You don't actually believe in white nationalism do you?
I'm just here for the memes and I think most Sup Forums posters are the same.
You don't actually believe in white nationalism do you?
I'm just here for the memes and I think most Sup Forums posters are the same.
Other urls found in this thread:
haha yeah.. j-just here for the memes haha
yes i do
gas all fucking jews
erase niggers from this earth
spare gooks but keep them contained
the only thing hitler did wrong was not killing all the fucking yids
also kill gays too
I think Sup Forums posters are mostly libertarian or conservative, but we can't pretend like races and genetics aren't a real thing
I believe in American nationalism.
You're not supposed to admit that OP.
Why shouldn't I believe in white nationalism?
chill out dude. Are there even black people in Romania?
This fellow nordic gets it.
What is white nationalism
I'm a traditionalist seeking to preserve the ethnic and cultural make up of Western civilization.
Basically, I am a nationalist.
I'm for American nationalism.
because the concept of whiteness is undefinable. is it skin tone, nationality, culture?
White nationalists are just a bunch of cuck fags who are usually the biggest viewer block of websites like blacked etc....
Face it fags, you had your chance In the 1930s and 1940s and lost get over it.
I took it seriously for a few months, then I realized how unrealistic white ethnostates are and how childish the whole thing is. I still like the idea of civic nationalism though. I think people should be accepted within a society as long as they assimilate completely to the local culture.
There's nothing wrong with white nationalism. Supremacism on the other hand is bad. Most white nationalists I listen to are not what you'd consider racist and believe in the rights of all people.
>Hello fellow white people
All of the above?
> Land of the Gypsies
based roma
I'm a white muslim and voted trump, do i believe in white nationalism? i'm curiously interested because i need more labels in my life.
Then you agree Whites should be forced into black or Asian countries until they're the majority and take over?
what is american nationalism and how do i sign up for it?
Nobody is forcing non whites into white countries. They come to white majority countries because they're much richer than whatever place they come from
You thought wrong faggot
>white muslim
BTFO Sup Forums. You are the prime example of why white nationalism exists and why it persists.
American nationalism is White Nationalism. It's time to stop believing that America isn't a White country
i believe in nationalism
why are we getting invaded by tumblr?
romanians arent even white, you are pasty olive motherfuckers
inshallah brother we avenge Hitler's death (peace be upon it)
This. Don't forget gypsies though
Yeah the European migrant crisis is just a figment of our imaginations right? And millions of Mexicans being unlawfully given "sanctuary" isn't happening either huh?
i'm verbally derogatory towards anyone who shows a lack of intelligence, and my lack of intelligence manifests by by derogatory verbs being racist or sexist.
idk. i'm drunk. the new masjid was dicks. racists fucks.
at least the cops didnt follow me this time.
Hitler considered muslims superior to the other races because of their hatred of jews, and labeled certain people as honorary aryans such as the Iranian people.
iranians are not honourary aryans, they ARE aryans
Neither, i enjoy becoming a minority in my own country and getting shit on by SJWs because you cant be racist to whites.
Also White nationalist =/= neonazi
dude i got brown hair that turns blonde in summer sun. persians got black hair that turns into a weave.
Do I believe it would be good? Yes. Do I think that it's possible in America? No.
i have blonde hair, but i'm not aryan
hitler's idea of aryans wasn't really correct
White supremacy makes sense, white nationalism doesn't.
so like what am i a nazi of? i'm not a socialist, and i'll kill every race equally, based on IQ.
White nationalism is the natural end state of a fair nation.
Whites prosper in every area of the world outside of China, Japan, and Korea no matter the environment. The colonization of Africa was achieved by primitive means, while Britain and America have been historic superpowers since inception.
When the handouts to minority groups are removed, the white man surpasses all.
Yeah, America is a European nation, why should the priority not be the preservation of European people as a majority?
I'm here to laugh at Americans for actually electing Trump.
No. I believe in white privilege for all who care to grasp it.
But if the left is going to turn it into a racewar, then I will at least stop despising the people who take my side.
This isn't 1901, faggot, fuck off with your cringe white power bullshit
I've never seen latestageBill look so excited for a picture since he was aidsfree and President.
Is he one of us,did she redpill him? Do you think they make pizza threads together to cover his tracks?
I grew out of white nationalism 10 years ago, that ideology is like a magnet for the lowest tier of genetic garbage I have ever had the misfortune of meeting.
Muh whiteness, it's a cringey, disgusting cult full of losers.
>a hungarian proxy appears
B-but I wasnt even born yet...
>white nationalism
The white balding overweight paedophile ideology.
White nationalism doesn't work in a 40% nonwhite country.
And frankly, I only care about people having the right ideology; their skin color means jack shit to me.
I'm not even white
Can't believe Bill Clinton fucked Taylor Swift
Albania.. pls go .. pls burn your entire country to the ground on the way out.. Thank you.
On the upside, less likely to rape your daughter than niggers and muds.
whether I believe in white nationalism is irrelevant. the racist double standards have to go away.
white nationalism is a meme
American degenerate attempt at copying superior European ethnic nationalism
I would if I lived in Europe, but since I'm American I believe in American civic nationalism.
She probably has AIDS now
I believe what the Founding Fathers believed, so yes, I'm unironically a white nationalist.
I was just ironically being a Nazi this whole time.
What's wrong with white nationalism?
Homogeneous societies are the most peaceful and anxiety free
I have a soft-spot for some ultra-right-wing-radical notions, but in general, yeah bro, I'm here to meme and shitpost. No less than half of Sup Forums is doing the same, I'd reckon. How "serious" can it possibly be when there's no user post-history? I love Sup Forums to death, truly, but at the end of the day it's a glorified Sup Forums. The only truly redeeming factor of this place is that it's one of the last bastions of free speech on the web. But really, any alt-right or anti-feminist youtube video's comment section is basically the same thing as this place.
I'm a black-white nationalist. All the problems with this country started when they introduced color.
fuck off nyt
you unironically cover 200 edgelords of the """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""altright"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""
then come here bc you need more material.
you need to make yourself think you are the good guy, and we nazifacist racists who hail trump aka hitler 2.0
fuck you and fuck off
I'm a White Globalist
Of course not. I hate whites. I mean, who doesn't?
Seriously this shilling and faggotry is absurd.
"Politically Incorrect" doesn't mean your basic bitch egalitarian bullshit.
Fuck off to your shit "alternative" forum for socially acceptable cuckservatism where you belong.
>not believing in white nationalism means you hate whites
no. White or black, any races that need a safe space for their race are dopes.
For Europe yes. Not for the US.
Muslims and Africans have 0 place in Europe. Period. European nations are the native land of white people and they should be allowed to defend it like every other non-white nation.
Of course I'm a white nationalist. I don't see any reason to hide from that fact on an anonymous Apache smoke signal forum.
Whites are my tribe, and there's nothing wrong with preferring that my tribe run my country. Any attempt to guilt white people away from that perfectly natural, healthy, and time tested inclination, is Jewish subversion.
Yes I believe in White Nationalism. Now, go back to
No. Also muslim is not a race faggot.
haha what a crazy guy am I right no one wants the race war now haha
White Nationalism is bullshit.
All that is needed is the rejection of Multiculture, and bolstering of nationalism worldwide per country.
Japan is a good working example of the correct amount of """"xenophobia"""" to ensure stability. That is all that is needed.
Australia was this up until the last decade when the jews infested us here. Now Sydney and Melbourne are goatfucker slums.
I'm all for a couple asians here, a couple african's there. I don't care, what I care about is forced mass immigration, or surrendering of native populations jobs and rights and traditions.
But seriously tho, you white folks seem to be one of the worst self hating races out there.
It's more serious than a joke, though the line does sometimes blur.
I'm not white, so no.
I'm here to shitpost and MAGA.
>Japan is a good working example of the correct amount of """"xenophobia"""" to ensure stability. That is all that is needed.
Except if you translate Japanese normal into western politics is comes out as white nationalism....
>You don't actually believe in white nationalism do you?
You mean having pride in your heritage and culture?
Of course I fucking do. Do you not?
no it comes out as ethnic nationalism
in Afghanistan there are some white ethnicities
do they have anything to do with your white nationalism?
Of course they do.
They should take pride in being white just as every other white person should.
USA needs to remain majority white or our position in global politics will be threatened. Mexicans can be hard workers but they're not smart enough, and too much of a burden on welfare system.
Immigration needs to remain severely limited, the system works as intended except for lack of border control.
We can continue to import the best minds from around the world to work in our universities while rejecting most everyone else.
okay worded it incorrectly
do they have anything to do with your heritage and culture?
Technically yes because if they are white they also have white (europe) heritage.
The white race is under siege and we must do anything to stop it.
We're all here for memes brah.
You don't think I'd go against the BK kids club, do you?
Fuck off Clinton.
I believe in nationalism so I hopefully won't have to be completely ethnocentric. Close borders. Trump save us from ethnonationalism by letting us get comfy with the diversity we are already saddled with.
yeah but they don't, the white race appeared in the Caucasus and migrated to pretty much everywhere around it
and I actually gave a bad example cuz I forgot that Afghanistan was actually influenced by Greek culture for a while but a better example would be that there are white ethnicites in China, and they weren't influenced by any European culture and probably migrated there before European culture even existed
Asians have white ancestors the same way everyone has black ancestors.
no, I mean that they are white
not all Uyghurs are white btw, but many of them are, live in china and are completely unrelated to European culture