>we'll never have a reserved, balanced, knowledgeable book-worm as a US president
At least Madame is enjoying her retirement
>we'll never have a reserved, balanced, knowledgeable book-worm as a US president
At least Madame is enjoying her retirement
she lost get over it.
that is george soros.
it's a no makeup day
Lol she looks worse and worse everyday
Trump doesn't need books he already knows the best words such as tremendous and bigly.
Say it with me, Plumpfkins
Molochs power is leaving her, she will die soon
Trump doesn't buy books, he sells them.
She's not even trying anymore. She's never going to find a man this way.
She's going to die in a year isn't she?
Oops forgot pic
So is this like the other day when she was randomly spotted hiking by a complete stranger who happened to work for her and have been photographed with her several times prior?
Oh great, another paid shill posing with Clinton. It didn't work the first time...
She bought this
'big league' you moron
he's too busy writing them
We have the best words, don't we folks?
Is she 90 all of a sudden? She should put her face on if she's going out.
He has written more books than you, dingus.
He writes them instead.
You forgot "murderer of seth rich" in her accomplishments you CTR shill piece of shit
>In peaceful alternative universe
So they know
Fuck, I came in here to post this
She is turning wose every day.
I would wish her a good retirement if she wasn't such a corrupted cunt. She deserved lifetime jail.
I wonder when the people who gave her 1.3 billion dollars for her campaign are going to come asking for it back.
>mfw I have the old copy
Totally not staged. /s
Looks what happens when it's not shilling. Literally no one gives a fuck. They talked about how awkward it was in leaked emails, since they set up cameras and everything. Owner thought they were health inspectors or something.
Is the one he posted the 'old copy'?
If not, could u post a picture please :DDD
No, he posted the original. I've just been seeing a lot of pic related versions and I find the old copy nicer without all that shit on the cover
I feel genuinely bad for her. Losing the presidency in such way could lead to dark thoughts and deep depression. Stay safe Hilldog, our battle was hard, but now it's time to get along.
>dies before inauguration
That's a rather honest smile, not the kind of reptilian grin she used to show off as a politician. Maybe this loss humbled her enough to reconnect with her human side and die in peace.
Top lel.
Think she was his daughter all along?
Funny how she suddenly looks 25 years older
Ebin. The account that uploaded that photo was named Imwither.
>the clinton sightings are increasing
this harbors no good
She looks like Winston Smith at the end of 1984
>Incredibly powerful political figure
>Admittedly severely ill
>Goes for a casual stroll to a small local bookstore unaccompanied by body guards and handlers
Sure thing, Hilldawwwwg
He didn't even write that.
Who the fuck is "Hillary Clinton" and how did she become famous?
I've seriously never heard of this bitch in my life.
>Another actually real and not staged spotting
Sage. 100% shill threads today. How that new #pizzagate evidence?