He keeps on doing it, the absolute madman.
New Ben "empty my nine into the welfare line" Garrison
Where's the original
>dat pizza
love how trump is always a 10/10 ubernsmench
Well, that's CNN in a nutshell, isn't it?
This is beautiful. Ned only slight correction.
How did we break him so much?
Hillary's shoe
>dat shoe from when Hillary lost it at the rally
I love how he keeps putting one shoe in there.
I have no idea but it's beautiful.
I missed that one kek
>The amount of editing needed to correct Ben "Ad tartarus barbarus" Garrison's artwork is steadily decreasing
bump for justice
nice fix lad.
And it's a sad sign when a Cyclon Ben thread only gets 16 posts. Sup Forums is in full slide mode.
>it doesn't even need editing anymore
Sup Forums sure knows how to pick 'em
I have the blind
Can't see anything edited
the nose knows...
red eyes from crying.
Well shit. Nice
Both of these
I'm liking the "find the Hillary shoe" thing he keeps doing to the Clinton campaign members
>le Hillary shoe meme
>Will it ever get old
Yeah it has become a running gag.
Also the lipstick and the empty bottle
where is the real/unedited one?
>used to claim Moot had Sup Forums targeting him for harassment
>gets more exposure because of us
>steadily stops complaining about Sup Forums
>eventually comes around and now hes our token propagandist
What a time to be alive