So I am a African immigrant from Somali. My father was a Lawyer for an oil company and paid for me to go to University in Canada at Queens and I liked it here so much I chose to become a legal immigrant. I used to like Trump but something just happened that made me dislike him.
>Be me >Riding bike on narrow street >Car opens door >I crash right into the door and flip off my bike. >Guy gets out of the car and goes "The fuck you blind?" >Next thing I know all his friends are coming out of the house he parked near and surround me >I say "Me? You opened the door and don't look out!" >He says "You wrecked my fucking door!" >I say "You did this to your own door! You open the door and don't look at all, look at my fucking bike!" >The guy who owns the car said "Fuck you nigger!" >I respond "I am not a nigger, I am from Somalia and I go to school and I work, no not call me a nigger!" >The racist then replies "Oh so you're some terrorist piece of shit!" >His friend replies "Get out of the way motherfucker you're in the wrong neighborhood" and then starts hitting me >Next thing I know all five of them are beating me up and I am left there crying >They then grab my bike and throw in just as a car is going by so the car runs over my bike and wrecks it. The car sees the gang and keeps driving >Just as they are leaving they yell "Make America Great Again Freak!"
I then reported it to the police but nothing happened yet. Trumps racism is literally making my life hell in a completely different country. This has gone too far. If you aren't white you should understand exactly what I am saying. Trump may not be racist but he's making it ok to be racist and that can't happen.
Americans hate Trump, the hate stories in America are mostly made up since Americans hate Trump and no one in america hates trump
Grayson Bennett
It's gone.
Kevin Ross
I hope you die next time nigger
David Gray
Wait I thought you were CTR
Adam Roberts
Joshua Howard
No one gives a fuck.
93% of Africans voted against Trump
90% of Africans voted against Brexit.
If you wanted anyone to give a shit about you, you wouldn't consistently side against the people who have you as a guest
Canada would be just fine without you. Would you be fine without Canada.
Owen Butler
Leave. We don't want you living among us. You will miscegenate the only race capable of creating countries like Canada.
Daniel Ward
You were really believable, especially the part where you didn't consider calling the police like any good nigger. But then you've lost me at the banter.
why arent you in fucking somalia fixing your shit country, you piece of shit?
Levi Ramirez
>all these faggots replying to pasta Have another (you) fáugette.
Jason Phillips
It is a whole Sopranos scene.
Gabriel Howard
>Since Trump got elected
Wrong country you goddamn moron.
That's Trudeau's area of expertise.
Alexander Bennett
fake and gay
Zachary Morales
you're in the wrong neighborhood right now shill
Owen Powell
>Somali Literally the worst type of nigger
Josiah Powell
>a fucking leaf Day of the Rake when?
Luis Brown
>Somali immigrant goes to Queens >Loves it there
Who would've guessed...
Anthony Jackson
>be white >go to somalia >get killed
>be somali >go to canada >get job >get education >take a lump and get called names sometimes And you're complaining? Seriously, try to have a little perspective.
Luis Lee
Fake and Gay..
Fuck off leaf
Juan Brooks
Just leave and go to USA, they'll be happy to have you. Canada is a Western Europe with Down syndrome anyway.
Bentley Rodriguez
You have to go back nigger. >leaf Nevermind. Destroy them.
Caleb Lewis
Nigger stfu
Ryder Morgan
Hey Ooga booga whatcha doin?
James White
Sounds like someone needs to go back to their nigger-stain country
Tyler Reed
>So I am a African immigrant from Somali K. Gonna stop you there. If you have problems with Canada, then you know that there's a place (called Somalia) where you can go to be "free from oppression"?
>All that unverifiable anecdotal evidence an emotional appeal k
Juan Roberts
Fuck you darkie.
Caleb Sullivan
>ill put this on the list of things that never happened A. FUCKING. LEAF. I bet you're not even a nigger, just some leafshitposter.