how come Canada is such a multicultural paradise while the rest of the world is going full nazi? what's their secret?
How come Canada is such a multicultural paradise while the rest of the world is going full nazi? what's their secret?
watching black men fuck their wives
It's a Canadian tradition to sodomize their children up to the age of 11, makes everyone more open and at ease.
They decided to give up their freedom for marxist ideology.
There is a lot of underground nazi activities in Canada but we cannot be open about it under threat of imprisonment for 1-3 years for voicing our opinions in an explicit way..
Also Canada is not multicultural. Every racial group in Canada self segregates and mainly only interact with people within their racial group.
cuz we have a sensible immigration policy that prioritizes intelligence.
They don't have black people, that's why. You see, when multicultural societies have an ethnic group they don't like, it tends to fall apart.
>1-3 years for voicing our opinions in an explicit way.
Holy shit, what is wrong with you guys?
You use the word 'sodomize' like its a bad thing. I learned more bent over during my childhood than I did in three years at university.
We are multicultural actually. Our multicultural policy is a mosaic though: Each group segregates and lives peacefully while maintaining their identity, not trying to meld to the national one, like the melting pot failure that the USA is.
Even if they mostly interact with people within their own racial group, they do not openly discriminate towards other racial groups, at least not here in toronto. I've been to most of the city and have been treated well.
Even our niggers are mild compared to the US. Ironically, the real africans are less thuggy than the 'merican niggers. Who knew even apes can be domesticated properly under the right environment?
>multicultural paradise
>twice whiter than USA
Pay equality is a myth different jobs pay different if that wasn't true then there'd be a lot more male prostitutes
It's because Canada only accepts rich/educated people into their country, which is hardly a good example of what real multiculturalism would be like.
Toronto is the only place with nigs
Depends if you live in rural MiddleOfNowhereTown. All of the big cities are multicutural as shit.
Yes we do have niggers but our niggers aren't like USA nigs. Ironically, even the nigerians are more docile.
>What's their secret?
Two massive oceans on either side of us.
HA. Untrue. Else There wouldn't be so many niggers in university areas.
I hate this cuck.
Government puts estrogen in the maple syrup supplies of the cities.
>full nazi
>Also Canada is not multicultural. Every racial group in Canada self segregates and mainly only interact with people within their racial group.
This, a thousand times, this.
They never let their enemies win.
>simple as that
How is this not multicultural
makes you think...
this is how multiculturism SHOULD be
melting pot = everything ruined
unique pots = everything is still unique
>how come Canada is such a multicultural paradise while the rest of the world is going full nazi? what's their secret?
they arent gay and there arent many blacks
>Also Canada is not multicultural. Every racial group in Canada self segregates and mainly only interact with people within their racial group.
>Every racial group in Canada self segregates and mainly only interact with people within their racial group.
>Also Canada is not multicultural.
>voicing an extremist genocidal ideology
They should be lucky it's only 1-3 years. Freedom of speech was a mistake.
>they do not openly discriminate towards other racial groups, at least not here in toronto. I've been to most of the city and have been treated well.
Torontofag here. There's plenty of discrimination, you just dont see it because you're (probably) white; white people are the least racist ethnic group in Toronto. Everyone else is pretty racist. Not openly, but if you think third world immigrants are all liberal hippies who believe in racial equality, you're crazy. Ask an Indian, Chinese or Arab girl how their families would react if they came home day with a black boyfriend and you'll see just how racist they are.
Good thing you don't get to express that opinion then.
Multiculturalism suggests that we all socialize with each other and love to learn about each others cultures. We don't. We just ignore the other ethnicities or tolerate them in public areas.
That's better than what's happening in America.
Do you think I want to embrace nigger culture? I 'd want my kids to have a father ffs.
I'm Hispanic, albeit very lightly tanned. I pass more for persian than I do my own ethnicity.
Smell disgusting. Next.
Girlfriend is Native, PRC Chinese. As in, immigrant as fuck. Try again faggot. Not all Chinese parents care, actually a lot don't mind a wai guo ren in their family.
> Arab
Also smell like shit. Why would you even bother.
I'm fine with us tolerating eachother and that's it. I don't want to embrace half the shit that goes on in other cultures, but the apex of multiculturalism is simply living in tolerance imo. Why the fuck do I have to socialize with niggers and learn about some nig rituals they do because they live around me? Fuck that.
The honest truth is that we are ruled by the environment more than anything else. You just can't stage an uprising here, because it's so fucking cold and everything is so far apart. All you want to do is be indoors and warm. It get's dark at 200pm in the afternoon and that's hard on your mind, and so when you see another person--any other person--you are happy to see them and, you also know if you caused chaos it would mean everyone freezes to death almost immediately.
Our major cities are like a wind tunnel. So it's not only cold, the architecture amplifies the wind. You also have to shovel and commute for hours. Even in a car, it feels like you are just barely surviving. It's a pretty harsh existence compared to other places in the world, but we're used to it so no one thinks about it all that much.
In a warmer country, you can have more punitive governments because it's not a death sentence, here you're dead within the week. Anyone coming from a warm climate is basically just hanging on. That's basically it. It's hard to cause trouble when you're an icy gortex puff ball. It still happens, but it's not as easy as other countries.
Putting in far-right terms that I don't support: The cockroaches never have a chance to get big, because they freeze to death in September.
>Not all Chinese parents care, actually a lot don't mind niggers dating their daughters
You're a funny guy
their secret is they are still naive and happy to welcome immigrants cause they are blind to the consequences. rest of the world is suffering already a lot and being pissed of day by day. give canada 10-20 more years specially with their cuddling laws and they'll become more racist than europe will be soon.
This. Outside 416/905 area codes here in Ontario. We fucking hate niggers and shitskins. Seem to get with along with asians. Never see any spics up here
cause canada is too cold for negros
Well said. It's insane how Canada is panning out.
Fuck off. You're part of the problem.
We lost our country years ago to the cultural Marxist's.
Canada is a mess.
God bless Newfoundland for keeping an identity.
Notice how far the schlomos keep the dindus from themselves
They never kill their enemies and thus Canada always wins
Nobody gives a fuck about Canada.
Canada isn't even worth targeting.
Some provinces aren't too bad and some are just mainly filled with asians (BC) with black people being pretty much absent in some communities.
Koreans, Japs and Sikhs are decent. Chinese and Punjabis fucking suck though.
I live in the beach near VP and Kingston, and let me tell you this is entirely misleading due to the fact that you rarely see people in their homes, and most neighborhoods seem like an accurate mix of ~60% White 20/20 Asian & Black. Mind you, the neighborhood I live in is almost 100% white.
I didn't mean niggers. I mean everyone should be afraid of a nigger dating their daughter.
I mean decent ethnicities, aka different asians, portugese, italian, hispanic, spanish, european, etc.
Basically anyone but niggers.
You mean hicktown, where no one gives a fuck about you?
Face it, everywhere in Ontario except Waterloo and the GTA you are IRRELEVANT. Whitby-like towns GTFO.
Bro I'm right wing and hate the left. I don't think we should integrate, but I think it's fine to tolerate each other so long as we don't have to interact with each other.
Also we are always a lagging country, philosophically. If Trump works out in America, we will probably swing right. There's a lot of anti-immigration statistics out there. It's shifting just like other places. I guess we'll just wait to see what happens in the States.
lol enjoy getting robbed and murdered by jamal faggot
We only import smart people. That's why Toronto which is less than half white still has a low homicide rate.
Both Montreal and Toronto are almost 10 percent black
because our big cities, where everything happens in politics, arts, etc, are 80% immigrants
Almost all Sikhs are Punjabi. The sikh empire was in Punjab.
Aren't most sikhs Punjabi??
It's a frozen wasteland that minorities don't actually want to move to. Therefore they can talk about all the wonderful diversity they want.
>Canada is actually conservative
>Ontario is just imba
>votes in liberals all the time
Let me tell you, frog, I bet you haven't been to Ontario. Just visit Ontario. Go on, I dare you. Do it once. You'll never want to see Canada again.
That's why the violence and shooting keep increasing. But all the media has to do is compare to chicago with relative same population but has tons more nigger and way more crime. Then all of the sudden Toronto is "safe"
>what's their secret?
Han homogeneity
same reason Sweden doesn't have terror attacks. they've capitulated to their own cultural suicide
He probably means those new age Sikhs who don't really adhere to their faith but claim to be religious to seem down to earth and keep with the tradition of being faithful aka surrey jacks etc.
No in Toronto atleast the homicide rate was going down continuously for about 20 years. It did spike this year though. I don't think the racial tensions in the USA are helping.
>Jane & Finch
>not full-on black
This is what you get for citing the Red Star.
Fuck you.
this place is going to hell on a rocketsled.
I thought a Frenchmen would understand the HORRORS that come with importing undesirables.
What are you talking about?
Canada is 77% white. Add Asians in and you're up to about 87%.
You created this by going into Canada you fucking French fuck
Why are white american men so obsessed with black men fucking white women?
We live under a police state and we arent allowed to say anything bad. A comedian got fined $45,000 because he made a joke about a tard
every Canadian I know hates their home country and wishes they had an easy way out.
>Yes we do have niggers but our niggers aren't like USA nigs. Ironically, even the nigerians are more docile.
>this fucking meme again
niggers in both canada and the uk have worse per capita prison rates than in america you stupid motherfucker
the difference is that your media never talks about their rampant crime
What the fuck are you talking about you idiot. Please drop your liberal arts degree and, go through the terrible long process to own a rifle then shoot yourself you fucking delusional cunt. I hate this country, it is not multicultural, it's waiting to implode in civil unrest the second the earth starts heating up and it isn't fucking cold here 70% of the year.
We need someone to blame when white women won't fuck us.
>We are multicultural actually. Our multicultural policy is a mosaic though: Each group segregates and lives peacefully while maintaining their identity, not trying to meld to the national one, like the melting pot failure that the USA is.
Literally the most insane thing I've ever heard in my life.
Why is the left trying to re-create Yugoslavia on a global scale?
You don't live near the niggers then you kike or gook. Everyone else on the other hand has to deal with stupid apes running around with guns and accosting women on a daily bases, me and my friend have been robbed 3 times once at gun point from niggers they need to be gassed.
>what's their secret?
Doing the complete opposite of whatever the USA is doing has always been a cornerstone of Canadian policy.
Newfoundland is still wonderfully white. When are we going to secede from Canada?
Yuck. That 13%
I dont want out. I dont want to be burried in garbage.
>niggers in both canada and the uk have worse per capita prison rates than in america you stupid motherfucker
And how do you know that? Our government (for better or for worse) doesn't record or analyse crimes by race.
Then that isn't multiculturalism fellow spic. What this all will lead to is regional division as the populations goes then secession because of distinct identities why do you think the faggot french Canadian hate everyone else so much, they're cultural identity fights against Canada.
Do inmigrants integrate more in Quebec because of muh only french official language?
Where do you live that you get robbed?
I'm not white but I'd rather be around white people then niggers.
Quebec created laws to drive immigrants away from the province. If only the rest of the country could get on board.
No. Those immigrants all come from French Africa anyways. I think immigrants integrate the most in Alberta.
One thing is... Almost every Canadian is accepting of Races/Ethnicities/Sexual Orientations... other than the few Canadian wanna be Hotshots throwing around the "N" word.. we don't behave like that in our day to day lives. Even if we aren't tolerant and accepting we keep it to ourselves for the most part... Acting like that doesn't do anyone any good. Have a little self respect and restraint..
There is no such thing as multi-cultural. There is only one culture taking over another if they are no willing to adapt. There's plenty of mixed race communities but they MUST adapt partially to the new society or it is a shit storm. You get places like Vancouver where half the population doesn't speak English and store front don't even have English and there's even been human rights complaints against English speaking people.
GTA. I'm in a lower middle-class bracket but even in the upper middle class areas there are niggers everywhere. Aswell they place public housing always near large city centers and higher class neighborhoods because of muh equality its a fucking nightmare.
Sauce please, I'm keen on.
You drew a big dingaling on that nigger
It isn't. Almost all whites hate immigrants, we just aren't allowed to speak out because of the thought police. The immigrants never integrate either. They live in their own Chinese or Arab bubble where speaking English and having western values is rare.
>The N word
You have a little self-respect and not let others dictate what words you can and cannot use.
Tell that to the niggers, and nigger cultured sandniggers that shoot and kill people that no one reports cause that'd be racist. This is why I don't like white people, not because of oppression or any of that gay shit, you're all a bunch of fags, you just take shit up the ass in large scale but small little things you get all rude and obnoxious and you let the government completely control the country it's retarded in 30 years this country is going to be a shit hole for freedom..
Im in the GTA too. Most houses in my neighbourhood are worth upwards of 1 million dollars and there is community housing nearby. Sometimes I get black people making lots of noise at the park across the street at 3am but ive never gotten robbed.
because its too fucking cold and nobody wants to deal with shit outside 9 months of the year. protesting, vagrants and general hood crap just isn't as much of a problem here.
Signs of businesses must have French as the largest language, so ethnic shops can't even open. They regularly turn away immigrants they think are unfit for Quebec and the frogs are much more protective of their culture and heritage than the other provinces.
I'm am not white but ever since I was a child my parents hyphenated the need to integrate, learn the language and treat others with respect, although I'm no sandnigger or gook I'm hispanic so a lot of those customs are similar none-the-less the way those people act is retarded and I cannot see why they try so hard to get people to hate them. One day man one day things are going to finally reach their pinnacle and I hope white people can see the rational of sideing with like minded people regardless of color so those sacks of shit can be wiped out.
The vast majority of Canadian immigrants come from three countries, China, India and Philippines. Most of the people from China and India also bring a lot of money with them and are educated. Even if the first generation doesn't integrate, the second generation do really well and are financially successful.
We don't have enough poor immigrants or arabs/north africans here to be seeing the kinds of problems seen in France and Germany. Though this may change as the Syrian refugees come in.