Who else dumped trump today?
Who else dumped trump today?
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Here, man. Feels bad.
no one
No one.
I supported him based on the assumption that he would moderate his positions yet keep the general direction and key promises. A moderated position from him is a much better outcome than anything an establishment candidate was offering. Nobody keeps election promises, and I do mean nobody, they're just a barometer for the direction that will be taken. I like everything he's been doing so far including alt-right disavow, and especially not scalping Clinton for petty revenge but still promising to clamp down on lobbying. Call me a backtracking shill if you like, can't blame you and I'm not sure it's how the majority of Sup Forums feels and felt, but it's true for me.
you fucking idiots I dumped that jew lover months ago and jumped on the Johnson
>identifying yourself as "alt right"
no user, you were part of hte problem
Jeb all the way
anybody else expected all this? he was just campaigning like any other president elected
still like him though
* please clap *
Not realizing he's faking them out till he gets in office.
why? he's doing everything I want him to and more.
not me, faggot.
the only person in my life that truly matters.
your psyop failed, idiot. LOL
kys you faggot desu
Moderating his positions is fine. You have to once you get elected. His shitting on the media has already made him the best president in decades and he's not even in office yet.
The only backtracking that bothers me is on Clinton. Hillary needs to be hanged in a public execution off the roof of Trump Tower. I'll never drop this demand.
wtf im a #cruzmissile now
TRS pls go and stay go
fuck off,hes probably being swung at by kikes left and right...the meme battle for our image including trump has begun
He's not even in office yet concern shill.
You thought he would ever publicly accept us? I don't know what you thought getting into this, but we are the tragic heroes in this story, and we were always going to be. How else could it end?
If you can't take it, if you can't get hit, then go back to being a fucking normie, supporting people who shower you with praise.
It's obvious
One of you Americans needs to just shoot him so we can have Mike "Electric Fence" Pence as president
> i jumped on the johnson
Dumped him today, OP. That orange fuck betrayed us all.
This. Fuck Trump.
10/10 bait
These anons get it, we should've stuck with Rand. Shit, even Hillary would've been better than Cuckrump
Kill yourself
hahaha calm down edgelord don't cut yourself
After the betrayal at Spenser's gifts, in my darkest hour after our emprah betrayed us, I have turned to the only source of joy I have left in this life, and would implore others like me to welcome a brand spanking new philosophical doctrine; Goofyism.
His whimsical ways and simple down to earth manner are the heart and soul of the true alt-right movement, and will certainly lead us to peace of mind, if not certain political victory.
Post Goofy be praised for happiness and dead niggers, ITT.
>the Clintons are fantastic people
>the Clinton Foundation has done some AMAZING work
>my supporters are pieces of shit. I disavow them
>please New York Times let me suck your jew dick
>mmmmmmmmmm it tastes so good I love your jew penis mmmmmmm
President Donald Trump, everybody!
No! You are not allowed! You are going to sit here for the next four years and eat this vomit sandwich with the rest of us. Whatever it turns out to be, we are all doing it together no complaining, no blaming.
If Trump rapes us in the ass so hard that our eyes bleed, well then we'll just have to make it our family portrait.
Happy thanksgiving!
Not gonna lie, former Trump supporter here. This is fucking hilarious watching Trump crash and burn.. But in all seriousness we can't let this man get the nuclear codes!
Not bait, anonymous, just read this guy Its only a matter of time before he comes out as pro open borders
>dumping a man over this
>implying the FBI inst still investigating her
you were never a supporter in the first place faggot
The shills (or bots) are in full force today. These are not pollocks
You're not thinking that through. For one, the Clintons are basically done as a political entity. Unless Chelsea somehow drastically changes her personality and wins an important office, they have no serious political influence to peddle anymore. So why waste time on them? They've been kicked out of the swamp.
#2, in the eyes of the establishment (and I'm sure many courts), the Clinton Foundation is squeaky clean. The FBI looked at Hillary's e-mails and gave her a pass. On what basis could Trump charge her? With the fever dreams chanholes?
This anonymous understands. Good post dude.
0.00 has been deposited
they're just shitposters you retard. shills don't exist
You people really are children. Campaign often varies from presidency. However, the country is a powder keg right now. If he fans these flames, he will not be allowed to enter the office.
He's not even in fucking office yet you tools.
says the leaf
inb4 he was just joking about the wall
Thanks man. I think I'm gonna sign this petition.
We can't let this traitor be president.
wait what? what happened?
This is a shitposter. Learn the difference between this and shills, it could save you're life.
And already he did a complete 180. I'd actually prefer Hillary in office now. At least she would energize her opposition (us) instead of Trump who will only kill us
Just woke up. Fuck... I can't believe he disavowed the alt-right. My jaw literally hit the floor... After all we'd done for him...
Fuck it, I'm signing this petition.change.org
And anyone who has any self respect should too
this, what happened?
Fucking kek.
really disappointed
just a big mouth
event the populist belongs to the establishment
there is still hope
Found the ctr employee.
He's all in...Trump will destroy infowars by association.
This was a media operation and Trump proved his dominance, the reaction of you children combined with the forced shilling is creating a cancer of mistrust.
Nice spot dude, liberals are so pathetic
Again... what could Trump go after Hillary for? She got a passfrom the FBI on the e-mails. The establishment views the Clinton Foundation as clean. Even if you do find real dirt on Podesta, Clinton isn't implicated. He'd have to completely reorganize the FBI and start everything over. It'd take up all of his time, and to what end?
I know man, it's... I think... I don't even know what to think. I didn't really grow up with a father figure, but when I saw Trump saw he'll build a wall live on television... I dont know, I felt whole. And now he's saying that right wingers should fuck off and that he's going to embrace open borders... Fuck man... I trusted him.
>left is salty
>conservatives salty
>alt-right salty
This is glorious. I'm loving every second. What I find unbelievable is how little about Trump's character most otherwise informed people seem to know. He does what he must to get what he wants.
>inb4 none of you plebeians have even read The Art of the Deal.
Relax bro. These are just trolls. The alt-right doesn't exist and media trust is at 6%. If it bothers you so much just ignore Sup Forums for a bit.
Fyck Drumpth
Shit user, same. I knew based Cruz was the right choice all along. We needed a principled conservative.
Best thing we can do now is get Hillary in office so we can run again in 4 years.
All he need do is appoint a special prosecutor like he said he would, before he shit on everyone who voted for him
Well done Sup Forums you elected à narcissistic libéral retard whilst you could have had à true right wing conservative like Ted Cruz.
Nothing. Shills just shilling for some godforsaken reason
Trump continuing to go after Hillary would only make him look vindictive. This is really counter productive, and would only make him seem like a sore winner.
Ha ha ha feel da burn
Between the hail Hitler incident and trump flipping on nearly every policy, pretty much no well integrated person would openly say they support trump anymore.
It's over. You were pumped and dumped. Welcome to your life
Why, because he disavowed an autistic closeted fag with a brown wife named Richard Spencer? Kek, nice try CNN. Trump is going to be our president for 8 more years.
>jumped on the Johnson
Only cucks and autists will support Trump after this
Not gonna lie, former Trump supporter here. This is fucking hilarious watching Trump crash and burn.... But in all seriousness we can't let this man get the nuclear codes!!!
Fuck off shill
What is Johnson?
fucking retards
I am now a Jeb head