A thread for discussing left-wing politics
Fuck drumpf and fuck white people
Why do you sell out the long term economic interests of your country for gibs in the short term? Don't you care about your children having a good life? Right wing countries are more economically successful than right wing ones.
If you take a look at any developed country, you will know that you were wrong
>Right wing countries are more economically successful than right wing ones.
Wha... what?
emperor's children?
He obviously meant left wing for the latter,
If you take a look at any developed country you will see that the reason they are well developed is due to right wing capitalist ideologies.
>right wing capitalist ideologies.
Capitalism is something that can be deployed in both ideologies.
It should be noted that although social leftism is pretty easily identifiable, economic leftism can be more murky.
I, for example, believe in leftist social policy, however abhor the fact that we're selling out and allowing companies to sell out to companies overseas, abusing both foreign and American/Canadian workers.
I really don't like America at this point, Trump and the election in general are irrelevant to that opinion. It just sucks here.
reminder that alt-right is for edgy teenagers and amerifats
pic related, typical newfag in Sup Forums
What would make you like America again?
why the fuck do commies still exist?
at this point I'd be embarrassed to support an ideology that has failed so many times in so many different countries
>the left is one ideology
why the fuck do fascists still exist?
at this point I'd be embarrassed to support an ideology that has failed so many times in so many different countries
Nukes over every city with more than a 5,000 population.
Jokes aside, it's pretty much past the point of redemption imo. At least if I move to France or Austraya or something I won't hate every single person who lives there so much
Being viewed from the front, doesn't your pic make it the right wing?
Came to post this.
holy fucking shit what is this eye cancer
i knew someone would notice this baka
You are not wanted here.
You will never be welcome here.
Tell more more about when the robots will do my job and I will get paid to pursue leisurely activities. I need to know about robot rights. Will a medical robot be socially equal to a factory one? And who monitors and programmes the robots? More robots? Does that mean they are above the worker robots? Who programmes the robots when we are all on the beach reading Orwell and wondering why we never grew out of this like every other uni student who got a job in the real world because if only we just had a wife and kids we might never have pushed this nightmare on the world. If only you could yell at your gender studies professor and tell him it's his fault. Shame he was taken out back and shot with the rest of the faculty with the rest of the useful idiots.
I fucking wish user, fuck lefty/pol/ I want a hedo/pol/
can i discuss too
thats a right wing moran
Left wing politics? You mean childish idealist fantasies?
Why doesn't the left care about the survival of the white race?
Supporting the elites officially considered left. Dog bless Ameriga.
Why would a robot need rights? They will be programmed or maintained by humans. Jobs will still exist, but all the social programs as a result of robots will leave more humans living comfy without a job.
Lightslav pls go
darkerslav pls stay
I'm tired.
Лaкy нoћ, Cвeтлиcлaвe
лeк cън, Tихoмиpe
Lefty-anons. Please educate me on the difference between Social Democracy and Democratic Socialism. Am I correct in saying that SD is more centerist, especially on the Libertarian-Authoritarian scale, while DS is much closer to normal socialism?
I'm not in mood to repeat it whole again, after two attempts yesterday... and following, shorter...
"Left" (Socialism) is Love, Solidarity (love of neighbours) and Patriotism (love of country and it's people).
"Right" (Capitalism) is Selfishness - "My success, my profit, none of your bussiness..."
Trump's politics is National Socialism - give people work, rebuild nation and highways and industry, protect economy by tarifs and then he'll see it needs even more regulations against globalists, protect nation from invaders...
National Socialism or Conservative Socialism.
No "Liberal" (=Tyranny! Censorship of "Correctness"...) anti-Order (pro-Chaos) degeneration, which is only a parody... (Consider, that even in atheistic east-Europe socialism, there were no SJWs, LGBT, feminazis, trannies - a Disgusting Chaos... There was Order, or at least it seemed so ! )
It is very often better, if economy is planned, if it is controled by educated experts, selected by Responsible government. (consider, that during socialism, there were not much brown-fields, because state was building, operating and also demolishing and re-building new. Stockholder just pours his money in, then pours his money into different stocks and leaves an empty wreck, empty egg-shell of original bussiness, which bankrupts and even does not have money for environment cleanup, which after all must be done by society... This way, capitalism privatises profit, but socialises expenses, which is not fair. It also socialises expenses of educating people, raising them, taking care of elderly, taking care of environment. It steals (privatises) common heritage of agriculture land - because agriculture soil has been cultivated by millenia of correct use.)
And correct version of left-wing politics must not exclude faith... (Christianity is Charity and Solidarity and so it is also a version of Socialism...)
Says left wing, post photo of a birds right wing
>"Left" (Socialism) is Love, Solidarity (love of neighbours) and Patriotism (love of country and it's people).
>"Right" (Capitalism) is Selfishness - "My success, my profit, none of your bussiness..."
Economic systems are not strictly attached to someone's political views. Most left-wingers in any country would agree that capitalism mixed with some slight addition of government is superior.
Soo where is the part when i get free shit? That goes before or after the Gulag fase?
I use to think it was just white men who were the problem but after Drumpf won I'm convinced all white people are evil and should be genocided for the preservation of peace and prosperity for all mankind
Good idea! Why don't you lead by example. Start killing whites, let us know how that works out
I don't have to kill anybody I'll just "burn coal" and deny you racist shits any more babies for you to indoctrinate
>That wing is to my left.
>Therefore whoevers wing it is, it is their right wing.
You done fucked up OP.
You done fucked up real bad.