victorious, ofc its not going to tell you the truth.
Chase Rogers
My 7&8 yro have never lived in a house with TV or internet. Yes, we have a television and laptops but the content on them is controlled by me with absolutely Zero marketing or commercial advertising.
This freaks lots of folks out. Their public school teachers especially. (Ikr) But I've also got 10+ acres of woods to play on, an extensive library and let the play vidya and watch movies.
It sounds kind of shit but we have to protect our kids from the coming future.
Trump is a beautiful step but in no way is he a cure for the sicknesses plaguing our societies.
Asher White
And who won WW2 it wasn't the allies as the history books say it was the Soviet union and the jews they won. and they set out to make sure no one or nothing would ever stand up to them again.
Cameron Hill
I think the only reason I wasn't so brainwashed was because I never really watched TV From a very early age I was using the internet or playing video games. I never went to college to get indoctrinated like so many of these commie fags we see on university today. I feel blessed in that sense.
Nathaniel Cook
Then the jew turned and ended a Soviet era so as to implant a new and improved "American" one???
Carson Wilson
Christian Jackson
My college experience was what opened my eyes. Going from a small rural town to a nigger infested city was a killer shock.
They said my country life was racist. But we didn't have a race issue. We didn't have niggers. Fuck I had no idea what a nigger was, outside of R&B, until I lived in the ever so tolerant city... and was robbed, assaulted. Lied to by "muh black friends"
Chase Bell
You think you don't know how to feel? Try being a jew that's taken the redpill. Now that is some conflicting shit!
Jaxon Gutierrez
>public school They're going to be exposed to modern culture from their friends at school sooner or later, you know.
Logan Barnes
Even after all the shit I've seen I don't hate you my friend. I know that just like radical islam a good portion of jews and muslims do not wish to harm anyone and wish to coexist peacefully. It is the extremist elements that hold all the power
Owen Martin
That's the point. To be exposed but not infested by.
I grew up attending a Baptist school until high school and realized the shelter from private cliques can be just as damaging as exposure to the social norm.
Charles Thomas
At least you can no longer be ignorant to why people hate Jews.
Hudson Brown
I stand with my one and only country and would defend it to the death, even against Israel.
Jack Morgan
cute gerbil you have there, do you mind inserting it? It's alt right apooved
Luis Bell
Well Israel is basically parasitic to the United States despite having nuclear weapons to destroy the entire of the Middle East and North Africa.
Jason Clark
Fucking Emus aren't even trying anymore..
Andrew Nguyen
I've been following geopolitical events on Sup Forums for quite some time and that may just be the case. I worry for the next 10 years. Europe is about to go up in flames I'd pay very close attention to the implosion of the duetschbank and the impending economic collapse.