So this... is the power of diversity... Whoa...
So this... is the power of diversity... Whoa
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>A movie that will probably take entirely within a fictional African country
There is literally nothing wrong with this.
>roughly 12% of population
>represented as majority in media
>Movie based in African country
>Cast is black
Really makes me think
>Movie based in European country
>cast is white
No wait this hasn't happened once in the last decade
> watching any jew produced anything
> PAYING the jew to watch their propaganda
Its a blacksplotation character. What the fuck did you expect. Same as Luke Cage.
>real city
Are you on crack son.
there is a Mexican in there, black but Mexican.
I'm pretty white nationalist dude but come on. You do know black panther is literally about a made up nig nog country in Africa, right? If the entire movie takes place there then this is reasonable.
The ironic part is it will do about as good as the original black panther comics, which is pretty shit overall. The free market really does fix everything.
>a Movie about African super hero who lives in Africa needs white people
Wow, you're a whiny bitch.
She doesn't count
i haven't paid to see any marvel shit since the first avengers dude, what are you doing nigger?
actually come to think of it I haven't had the desire to go see a movie in like 2 years, they all just seem like bland cookie cutter cape shit produced by a bunch of man-children to appease other man-children.
Poor Whitaker.
Look how the two blacks that are smiling are non-American
Fuck you racist bigot.
Man, this hero is a fucking nigga, what did you expect...
is the bad guy white?
its set in Africa so it fits to cast only niggers
>real city
He said fictional country.
Then bitch about that
She just happened to have been shitted out in Mexico.
Doesn't really count.
ding ding ding
It's there a token White Guy who dies in the first 10 minutes?
Is it just me or is Winston Duke looking like a pink man wearing black mask!
No worries goyim, the villain will be white.
Will the hero fall in love with a white girl? We need some typical diversity here.
>Watching a movie about a comic book
This is pushed but great philosophy books are looked down upon by the masses, what happened to us as a society?
>Wakanda is a real country
and even if it did exist, Europeans would've colonized it :^)
t.Cuck down under
>set in Africa
wtf i love black people now
God, this is gonna be a hard to look at movie... all black cast.
What made LOTR great was it's all White cast, White writer, White effects team and White director. This film will likely have a ton of Whites in the background working considering nogs could not produce a coherent film on their own.
At least Asians make their own movies.
Typical African "film":
They can't even make their own effects so they have to use stock effects probably made by Indians
this movie looks racist since there are no indian, asian or white people.
Who is their target audience because the black comic audience is real small.
they didnt show the bad guys. its going to be some white people and 1 of them probably gets blacked 45 minutes in then killed for being a coal burner and then mufasas is going to try to learn how to swim and some one says "get out of the pool nigger" then he wins some gold medal later
It's... set in Africa...
so it's a horror movie?
Actually a lot of Black people are incredibly cringy comic fans and also weebs. They love capeshit, it appeals to their simplistic thought patterns.
The same reason blacks love Dragon Ball Z so much. It's a show made for Japanese and White kids, but the black thugs love it. Probably imagining how many 7/11s they could rob as a super saiyan...
Probably will be the most racially accurate movie that Hollywood will have put out in decades.
Those African movies are very funny, sometimes better than (((certain))) movies.
Black Panther isn't African American you dipshit faggot
What documentary is this?
guess skin color of main antagonist
MFW this shit is a bust in the box office
T'challa was married to Storm at one point, I'd hope they'd get him another black chick.
Exactly this. Pointing out double standards is stupid. Who fucking cares?
Yet they had to shorn blacks in the Hobbit
Here's a better one m8
Kek confirms this, although it's hardly a secret
is that footage from the Ugandan genocide?
>Mexican intellectuals: the post
Don't even care about that
But it's depressing to see how tan skin, brown eyes and black hair that 85% of the world have are touted as "colorful" and "diverse"
This makes sense though dumbass. They are from Africa.
how many shades of shit do you need before you just accept they have no real diversity
Sm4sh Bros for the Wii U is full with niggas. DBZ similarities maybe?
>Michael Jordan.
Is this the Space Jam sequel? I thought that was WB not Disney.
So what happens when this is the biggest bust in their cinematic universe?
I thought corporate shills were smart. They should have front loaded it with asians.
Someone post the webm