Did we elect a liberal?
Did we elect a liberal?
I hate being cynical, but I seriously doubt trump will flip flop on his environmental policies. He should. But I don't think he will.
YOU didn't elect anybody.
Except climate change is real. Sup Forums just doesn't care cause they'll be dead from diabeetus by the time it matters.
He's socially liberal, but fundamentally uncorrupted by lobbyists, bankers, and international corporatists.
That's a good trade any day of the week.
>new yorker
first of all climate change is real in the sense that the climate on this fucking planet is always changing, duh.
second of all we affect the climate as a species , but i would give not even 5% compared to other causes, not armageddon-like we wuz reasons.
I mean the most damaging things we did and can do to this planet is dropping nukes.
Forests have actually increased over europe and the globe mainly because colder places become warmer and vegetation can rise.
Considering the fact that many people keep pushing for green energy i would actually say the globe has slowed down it's pace when it comes to global warming.
Except China, that place is a mess.
Yes you fucks
Daily reminder that the Medieval Warm Period is a thing. Climate change is real, human effect may not
can someone redpill me on climate change? I'd say from what i understand humans have an effect on the environment but liberals are going about it the wrong way, the right way would be to let people die off to fix the planet.
I think he's going to have to face some realties when he gets into office. Wheels are in motion, some things cannot be undone so easily.
Plus, yknow, they show the new president JFK footage. Then give him a long and meaningful look.
I'm not sure Trump will survive this thing, he is beset by foes externally and from within.
If we actually invested in nuclear climate change would be completely taken care of.
>Acting on climate change is liberal
nah, it's just not retarded. I like Trump but that's hands down his worst policy.
who cares the only thing that matters is he won and hillary lost
not to sound like a liberal tree hugger, but I personally believe in global warming.
I don't give two shits about climate change. The free market will allow mankind to adapt and survive in the changing environment. I just think we should utilize every source of energy we can find so we aren't entirely dependent on a few resources and get fucked when we run out.
No of course not, why on earth would a billionaire property developer from New York be a liberal even though he was known to be a friend of the Clintons and other democrat heavyweights. what, you think he would mislead a whole nation to get into power? What a stupid idea
fucking christ, this is going to be a long 4 years.
Every fucking time he will play nice and say, alright i will listen to your version.
we are gonna have CNN blasting it down our throats that he's not the literal nazi they painted him as, and then there's going to be neo-nazi fags assblasted that a person elected president would dare listen to another human being.
Trump was always a centrist.
More on point, I support some climate change initiatives because I hate the fucking Saudis. A two-fisted approach of maniacal efficiency and rampant domestic drilling will cast them back to the stone age.
That's pretty silly, the climate has a huge impact on food production alone and the largest cities of the world with rising seawater.
It will be a lot cheaper in the long run to just not emit so much garbage than to deal with it when it's too late. We should be saving our oil for use in plastics and such for the future instead of just burning it all for energy we can harvest from the sun, wind, and water anyways.
If being pro-science makes you a liberal then count me the fuck in.
I don't believe in climate change (man made driving it). The climate is changing and it always will be from factors out of our control. We should switch to renewable to protect the environment so future generations can enjoy it's beauty and to fuck the Middle East oil barons.
don't tell the liberals
>spend entire campaign intentionally sending conflicting messages to confuse everyone
>change them again after he wins
>phew we finally got through to him!
They're going to be so angry, confused and betrayed when he changes his tune yet again. Probably stir up their oh so educated readers into peacefully rioting with vague revolutionary rhetoric but no meaningful action. It's just going to keep happening over and over through both terms and nobody will learn a goddamn thing.
except you supported him because he was going to build a wall (which hes not going to build), jail hillary (which hes not going to do), deport muslims (not happening) declare open season on black people (he wont do that) I could go on and on
and now you pull this centrist shit. He's shitting all over you and this board, have some self respect
No, america simple did not elect a conservative.
>billionaire businessman from
New York is uninfluenced by big
Did retards actually believe this? He was voted in BECAUSE of how he would help corporations by easing off the tax. By any chance, are you from the South?
He's pretty much the only true liberal candidate who was running.
>implying I give a shit
Just don't do retarded stuff like carbon taxes.
>did we elect
day of the rake can't come soon enough.
No, I supported him because the neocons hated him.
Which they still do.
Reminder that:
1) we know what caused the MWP and none of those conditions (increased solar radiation, changes to ocean circulation bringing warmer tropical water into the cooler north atlantic water and less volcanic activity) have been present in the last three centuries.
2) As your graph actually shows, current trends are both much steeper and also higher than in the MWP.
>retarded stuff like carbon taxes
OK I'll red pill you: anthropogenic climate change is real and it's fucking scary.
maybe he knows that lifting any sort of restrictions on coal mining STILL isn't going to generate jobs but he'll be able to say he lifted the restrictions.
Seriously why the fuck would you commission to have a coal plant built when natural gas is cheaper and more efficient, it's just a coincidence that it's much cleaner than coal, the only thing that matters is always the bottom line: cost. Unless coal miners and coal plants get massive handouts and guarantee the handouts will keep coming after Trump leaves they don't have an incentive to risk going back to coal.
Tell that to Kiribati.
We elected a salesman. He's going to compromise on various issues. Some more than others depending upon his priorities. It's what grownups do. Watch and learn.
>telling me why I supported him
Poland is shit
>second of all
Secondly you fucking gypsy
You you sleep with a night-light too?
Thank you Jesus.
>hey, exhausting hot smog into the ozone layer might damage the environment
>clearly we should cripple our economy and shred the constitution because of this
Oh well
>we know what caused the MWP
>no sources given
> current trends are both much steeper and also higher than in the MWP.
>still believing manns hockey stick
>paying jews helps the climate
I know. I know.
I really find it difficult to believe ALL These motherfuckers really saw the briber as the cure for the bribee.
Also he's not as rich as he says he is. He leverages reputation. powerful friends, and privacy like no one else, but he's not that good with money.
Someone who relies entirely on reputation is beholden to a lot of folks, folks.
Also he's beholden to his electorate since he'll be running for reelection. Assuming he wants it.
How is helping corporations bad?
I suppose we should just ship all the jobs off to China and just get the government to provide everything.
>says the post mental breakdown man as he reassures himself for the second week in a row
Yes goy, listen to us the reliable fact checking mainstream media we were right before about the election we're definitely right about what the unpredictable man will do in the future! You're just upset you had to go home after brexit.
trump is worried about electors rebelling. He's not prezident yet.
I agree especially with the China bit. China needs to get its shit together
Was he against it? Before he was for it? And now he's against it? Or was he for it? Now he's against it? Maybe he is a democrat in his final form? Maybe he is just pandering to the media? Maybe he is just trying to unite the country and not pick a party?
the deal has no value at all. Ask every lawyer. This is why every one signed it including china and the US.
Go get your autism bucks somewhere else.
A lot of the major causes of climate change,besides of the warming period we are entering, is due to methane gas. With overpopulation and the increase demand on meat, animal waste is fucking the planet up. If we nuked Africa, the effects of methane on the atmosphere would be gone in about a decade. Global warming fags don't like talking about that though.
Not just Kiribati, but Florida, New York, Seattle, California, London, Vancouver, Sydney, the entire Netherlands, Istabul, Venice, Tokyo... The list goes on.
AHAHAHAHAHA...Trump is on his way to mediocrity.
Teddy Roosevelt indeed.
Trump couldn't shine TRs shoes.
Who cares? Just set up desalination plants and drill the Arctic oil.
>was a democrat almost his entire adult life
>donated to several democrats including the Clintons
>has openly criticized fox news and republicans
>Did we elect a liberal?
1 post by this shill-d?
Yes. He's the right-wing equivalent of Obama. Virtually the same thing all over again. Lots of big talk and grand promises, lots of populism. Nothing but hot air.
The Trump administration will bomb Iran just like the Obama administration bombed Syria. Screencap this.
Africa isn't the one eating all that meat, user. We are. The solution is simple though. Lab-grown meat.
Global average temperature might go up a degree over the next 100 years. How is this scary?
We elected someone who isn't a complete idiot.
He just played along with the climate change/abortion bullshit that the GOP has been pushing in order to get elected.
Now that he's president, he can ignore it and focus on real issues like immigration and dealing with IS.
he only switched to republican because dem's were too busy playing identity politics.
It's all division tactics of Lugenpresse and somewhat coordinated attack on right wing supporting sites such as Sup Forums etc. For now just watch and focus on cultural warfare.
But particularly kiribati because they're not dealing with this shit in the medium-term future, they're dealing with it right now as I type this. Coastal erosion and periodic flooding and water poisoning. It has literally displaced people already by destroying houses, it's increased soil salinity that's destroyed countless vegetation that seriously calls their food security into question. This isn't happening 10 or 20 or 50 years down the pipeline, this is happening right now.
You didnt elect the American President silly Canacuck.
Yeah, I know, and it's truly a shame.
You know Teddy cared a lot about the environment, right?
Delete this
Climate change deniers are just plain WRONG. It's not a lib/con thing.
I'm a liberal, but if Trump does a 180 on climate change, I'll cast my absentee ballot for him next election.
Not Africa but middle income countries are definitely causing a growth in demand of meat. Even current agricultural practices aren't that great. The Green Revolution has completely stripped away crop diversity -- basically, if things go south, we don't know if there is enough diversity for the plants to eventually adapt to the new climate/environment.
Eh, I can live with it.
its really amazing, how is this reporting legal?
he said he will be open minded about it, suddenly that means HAHAHAHA HE ADMITTED WE ARE RIGHT!!!!
Helping corporations is good and why I voted him. I was responding to the moron who thought Trump was completely detached from big business.
kys tripfag. we know you faggots don't belong here.
Trump only wants two things in life: to win, and to be liked.
Now that he's won, he's trying to be liked. I think it hurts him that the liberal elite (especially in NYC) hate him so much. It hurts his ego, so he lashes out, but secretly he wants to win them over as much as anyone.
Therein lies the optimist liberals case for trump.
He's what a liberal was 20 years ago.
Once someone explains something to him he says "Wow, I never really thought about it that way" and changes his mind. He's like a thought sponge.
Tell me how the fines will be used to save the climate.
>He should
Why? Give some proof, Tripfag
We elected a centrist.
Good. Climate change is real you fucking mongs.
I mean, no one will ever beat Teddy but its not like Teddy wasn't a massive conservationist that loved nature or anything
Come on guys the media is doing their best to turn us against him. twisting his words and claiming he has done a complete 180 on all his promises.
they won't, that's why I was calling for help
false, he is a moderate non-gop republican or classical liberal. He cares about making as many people's lives better as possible. He also cares about being liked and being fair. Almost all confusion about Trump has come from inventing who people think he is and then getting mad when they are wrong.
>there may be some connectivity, there may not, we don't know
>I can live with the economic collapse of my country and ensuing refugee crisis an order of magnitude worse than the European "crisis" right now
Believe it or not God put trump in office for reasons know only to God. I'm praying about this. If God lets me know I will let you know. So far God has been very subtle and not timely in my questions so don't expect anything soon.
Eh that's not too awful.
>I can live with terra not being BTFO to pieces.
>All the biggest hubs of jews, spics, and niggers are submerged
>America's resources remain untouched
>We can just set up new port cities, anyway
There's no reason to stop this even if it's real.
Oh no, areas will slowly flood over the next few hundred years.