Why is everybody bitching? Richard Spencer is fine.
Look him up. He fucking founded the "alt right". He isn't controlled opposition, he started a website called "The Alt Right" in 2010. He's an academic white nationalist.
That video going around of him at his stupid convention isn't even that bad. The shit he says is pretty rational. It's just him bashing white guilt and telling white people to stop worrying what the media and other races think of them, and to focus on success instead.
I thought Sup Forums was all about low key white nationalism? Not necessarily full blown racism, but just acknowledging that white guilt is bullshit, and that white people need to stick together and focus on winning back the culture war. I'm glad normies are hearing his speech, they fucking need to.
Why is Sup Forums bitching?
Christian Reed
his haircut is gay and pisses me off
Jayden Campbell
>Sup Forums is one person Please fuck off and kys
Liam Garcia
Sup Forums has always been iffy about having figureheads. Trump was different, a leader who is easy to follow and appeared redpilled compared to the mainstream, but Trump is also not Sup Forums. If you looked around you could see the Spencer-part of Sup Forums gripe about the presence of Trumpites from the moment the election began. Trump is pro-Israel and pro-LGBT and non-racist, always has been. Sup Forums is neither of those things.
Nathaniel Young
>I thought Sup Forums was all about low key white nationalism? >heil Trump >roman salute >wondering if jews are human >"low key"
Camden Butler
No, there are a million threads and comments of people bitching about Richard Spencer. I don't know if these people are reddit fags or recently started browsing Sup Forums, but they need to take like 10 seconds to look the guy up.
Colton Bennett
If this guy is legit he's a white power faggot trying to take a hold a movement that clearly encompasses more than whites.
White nationalism is cancer, fucking kill yourself OP
Ryder Brooks
>wondering if jews are human He was talking about the media in that quote. Is this really getting spread like he actually questioned if Jews were people? What a time to be alive.
Jaxon Phillips
Stop making shit threads
Nobody gives a fuck
Matthew Gray
Yup. At least on French news
Austin Evans
I don't think he was saying jews aren't human, but claiming that people who are brainwashed by liberal media aren't human. Also sounded like he was half-joking.
Yeah that's fine, fuck figureheads. But Sup Forums acting like their entire movement is doomed because of Richard Spencer is ridiculous
Tyler Parker
jews arent people desu senpai
Sebastian Russell
My haircut is like that too. Fuck you faggot.
Actually look just like him, it's kind of weird.
Sup Forums - The true home of the alt-right.
WPWW 1488
Eli Flores
Go away.
Kayden Sanchez
This is my point.
The MSM is now trying to say that Trump = "Alt Right" = Sup Forums = this Neo-Nazi guy we dug up.
While in truth Trump was never Sup Forums. He was never Sup Forums's candidate. He just occasionally said some real woke shit that you'd never think you'd ever in a million years come out of the mouth of someone running for President.
Zachary Williams
You and the other fucks making these shit threads about him all of a sudden are blatantly trying to give him attention in a collective effort. Your shilling is not subtle. Your manipulation won't work. I didn't know who this faggot was and I've been browsing since 07 so fuck you and fuck that faggot.
Logan Thompson
spam. Im gonna start reporting this shit
Christian Brooks
They're redditors, all the spencer faggots are raiding us in an effort to stop our meme magic. They actually believe that they can divide us by creating fake arguments about this Spencer guy
Adam King
I want this raid to end.
Nathan Long
Just because he used the term "alt right" back in 2010 doesn't fucking mean he "founded" this movement. Go fuck yourself, you loon.
John Garcia
>alt-right >founded Alt-right is a catch-all term for non-conservative right-wing ideologies.
There was no founding. There isn't even a core philosophy.
Bentley Brown
The faggot is a living, breathing strawman.
Jackson Kelly
This is a raid, it's very likely. But this is also an opportunity for self-reflection. What's happening right now is the same shit that's happening to the Dems who are infighting like mad.
The floundering of the left is very entertaining to watch but we have to be prepared if we ever get the short end of the stick.
Jackson Edwards
No, I'm addressing the million threads about him, and the fucking Sup Forums panic i'm seeing.
The biggest white normies i know are sharing that Richard Spencer clip on Facebook. Now I see Sup Forums having a fucking melt down claiming Richard Spencer is a "plant" and freaking out about being seen as "white nationalists".
It's really confusing, because I've been on Sup Forums since 2013, and low-key white nationalism has always been mixed into Sup Forums discussion. Now I'm seeing hordes of Sup Forums commenters denouncing all kind of white nationalism. I'm not even saying that I like Richard Spencer, he seems like a cringey spazz.
What the fuck is going on with Sup Forums today
Bentley Parker
Ain't no raid. Just a call to arms, brothers.
White pride...
Sebastian Cooper
>White nationalism is cancer, fucking kill yourself OP
Man have I been in the wrong place.
Ryder Sanchez
There's infighting on the right for sure, but it tends to be nothing near the infighting of the left. Leftists will tear their people apart for small disagreements and try to ruin lives over it, on the right we'll call each other faggots or debate our points but we usually get together to attain big goals and focus on the little things later.
Austin Green
I actually agree and follow the original alt-right (counter currents, radix etc.) for some time, just hate the loud minority and the sieg heiling retards ruining everything. Spencer kinda fucked up with the obvious references (Lügenpresse, golems, hail victory, children of the sun) and gave too much negative attention. He actually never did anything like that before, I'm pretty perplexed.
Liam Ward
>>He's our pretty Jewish Princess! Why can't he be our waifu! Spencer and his sycophants have been shitting up the board worse than the CTR shills did before the elections.
He is nothing to 99% of us, but he has been jammed down our throats the last few days. He is drawing a lot of very negative attention to himself . I am pretty sure that he is the reason behind Trump publicly disavowing the so-called "Alt-Right".
He is the asshole that the (((MSM))) is pointing at to discredit you and I, and I don't want any association with him. Identity politics is what broke the left, and his brand of it will break the Right.
Bentley Thomas
w-white pride!
Levi Phillips
William Wood
If you're here only for the racism then I advise you to chug bleach, my friend
Anthony Morales
The Great White Dolt.
Noah Kelly
I'm not saying that we need to rally around Spencer and make him our figurehead or some shit.
I'm just confused here. I thought white nationalism was part of the Sup Forums platform. I've been here for 3 years and there's always been moderate discussion about white flight, mating with whites, white people building civilization, ect. ect.
All of the sudden everybody are denouncing the whole thing and having a melt down. I'm just confused.
Charles Phillips
Yeah. No.
Kill yourself. This has clearly been about white nationalism for a while.
Go back to re ddit.
Blake Davis
He is a literal nobody that the (((Media))) is now trying to make famous.
He is not helping anyone - not even the white nationalist cause.
He's basically David Duke 2.0. A functionally retarded attention seeker who doesn't understand basic persuasion techniques.
Sup Forums is nationalist and a huge portion of it is white nationalist and no one had even heard of this faggot until yesterday.
Owen Mitchell
i never fucking knew about this guy until shills started forcing him here after the media brought him up
Evan Reyes
The left isn't going to like you just because you "disavow" everyone to your right. When are people going to learn that?
These people, whatever you want to call them, Jews, globalists, communists, the left, whatever name you give them, they hate you. They want you to disappear forever. Attacking natural allies is not going to appease them. That's what they want you to do.
Nathan Martinez
Sup Forums has been invaded by normies.
We're bigger than Sup Forums now, but it's come at quite the price.
Caleb Anderson
Uh, Trump was our candidate. Like, always.
Cameron Garcia
Nobody was advocating this white-only spergfest up until this Spencer douche showed up. Now you faggots are swarming this board harder than CTR ever did.
Go take your autistic nazi LARPing somewhere else, faggot
Hudson Taylor
he's a fucking nobody
the alt right isn't a thing, it's a bunch of twitter attention whores and milo's faggot brigade at most
it's all a media fabrication because they need an enemy to rally against who isn't going to be president
Adam Brooks
Okay, but who gives a shit?
Why does anybody care if the media is trying to blow this guy up? He's a white nationalist academic. He has a PhD and has published a few books.
It's the media. They're shit. This dude's viral video is literally him just saying "Yeah fuck the media white people need to rise up". I think he's kind of a sperg, but I'm not completely ashamed to be associated with his message. There's some truth in it.
I don't really think that David Duke is that bad either. The media just lies about these people's message.
This is coming from a person who overall thinks white nationalism is kinda gay. Seems like most of them are fucking LARP roleplayers or something.
Landon Phillips
He looks like a faggot. Why are his clothes and haircut always so nice? Pretty sure he's a fag.
John Torres
Its a fucking leftypol invasion right now and mods are doing fuckall. Clearly mods have been compromised. Its been real cuckpol...
Andrew Harris
bet i could kick your ass you cunt
Christopher Moore
No one even mentioned him here until all the alt right cunts showed up
Jason Thomas
Get the fuck out of my Sup Forums then.
Why the fuck are you here?
Living in Sup Forums is a privilege, not a right; my family and forefathers fought for it in the meme war, not just for you to walk on in and act like we owe you anything. You should be grateful for being here.
This is why we voted for Trump. War is coming, look to Russia and the East. The world is changing, and the far Right is rising again; this new world will not favour your ungrateful kind here on our shores any more.
History repeats itself, and when Europe goes to war - we purge niggers like you.
Russia, Britain, and the USA - the new Axis!!
Don't believe me? Stay, and find out what's in store..
wpww 1488
Brandon Green
What are you? Red dit? Some new ctr?
1. Spencer is a nobody and has done nothing. 2. This has always been about white nationalism and racism. Racism is this board's entire history.
Liam Harris
>White nationalism is cancer Hey look another faggot from the_donald is lost.
Samuel Carter
>Spencer shill thread #599
shills: kys
Luke Butler
He is great. This is a genius move.
>before heiling "Trump is extreme we must never normalize his sexism"
>after veiling "Well, I guess there's worse stuff out there, Trump isn't so bad after all"
He managed to get the public eye even more to the right.
Jacob Foster
Post timestamped skin color
Benjamin Bell
Good goy!
Christian Lopez
No the guardian had a clip of the guy going viral.
What he said wasn't even that bad. Not sure why everybody are having a meltdown
Connor Hernandez
Because shills like you keep making threads about him like he was our leader or something. He a closeted homosexual. Listen to his voice when he says "hail Trump." He's such a fag.
James Collins
Andrew Green
>But Sup Forums acting like their entire movement is doomed because of Richard Spencer is ridiculous
They aren't, people are just skeptical about Spencer's approach, and wondering if a more nuanced option would have perhaps suited white people's needs better
Tyler Morales
I used to be ambivalent about this guy, but the way he has tried to ride Trump's coattails is pretty fucking lame.
What the fuck is this bullshit of yelling "HAIL TRUMP!" while doing Nazi salutes in front of the media? I recognize that it's contrived to make a spectacle for the media, but it really does scream "controlled opposition".
Nathan Sanchez
The Emperor has disavowed and admonished him. The "alt right" is just a strawman of the liberal media, and this guy is a cuck in wolf's clothing who is selling all of us in exchange for time in front of a TV camera.
Dominic Carter
Richard spencer is a hero. E is the mastermind behind Sup Forums and the alt right. He singlehandedly invented meme magic and got trump elected. Sup Forums has always been alt right and always will be. We love Richard apencer. If you paid attention during the election you would have seen him everywhere. He is a big player in all of this. Big league
Gavin Gomez
I don't give a shit about him being a white nationalist. What I do care about is him doing fucking Hitler salutes during a MSM expose on national TV. This whole "alt-right" bullshit was mainly a way to mainstream white nationalism. It was working but any progress that was being made is now gone with the normies now associating it with nazis thanks to his spergfest. You redpill people subtlety.
Ethan Scott
Maybe that could've worked if he didn't say "HAIL TRUMP HAIL TRUMP" and do a nazi salute
Blake Edwards
>Racism is this board's entire history.
No, it's not, newfaggot.
This board has been about pride in one's country, nationalism, which may or may not include some racial elements. But apparently you're here only because of muh white powurr redneck faggotry so I strongly urge you end yourself before you embarrass us any further.
Nathan Clark
He's a fucking hack. Hardly showed his face at all during the Trump campaign, and now that Trump wins he suddenly feels at liberty to throw sieg heils around in his name.
Fuck off.
Eli Collins
>selling us in exchange for time in front of the camera
I don't think so, he's been doing this shit for a while. This is like his career/legacy. I don't really like him and I'm not like stoked on white nationalist, but his argument isn't that irrational.
The media are ALWAYS looking for a boogeyman.
Noah Lopez
not every Sup Forums tard is a white nationalist. It's a politics and news board. We argue politics, not subscribing to a unified ideology. How fucking new are you? At least tell me you're pre GG?
guy is as much a plant shill as the the Term "alt right". They threw that phrase around at us like they use hitler because we disagreed with having another Bush run for office. Now they are using this chucklefuck useful idiot to brand/label us as dumb as fuck as he is.
Leo Thomas
I think everyone in Europe has that haircut. Recently it is spreading here in America.
Nathaniel Morales
Dude, okay. As long as I've been here, the anti-third world immigrant sentiment has been strong. And it is not unfounded either.
Many third worlders don't like capitalism or democracy, which is why they have been voting democrat. Many of them also hate white people too.
The white nationalist theory about the Jews wanting to destroy white culture and deconstruct the white family structure is not far fetched either. Look at the propaganda they pump out in Hollywood and the media.
Jaxon Ramirez
SAGE, AND HIDE SHILL THREADS if you must derail always sage
Jordan Turner
>muh strategy Speak for yourself you fucking cuck.
Jaxson King
Trump isn't the hero you make him out to be. Then again you are probably some civic nat, cuckservative, nonwhite. And if you're not you may as well be.
Jace Powell
I dont think hes controlled oppo
I just think hes a fucking moron
Joseph Reed
I'm a gay classical liberal Trump supporter that abhors fascism and totalitarianism in all its forms. I've been here since /new/.
Who the fuck are you? Why do you have a faggot haircut? Why are you fucking retarded enough to eat media diarrhea like its nectar?
Jeremiah Jackson
This. He revealed his power level too early. He completely sperged out in that speech. I think all of us Trump supporters want Trump to start the Fourth Reich, but Jesus, let him get into office first. That's what makes me think this Richard Spencer faggot is a paid shill that will be used to discredit us.
Julian Cruz
I can tell you're a female. Post picture with timestamp.
Jonathan Hernandez
Sup Forums is full of Soros shills that bash White Nationalism. Nothing new, but there have been a lot of shills here lately.
> White Nationalism is so lame > Yeah, so autistic bro.
Just ignore the anti-white shills and the cucks.
Robert Nguyen
he is he's just a really shitty one.
The media knows this one is a turd, and so do the Soros funded groups. They are working with what they've got with a shit eating grin.
Bentley Baker
Watch the video.
Spencer didn't fuck up. Just ignore the shills.
The establishment is ant-white. Only a cuck wants to suck its dick.
Zachary Sanchez
I see you're finally learning by getting good looking guys to front your movement, if a 10/10 Chad said we should gas the kikes and lynch the 'groes then women would be enthusiastically for it. This guy is only an 8 though, but it's something.
Michael Anderson
Levi Bell
Trump is a cuckservative. He is just a tool. Nothing more.
Jack Wilson
ban all threads about him
wordfilter his name
just fuck off, we don't care about whoever that is
Michael Lopez
this faggot gives good people with common sense a bad name and by extension undermines Trump. def could be a CIA shill.
Blake Thompson
Attempt at fragmenting Sup Forums's userbase.
Some understand the irony of nazi memes and some don't and that's easy enough to use to drive a wedge.
Christian Campbell
>He revealed his power level too early. Don't be stupid, it's now or never. What are you waiting for? When you (white Americans) become a minority in your country?
You have no fucking time, asshole.
Jeremiah Myers
By who? JIDF?
Isaiah Cruz
>wondering if jews are human W E W.
He was talking about journalists.
John Turner
Consider the following, shills:
Real timeline >Media: Ivanka, would you date black guys? >Trump says "Yes she would >Media doesn't say anything after
Alternative timeline >Media: Ivanka, would you date black guys? >Trump: What the fuck, no, she wouldn't, totally not on >Media goes in guns blazing
Real timeline >Media: Are you really going to deport 11 million immigrants? >Trump: Well, no, not 11, maybe 2-3 >Media doesn't say anything
Alternative timeline >Media: Are you really going to deport 11 million immigrants? >Trump: Yes, yes I will, they're all going back >Media gets buttmad, goes in guns blazing
Real timeline >Media: Do you like the Alt-Right? >Trump: What the fuck no, I disavow, I hate them >Media doesn't say anything after
Alternative timeline >Media: Do you like the Alt-Right? >Trump: Yes, yes I do very much like the Alt-Right >Media explodes, calls Trump a KKK racist black hating this and that
How.. Just how in the world do you guys don't understand how the media works? Can you imagine if Trump said he liked the Alt-Right? Learn how the media works, Trump is constantly trolling them, he knows how they work.
Blake Hernandez
Shills trying to fragment Sup Forums:s White Nationalist users. (((They))) are trying to push the false narrative that he is a plant.
(((They))) are trying to fragment White Nationalists because (((they))) are scared.
Some faggots actually fall for it.
Xavier Foster
You thought the Trump team didn't have shills? Every called out CTR without realizing that Trump did the same shit. I've seen it on other sites, accounts made around the primary and then posted 50-100 times a day shilling for Trump.
Jose Wright
Trump don't even know what Alt-Right is.
Ryan Russell
RSIDF pls go
Jaxson Davis
One of his advisers probably just told him "the alt right is some nazi movement. Just say you diavow it"
Levi Turner
Oldfag here
> literally who?
Jaxon Moore
He has fucking Bannon on his team, the alt right shouldn't be such a nebulous concept to him.
Jose White
fuck you this he didn't found anything. Some baby face manchild that looks like he gets chicken tendies from mommy represents no one.
Parker Nelson
Bannon is probably the one who told him to disavow it.
>its another leftist racist crybaby trap, just say you disavow them and they'll move on to calling you a racist about something else
Liam Campbell
Im gonna start using this
Owen Turner
Why all the sudden attention for this literally who? Is he based or should or continue not giving a shit?