Are you a homophobe?

Are you a homophobe?

Why/why not?

protip: homophobes are all idiots. Only filthy mudslimes & underdeveloped niggers are homophobes anymore.

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I have no fear of gays. They do however disgust me and I have no intrest in being around them. Nor do I want one as a friend.

>are you a homophobe?

>do not be a homophobe


Post more prime lohan.

Im not afraid of gay people, I hate them and wish they would die. Im not Homophobic, im Homocidal.

im not a homophobe because i dont have a fear of faggots

prime lohan was 11/10 quality, to bad she is a zombie now

If my son was a fag I would kick him out of my home, don't want my genes wasted in any guy's ass. Also, fags are desease vectors, they carry dangerous pathogens.

I support General "Raw Dog" Mattis for Secretary of Defense, so how could I be a homophobe?

I don't feel comfortable being around people who think it's okay to stick their dick in another mans asshole. They can do as they wish, but I do not want to associate myself with them.

I love pussy and I would shoot someone to fuck Lohan in her glory days. God that red head is hot as fuck.

when did you go faggot on us OP?

I'm not afraid of gays I just think they're gross

I really hate faggots like OP.

Not really, but I hate faggy people, even if they are not way they can still be faggy.

This is the thing keeping more intelligent people from coming to the right

fags are also a bunch of deviant pedos, don't let childs get close to those evolutionary errors.


the modern flamboyant annoying homo is a murican invention and they are annoying af

ive no problem with faggots that act like normal people tho

has there ever been a woman hotter than prime lohan?

wtf happened to ya grrl

I'm not scared of faggots. I think they're disgusting genetic defects, or perhaps victims of environmental toxins. Don't know, don't care.

stfu sicko gays and pedos have massive overlap.

No, however I do think being homosexual and never having children in a loving heterosexual home is detrimental to society and should be frowned upon. Homosexuals aren't scary, usually they are quite nice people. But they are all brainwashed nowadays by their handlers.

If they are cool with fags I dont want them on my team any way.

Define homophobe for me please. Too many people shift the definition like they do racist and bigot.

Holy shit that rack

you left me out faggot

No. I'm not a homophobe, I'm just a homophone. My name is Matt and in highschool I was on the wrestling team. People would say, "Let's go hit the mat," and then they would hit me as a joke. I never found it very funny.

Damn boys, this is just embarrasing. Yall a bunch of Cleetuses

Someone who fears and/or hates homosexuals

i think i dunno i get this impression she wants to show us tits

I find flamboyant male gays disgusting. If you look like a man, please behave like one. But then again, I wouldn't mind shagging a pretty damn qt trap, or even having one as my gf tbqh senpai.

Lesbians are a mixed bag, the absolute vast majority of them are ugly both inside and out, just like Rosie O'donnell. On top of that, they're the ones pushing for all the feminism bullshit. I guess that what I'm saying here is that the idea is cute but it's fucking disgusting in practice. I wish lesbians would take notes from 2D yuris.

This bitch could have been the perfect Mary Jane

A wild faggot appears.
Faggot uses cum.
Its super effective. You are now HIV+.

Intelligent people see that homosexuals account for half of all new infections and say Nope and get the fuck away from them.

beat my point fag. Gays are mentally ill enough to belive that eating another guy's ass is a good reproductive strategy. The only bios gaining something from this are the pathogens faggots transmit, and transmit very well since faggots are so deviant they are always having "sex".

Homophobe? Like am I scared of faggots or am I afraid that I'm gay? Ummmm, yeah no.

Do I think homos and dykes are fucking weird and degenerate? Yes. Yes I do.

is it possible to be homophobe-phobe?

Im gay but eating ass is disgusting no matter which gender it is.

I don't think people fear faggotry my slow friend I think they just despise degeneracy. Let's be honest the only people that brag about having AIDS are faggots

That implies a fear of gays. Nobody fears gays. Hate them maybe, pity them definitely, but not fear them.



But I am not afraid of gays, and I wish libtards would stop projecting their bigoted and label-dependent thinking and stop putting -phobia suffixes behind everything people have a reason to dislike.

I have no issue with gays, faggots on other hand completely and utterly disgust me

Ive met some fagots, but i dont like it when fagots act like fagots.
Something not right about being a fagot publicaly.
They were still nowhere near as gay as straight Swedes I've met.
My mother is a legit homophobe, she would flog the lot of them.

calling people names trying to outgroup them won't work in a conservative board, outgroup is only effective with small amygdala people like liberals and faggots. You'll never defend your point because it's obvious that faggots are evolutionary errors doomed to a meaningless life full of desease and depression.


To hate a thing doesn't mean you fear it. I disagree with their life choices and find them sickening.

You forgot to mention that all white, straight men are homophobes and must be re educated to stop suppressing their natural homosexual or trans states.That is at the center of the SJW ideology.

>white bad
>straight bad
>cis bad
>men bad.

These are the original sins of the social justice cult.

A short time spent on /lgbt/ and looking at the actions of the lgbt community will enlighten you as to why I dislike homosexuals and every other mentally ill person in that club.

They're perverse, twisted and sick individuals who represent everything I dislike.


Yes and neck yourself faggot

>one of my best friends in college was a lesbian
>best friend in university was gay, is now a mtf trans with a ftm partner (which was just fucking weird to get used to)
>one of my closest work colleagues is gay

I somehow keep surrounding myself with degeneracy, but they are all generally pretty good people who don't fag things up all the time. They don't let the faggotry be what completely identifies them and just live their lives like everyone else.

I've known a lot of other gay guys but they love talking about how hot guys are and make comments about sucking cock. I can't put up with straight people talking about fucking some chick and I refuse to put up with some faggot going on about the same shit. Same with trans people I've known who go on about their fucking identity bullshit.

Basically, don't make it all about who you like to fuck and we can get on if you're just a decent person and not a cunt.

Prime Lohan is Parent Trap era.

Fug that would be a great threesome

Homosexuality is a disease.

T. psychefag who thinks the APA ought to revise the DSM to include homosexuality

(you)'re a faggot.

I'm straight but i do like putting objects in my butt when jacking off, is that normal?

Then no. I do not hate homosexuals in general however I do hate people who base their entire identity on their sexuality. This includes flamers, bull dykes, and guys who never shut up about getting pussy.

lol this faggot again. time for your daily homo shiling again already?

Maybe that dutch faggot, that with his daily acceptance thread will stop by

Oh god, yes. Delicious traps are the best.

However, our sex lives would be fellatio only. Dicks in assholes is the grossest thing on earth.

My friend from is "gay"
I've been telling him hes just been eating too much western leftist shit for years now.
He may not believe in himself, but I believe in him.
If he got a shock he wouldnt like the cock.

>I'm straight but
"Everything before the but is bullshit".

this is now prime lohan thread

stop it with the gay shit

Gays don't spook me, but I do hate them.
>Not an argument.

>can't figure out the penis - vagina relationship


do i have a problem with gays? only when it comes to the question of reproduction and raising kids

but i do hate cartoony faggots

true homosexuals are usually cool

Is homosexuality wasn't wrong. Then why does Jesus fix it.

Suddenly, I want to watch Parent Trap again even though it was basically a chick flick for children.

Dude i'm 100% serious when i say i would never do it with another bro. That's fucking degenerate

Not wanting someone around you is not a phobia. You faggots should stop jizzing up your egos over normal people.

Is that why most doctors are single MGTOWs or straight?

I felt the same way until a friend of mine told me he was gay. At first I was fucking disgusted but got over it when I realized he was still pretty normal

>dont be scared of people sticking their cocks in your butts

A phobia is an irrational fear of X.
Stop twisting the language, stop misrepresenting terms, stop turning minor issues into life-or-death decisions by artificially enlarging them via language.

literally no gay person thinks eating ass is a "reproductive strategy." You must be delusional to think posting on Sup Forums is a good reproductive strategy.

Not afraid of gays, don't hate them either, I do hate the ones where it's the basis of their entire personality though.

This Post is Amazing.

I just hate faggots.

Eh, not really.

But I believe people should have the right to hate.

About as annoying as flamboyant heteros who always talk about pussy and tits.


Against nature

A lot the people that beat up gays at the pride parade in Belgrade a few years ago didnt even hate gays, just fagots. And they sure as hell didnt fear them.


I'm against pronoting abnormal, degenerate behavior as of it is more common than it really is. Fuck you

Inherently there is nothing wrong with homosexuality. If anything its pretty cool, I mean if we were all gay we wouldn't have to deal with women.

The problem is the people who make their sexuality into their entire identity, or who make homosexuality a political statement. Also the prevelance of STDs, but that isn't a problem of homosexuals necessarily...Its bound to happen when you have a bunch of men who are sexually not restrained at all by the low sex drives of women. There are plenty of cool, normal homosexuals without STDs but you don't realize because you only notice the loud faggots and assume that all gay people are that way.

don't get close to children you darwinean mistake, no one wants the virus you carry.

You don't need to hate all homosexuals to hate homosexuality.



Yeah, but it's got prime cunny Lohan in two roles with a skinny dipping scene. WHat else could a film need?

its a mental health disorder

yeah its called a flamboyant fag enabler

WEEEELLLLLLL aren't we sooooo very progressiveeeeee.

Not really. Doesn't affect me for the most part. It's annoying when they try to make their sexuality into the #1 most important issue all of the time though, and overshadow other shit that actually matters.

Thanks for proving my point.




Putting your penis in excrement is unbelievably disgusting. It's shocking that this has become normalized.


>dat over the rainbow symbology hidden in plain sight