Independent journalist here. I've been told that this is the internet headquarters of the notorious alt right organization. I have a couple of questions. What's altright's end game and who is Richard Spencer? Any takes are welcome.
Independent journalist here...
Other urls found in this thread:
Wrong it's
> What's altright's end game
gas the kikes race war now!
We are nazi. We hate women, gays, blacks and kikes. Hitler did nothing wrong.
Fuck off, we're full.
Fuck off Monsey
my personal end game was to meme the god emperor into the presidency and to MAGA. mission accomplished.
fuck off nigger, were full
You are mistaken, this is a muslim shepard counselor forum.
The alt-right is a conspiracy theory. Spencer is its Alex Jones. Why is this so hard for you stupid faggots to understand?
this is the alt-left's HQ and our leader is Mooto Hiroyuki
you want Reddit and (/r/TheDonald) or or if you're looking for the Alt-Right.
Yes here is atlright training video
Get red piled
You have us confused.
This is le Bhutanese Water Color Appreciation Community of only a couple dozen people.
>What's altright's end game and who is Richard Spencer?
The end game is to kill niggers and jews and Richard Spencer is our leader.
there is no alt-right. It is a fairy tale Democrats tell their pets. They can't fight on the field of ideas so they make up bad racist people who want to destroy the world. No need to debate or tolerate a racist. Deplorable didn't work. Nationalist didn't work. Alt-right won't work because it is a lie.
There's only 5 of us and we all use proxies and bots to generate posts.
Nice to see a new face here.
Please see:
I'm Jewish
and I don't like shmucks like you wandering onto this website accusing my fellow posters of misdeeds
Hillary and her muslim pet Huna were far more detrimental to Jews and Israel than innocent people that post here
get lost liberal douchbag
To complete what was started August 19th 1934, the two largest super powers on earth cannot possibly fail this time.... This time its personal.
Please refer to Leslie Jones on twitter, she is our leader and whom we take directives from.
The alt right doesn't exist, except in the minds of neckbeards on the_Donald and other shit edgy subreddits on r*ddit
Independent journalist here. I can't remember this guy's name. Who is he?
Ding! Ding! Ding! This is the right answer. If OP really is a journalist you'll see there is no Alt right. Its just the latest DNC boogie man.
>1 post by this id
back to TRS kike.
You don't need to ask questions you fucking turd, because you never listen to answers. Just do the usual "racist, sexist, homophobic, Xenophobic, KKK, buzzwords, buzzwords"
Sup Forums is not "alt right", we are agents of chaos only.
Hope you die in a fire.
0/10 bait
>official alt-right clubhouse
Oh, no. We've been found out, lads!
Don't save that.
>Hope you die in a fire.
>he believes the alt-right is a thing.
Its a title dumbass, it means shit, you fell for the media manufactured boogeyman.
Mike "Gays get Tazed" Pence
so boring