>mfw all these qt Hispanic-American and Asian-American girls will now come to Europe, especially Sweden, now that America has made it clear that they're not welcome
Feels good man. I welcome their menfolk aswell as they are hard-working, educated and competent people. Let America rot in its' own bigotry, Europe will be the new beacon of freedom, equality and peace.
The muslims will get them and you will still be a cuck
Chase Jones
Hispanic is not a race and all brown hispanics are mestizos
Typical Swede
So fucking stupid
Jayden Cook
Digits of truth. Europe needs to go into multicultural mode and us Jews will be at the forefront of that change...without it Europe will not survive.
Jayden Ortiz
America only hates brown mestizo mexican tier hispanics
America is very proud of it's colonist history with help from Hispania
Jack Turner
>mexicans are hard working meme hahahaha
Carter Martinez
They are all clearly hated by you retards so we'll take them. This is my future gf, well "stumped" drumpf-tard.
Daniel Anderson
Luke Garcia
>5 Post the rest, faggot.
Wyatt Williams
She didn't age as well, peak Yovanna is Yovanna year 2013/2014.
Brayden Phillips
Literally no idea how we are and behave.
If only you knew....
Cameron Stewart
White people will go to North America now.
Europe will be flooded with shitskins.
Have fun.
Isaac Miller
kek let me give you some advice on hispanics Sven. They arent as cold as your normal swedish girls, HIGH EMOTIONAL MAINTENANCE and often want you to be masculine due to the whole Machismo latin thing.
Secondly, many of them dont age very well. The minute you put a ring on one its like a ticking time bomb and within 5 years they go from looking like that to looking like the bitch that killed Selena
Andrew Sullivan
Cleary we need to import more qt mixers
Sebastian Carter
I had an online gf I met on omegle who was an illegal immigrant living in Los Angeles. She was the sweetest person I've ever talked to.
Dylan Ramirez
Hate to burst (you) bait but the ones we are deporting don't look like that.
Lincoln Brown
I hope she was deported
Christopher Kelly
No you fucking silly swedecuck.
All the illegals in America are the ugly Amerindian and mextizos who age like chddar cheese
euro/Arabic Mexicans are of upper class background and still live in mexico as they have no need for USA
You ain't getting the European blooded Mexicans you silly cunt, but are instead getting brown men, and more brown men from '''syria'''
Nicholas Moore
we'll trade you straight up your women for these hispanic "instagram models"
tell you what, you can have the guys too (seems like you'd enjoy their company)
William Mitchell
Millions of Latin Americans already live in Spain. Many of them are mostly of white ancestry.
>As of 2015, there were over 6.1 million foreign-born people in Spain, over 13% of the total population.[1] Out of these around 4.5 million had not yet acquired citizenship corresponding to 10% of the total population. Of these, 4.1 million (8.9% of the total population) were citizens of a country outside the European Union and 2.3 million (5.1%) were citizens of another EU Member State.[2]
>In migration terms and after centuries of net emigration, Spain has recently experienced large-scale immigration for the first time in modern history. According to the Spanish government, there were 5,598,691 foreign residents in January 2010.[3] Of these, well over one million and a half were from Latin America (especially from Ecuador, Colombia, Bolivia, Argentina and Brazil), three quarters of a million were Moroccan, while immigrants and expatriates from the European Union member states amounted more than two million (especially from Romania, United Kingdom, Germany, Italy and Bulgaria). Chinese are estimated to number 145,425, while South East Asian groups such as Filipinos—whose country was a former Spanish possession—created a small community in Spain There's already
Noah Jenkins
>Asians >Going to Sweden with the current rate of rape
Asians aren't stupid, Ahmed.
Camden Sullivan
MOAR. How many do you have? Make a Sup Forums thread and dump. Might get temp-banned if you do here.
>Los Angeles Yeah, you can find tons of them in the US. But we're not in the US, and the only ones we get are the orange goblins.
>tfw latina fetish >In sweden Why.
Spamma sverigetråden på int någon dag med latinas, de blir halvchockade eftersom de är så jävla instängda i sitt lilla community där.
A lot of them, sure. But it's also true that all the mildly successful and up, move to the US for the opportunities. Only the trash (or really rich) stay behind in the rape jungle.
Noah Gonzalez
as a swede, you may not realize this, but hispanics are only hot from 15-20, after that they gain 6 gorillion pounds
this chick is hot and fit, but you can already see the process starting
Mason Gray
Yeah, like your Swedish sissy ass wilbe banging them. You belong in the shed Sven!
Wyatt Wright
We were cucked by Justin Bieber
No? You have a fucking look criteria?
Bullshit, all Mexicans in America are being deported. In fact anyone non-white except the niggers are.
Leo Myers
Du kan hitta henne själv, Yovanna Ventura. Hon ser dock inte lika bra ut längre.
Hah deal! Take our feminist whores and I'll tkae the conservative qts like pic related.
Brayden King
People south of the border cannot take cold climates. Most at work right now are freezing their ass off and this is Southern California weather. >Everyone coming in with pants/jeans and a sweater >Come in with shorts and a T-shirt Though the girls are cute, just watch out because some would kill you if you really crossed them. It isn't that uncommon with stories when these girls chase their guy around with a knife.
Landon Baker
No, you don't understand. They (Illegal Mexicans/Asians) are as a whole not physically attractive. The attractive ones come legally, or have legal parents. Also, any woman that looks attractive usually gets married quickly so she becomes a citizen.
It has been a month and a half since the Peruvians are travelling freely to European countries for up to 90-day stays.
From 15th of March until 3oth of April when the visa requirements were officially waived, Peruvians gained admission in the Schengen Area by only presenting either their conventional or biometric passports to the European authorities.
During this period of time around 21,982 Peruvians have traveled to Schengen Area countries without visas.
Peruvians traveled mostly to:
Spain (14,464), the Netherlands (4,639), France (2,250), Italy (378), Germany (134), Switzerland (36), Sweden (18), Belgium (16), whereas in Finland, Norway and Austria (8 persons in each country).
Peruvians began receiving biometric passports by February 23rd, 2016, and the European Union authorities have expressed their satisfaction with the quality of their passports.
Connor Sullivan
I work with a couple of mexicans and their girlfriends are crazy. Causing arguments just to be causing arguments, always wanting them to be texting them, and always bitching guess thats not just mexican girls though
She looks white and attractive to me. Smart aswell.
Colton Cooper
You could probably go to Latin America and get yourself a brown qt.
Tyler Sanders
Indeed. It helps that they share the language and religion.
Bentley Roberts
Why are you picking the cream of the crop as far as aesthetics are concerned? You have to take the filth as well
Henry Perry
watch a little too much liberal news, Swedecuck?
Please......Enjoy them
William Reed
This attractive girl is not the norm, which is why she's used to push the agenda. If you want attractive Latina women, you're WAY better off importing one in from Mexico who already relatively has her shit together.
If you think our undocumented immigrants look like that, you are absolutely fooling yourself.
Hunter Diaz
Who the girl?
Alexander Jenkins
Those can't come.
Jonathan Fisher
How does a Mexican hop the border into Sweden?
Mason Wood
M-muh anecdotal evidence
Chase Rogers
>I welcome their menfolk aswell Cuck.
Colton Hill
anything is an improvement over muslim """""""refugees""""""", so I can't really blame you
Austin Thomas
You're in for quite a surprise. By 35, most look exactly like that. I'm not even kidding either.
Alexander Bailey
Nah Mexican girls are the most attractive in the world according to many studies. A perfect balance of conservative modesty and liberal playfulness, cuteness and curvy sexiness, girlish sweetness and womanly responsibility. They really got the whole package
Ian Hernandez
er nah. you dont want niggers.
this is wrong.
i like how you non americans think you know how the other races are. im american. i know exactly how they are.
Nathaniel Brown
I keep hearing this but I refuse to believe it. Why would girls age so badly? Maybe it's because they must work so hard 25/7 in America and can't afford anything but trash food? In Sweden we allow them freedom and a healthy life.
Ethan Ramirez
Average 13 year old hispanic girls. The ones born in Texas are twice that size.
Ian Gutierrez
So more women are going to cuck you sven?
Aiden Lopez
because culturally they're basically the same as american rednecks. There's a reason mexico is the fattest country in the world.
Benjamin Gutierrez
lol Mexican girls are all fat three years after puberty and Asians are overrated.
In 2011, Italy had 246,908 regular immigrants from Peru. In 2006, they were 66,506. The three cities with the highest number of Peruvians are: Milan, Rome and Turin.[2]
Venezuelans in Spain form one of the main immigrant groups from Hispanic America in the country. Spain is the European country most Venezuelans choose to migrate because of the language and shared customs. Also, much of Venezuelans who emigrate, are allowed to gain Spanish citizenship because of their ancestral background.[1]
In 2011 in Spain there are 359,076 regular immigrants from Ecuador.
Gavin Miller
Orelaterat, men hur hittar man tjejer alls online i sverige? Omegle duger för europa - typ. Många av dem är ostabila som fan, dock. Men hur hittar man icke-vegan-feminist-bimbo-tjejer i faktiska sverige, på internet? Vill inte använda tinder, bor nog bara araber häromkring ändå.
At least you can find indians in the UK/Ireland, they're acceptable as well and age a hell of a lot better.
Somewhat successful/any kind of money beyond lowest wageslave = try to move to the US. That's what I meant. Not the illegals specifically.
Probably, but it's south america.
Did you read this in a brochure somewhere? I make no judgements on wether I actually want to deal with latinas until I actually find some more of them, I'll straight up say I just prefer the typical physical features they have.
I like how you americans consider yourself white, when you're 1/4 indian, nigger or whatever.
At least you can't blame them for not being american patriots, eh? Going as far as even adopting the preferred body weight of the host country is a pretty good sign of integration.
Zachary Sanders
I will only pick upper class undocumented immigrants who are intelligent and take care of themselves, like this girl
Jaxon Gonzalez
it's the indian genetics.
Joshua Russell
I knew a Japanese guy that was also came here, super excited about exotic beautiful Latinas all over the place. He was sorely disappointed.
I'm not saying that I don't think that some Latina women are top-tier beautiful; there are some that are stunning. However, when they have the idea in their head that the average Latina looks like It's a recipe for disappointment.
It's easier to find these Shakira-esque kinds of ladies in places like Mexico City. To be honest though, those aren't the ones that are looking to leave their country.
Aiden Fisher
I have changed my mind.
Keep your fucking spics America.
Lincoln Edwards
This thread proves that Europe's done for. At least we did the smart thing and abandoned ship while we're still 90% white.
William Martinez
The ones in America are usually dirt poor, so they eat a diet of bullshit carbs that don't leave you feeling full. They have a lot of corn-based processed products and corn-sugar in their food.
It's like an ultra concentrated version of everything in the USA's food that makes us into Amerifats. You should see what they drink...flavored corn syrup water, which is why the Black (and White, to a lesser extent) population in the South is absolutely huge as well.
Carter Rodriguez
I have friends from Latin America and they're scared of refugees. So no, Europe will not be where they'll go. One even said "Europe is dead, Quebec is the new Europe", made me chuckle :^)
Deal with is Sven.
Austin Bell
I lived in the southwest for many years....
I literally saw maybe 5 (five) smoking hot Mexican girls in all those years
the rest were fat, weird faces, bad skin, etc Someone is bullshitting you
Matthew Martinez
What the fuck... Why they do this to their own bodies? Just drink water then it's expensive, and eat vedgetables. Dumbfuck spics... ruin such good looks.
I think their weird looks is kind of qt. I want an insecure spic girl to love me.
Robert Lee
Nolan Adams
they like guys with blond hair
also if you like really pretty girls, Native American women can be very beautiful They are either really pretty or really ugly
Ryder Walker
>Orelaterat, men hur hittar man tjejer alls online i sverige? Omegle duger för europa - typ. Många av dem är ostabila som fan, dock. Men hur hittar man icke-vegan-feminist-bimbo-tjejer i faktiska sverige, på internet? Vill inte använda tinder, bor nog bara araber häromkring ändå.
du jobbar och blir rik, flyttar till nåt annat land vad är problemet. sverige är inte svenskt längre
drömm inte som idioter som tror att controlled opposition som SD kan rädda det som är redan förlorat
åk till danmark annars å hämta en Q10
Blake Davis
FL here. heres a Venezuelan girl I hung out with during the Summer
John Ross
Carter Lewis
>they like guys with blond hair
Alexander Hernandez
Landon Gutierrez
HNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNG Where abouts in Venezuela did she come from? Is that plastic surgery or natural?
Alexander Evans
Good for you. Which one will win - Spanish, or Chinese?
Ryan Cook
How does it feel to touch an ass like that? Fuck I'm jealous.
Isaiah Watson
Joseph Williams
When you grow up on sweet drinks, it's difficult to transition to water. One huge mistake a lot of people make when trying to lose weight is drinking Diet Coke, which stupidly has the side effect of making you very hungry all the time. Donald Trump once said something along the lines of, "I have never met a thin person that drinks Diet Coke," and he's right. Diet drinks don't contain sugar but they tend to actually be sweeter, therefore getting your taste sensibilities ever further away from being able to just drink water.
Also, in the US carbs are insanely cheap and vegetables are more expensive. This may seem like a cop-out, but when the average Latino family is huge they have to cook a TON of food at a time. This is the real issue. This is why they largely cook things like refried beans, enchiladas, tacos, and other such "Mass quantity" food. They have to cook a ton of food, and they make pennies here in the States. It's almost impossible to live a healthy lifestyle under those circumstances.
The reason is their massive poverty, at least here in the US. The Democrats (original slave owners) want to leave the borders open because they use illegal immigrants as modern slaves.
The community of Chinese people in Italy has grown rapidly in the past ten years. Official statistics indicate there are at least 320,794 Chinese citizens in Italy, although these figures do not account for illegal immigration, former Chinese citizens who have acquired Italian nationality, or Italian-born people of Chinese descent.[1]
Chinese people in Spain form the ninth-largest non-European Union foreign community in Spain.[2] As of 2009, official figures showed 145,425 Chinese citizens residing in Spain; however, this figure does not include people with origins in other Overseas Chinese communities, nor Spanish citizens of Chinese origin or descent.[1]
In 1990 the Dutch Central Bureau for Statistics (CBS) registered the number of first-generation Indos living in the Netherlands at around 180,000 people. In 2001 official registration, including the second generation, accumulate their numbers to around half a million. Based on this the estimations, which include the third generation descendants, reach up to at least 800,000 people. However researcher Dr. Peter Post of the NIOD estimates 1.5 to 2 million people with Indo blood living in the Netherlands.
The Vietnamese people in France (Vietnamese: Người Pháp gốc Việt, French: Diaspora vietnamienne en France) consists of people of Vietnamese ancestry who were born in or immigrated to France. Their population was over 300,000 as of 2014.
Vietnamese comprise the largest Asian ethnic group in Germany.[51] As of 2011, there are about 137,000 people of Vietnamese descent in Germany.
Christian Reyes
>du jobbar och blir rik, flyttar till nåt annat land Ha. Ha. Jävlar, jo, så får det nog bli. Det var min plan till att börja med, men men.
>Sup Forums Get out of here.
>t. 1/8 nigger 1/16 spic "white" american that grows his pencil-thin mustashe over a summer and calls it "facial hair" I've got male pattern baldness too. Beard is nice though (no, not a neckbeard).
The good thing is, most girls don't give a shit about your hair. Unless they're into really long hair, in which case most guys are out anyway. A surprising amount of girls do like beards, so either you have great hair, or a great beard. Either one really works for a guy. It's if you can do neither that you're really screwed. Just trim the hair short, but don't shave it.
>this may seem like a cop-out Not really, cheap food is usually more nutritionally poor, but made unhealthily sweet and fat to compensate for flavour. American food is notorious for being overly sweet. Even the bread is sweet.
A recent publication from the ONS, "Focus on Ethnicity and Religion (October) 2006",[26] gave some detailed figures on the makeup of the UK's Chinese population that were based on the information by those who had identified themselves as 'Chinese' in the United Kingdom Census 2001.
Total population: Over 400,000 (2006), not including those of partial Chinese descent[27]
Ethnic Chinese in Russia officially numbered 34,577 according to the 2002 census.[3] However, this figure is contested, with the Overseas Chinese Affairs Commission of the Republic of China on Taiwan claiming 998,000 in 2004 and 2005, and Russian demographers generally accepting estimates in the 200,000–400,000 range as of 2004.
Chinese people in Germany form one of the smaller and less-studied groups of overseas Chinese in Europe, consisting mainly of Chinese expatriates living in Germany and German citizens of Chinese descent.[5] In 2013, there were nearly 107,000 Chinese nationals living in Germany
The Chinese diaspora in France consists of people of Chinese ancestry who were born in (called FBCs or French-born Chinese) or immigrated to France. Population estimates vary, ranging from 600,000 to 700,000 as of 2010.[1
Blake Ward
>Get out of here. I'm just suggesting that he may post there if he doesn't want here, I've heard people being banned for that.
Aaron Evans
Yeah, I know. I suggest it earlier too. Never spell Sup Forums with a capital letter, that's what it referred to.
Benjamin Lopez
They can come to Canada for all I care, we need more manual labour in this country and the cucked government is bent on massive growth anyways so why the fuck not. All these retarded millennials think they will all get a management job after college when we need more workers and investment. They are welcome to come here as long as they pay taxes and learn English, let the american agriculture industry collapse.
Evan Foster
If they couldn't afford to legally immigrate 30 miles across the border what makes you think they can afford to fly a thousand over the sea?
Henry Hernandez
>as long as they pay taxes and speak English
Angel Nelson
Race Mixing in America, these are the facts:
> USA is ~60% White and ~15% Hispanic > Genetically Mexicans/Hispanics/Latinos are ~60+% European to Native ratio (search 23andme) > Genetically American Whites are 95+% European mutts with Native and Nigger in them after 400+ years of history > Hispanics/Latinos in the America have the highest birth rate and American White males are the highest sought
It can be said that Hispanic/Latino women will mix with American White males for several generations. The first generation offspring (F1) will be half-Mexican/half-White (or 77% European if considering the numbers above).
F1 generations will typically mix with another American whites, so that their F2 offsprings will be 86% European ((77%+95%)/2)
If F2 mixes with American White again, then the F3 offsprings will be 90% European ((86%+95%)/2)
> Thus in 3 generations (or about 75 years), America will still be (mostly) White with greater than >90% European genes in Hispanic mixes.
Therefore, Hispanics are the European Genetic Sink/Database of the Americas. Due to their high birth rates, they will ensure the propagation of White genes
(Pic related: Asian + White = Mexican offsprings (~50% European), those daughters are going to breed with american whites so their offspring will be roughly ~75% European)
Nolan Bailey
Like anyone on Earth gives a shit about brown girls.
You can keep them and you are welcome to do whatever you want with your livestock.
Aaron Morgan
Haha enjoy faggot, we dont need them
Josiah Smith
This is a more accurate representation of the average or the norm.
Lincoln Harris
Canada needs more citizens user, and the current government is hellbent on massive growth. I would take a mexican or colombian 10 times out of 10 over a Syrian.
Jonathan Ramirez
Damn, imagine that girl slobbering on your dick.
Parker Sullivan
>pic The editing boxes bother me, but it's still pretty fun.