Okay, so how does Sup Forums feel about the term "alt right" is it just a label that controlled opps use TO delelegitmize our movement and stances on gov't and society.
I've also noticed that the good people at (((CNN))) have replaced "alt right" with neo nazies
Kevin Johnson
nothing to do with us
Carter Brooks
Wow oppie, thanks for the insight. I think you might be right. Man, what a redpill.
Camden Stewart
It's lefty language used to lump the whole right in with one another under the banner of some new internet based movement. Unfortunately the usual suspects (attention whores such as Milo and PJW) have adopted it as an actual thing without realising it makes a mockery of us all.
Matthew Perez
No, "alt-right" replaced "far-right" in the first place.
And anyone who's for white interests more than the average Republican is considered a "white supremacist".
Henry Gomez
why does TRS waste its time here? I don't get it...isn't trolling supposed to be funny or accomplish something? #highschool #thanksgivingbreak
Charles Thompson
The libs are too busy trying to tarnish it with half quotes and shit flingin that it really doesn't matter.
Ethan Morris
Sup Forums is alt-right as fuck. They just pretend to not be because >don't label me like a bunch of faggots
Mason Gomez
hi TRS. The manosphere is for recovering betas...i guess thats you. wew lad.
Jonathan Thompson
cmon goyz? What? You don't want to respond when you get called out? What happened to your "epic troll"?