I've been hoping for US annexation for years, but we're beyond saving. Just nuke us.
Kill us
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>if you beat your enemies, they win
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i figure anyone who watches or plays soccer is automatically a faggot anyway
are (((they))) ballsys enough to do this with hockey leafs?
shit, I live there
pansy ass city but at least it's cozy in the winter
>I've been hoping for US annexation for years, but we're beyond saving
This article is 6 years old.
>ottawa claims snow is too white
but you only get 3 points for a win.
>Canada keeps getting worse
>Quebec keeps getting better
Loving it.
What if the score is 4-4 tho ? Do you just let the other team score?
You're forgetting the diversity bonus points
Holy fucking shit lad
This is just fucking embarrassing
Maybe in the USA that's the case, but in the UK you've either got Rugby or Football (the real name for soccer). I guess we have cricket and stuff too, but in terms of real team sports with stadiums etc it's just those two.
Rugby is the better game of the two, but football has a following so huge it's nearly unbelievable. It's the national pasttime for literally 10s of millions.
In the UK, if you play a watered down version of rugby (namely handegg) while wearing full on helmets and padding, you're considered a faggot.
American Football isn't a bad game I guess, it's a bit shit compared to rugby though. If you play it I definitely advise having a go at Rugby League. It's quick, but not as hard hitting as Union and probably would appeal to the US audience a bit more.
This is just the logical follow up to the Trudeau's "kill your enemies and they win" policy.
holy christ lads we're meming canada too hard
>Win by more than 5 points (actually goals...)
>5-4 is winning by 1 point (actually a goal)
Come on Australia, Jesus Christ.
I know this is b8 but I will bite regardless
classic leaf king policy.
Is it even possible to get 5 points in soccer?
I remember last season mt nieces softball team won every game by at least 10/15 points because they had the only pitchers in the league. THey changed how they pivk teams to avoid that.
>destroy the other team and go up 4-0 in the first 10 mins
>Spend the rest of the time camping in front of your own goal without trying just blocking everything
>Win 4-0 and still btfo the other kids despite this retarded rule
Hmm ok.
Secondly, what is a soccer?
>Secondly, what is a soccer?
Handeggball, but with your feet.
>Ottawa children’s soccer league has introduced a rule that says any team that wins a game by more than five points will lose by default.
>newly implemented edict is intended to dissuade a runaway game in favour of sportsmanship.
They're called goals. Points are what you win for winning a game (3 points) or drawing (1 point).
And yes, 5-0, 6-1, 7-2 etc are scores that can and do happen. Not common in the same league but in something like the FA cup where top teams can play bottom teams it does happen. Also international games.
Reminder that Germany raped Brazil 7-1
kys pal
It's a less gay version of your rugby
Still pretty gay though
Should have been drowned at birth desu
Are you supporting football being better than rugby, handegg being better than them both or just generally being a demented cunt?
fuck you the bus system sucks dick
Wait even better
>BTFO the other team like 9-0 or something running up the score
>in the last few minutes, keep own goaling until score differential is 4
>score 6 own goals every game
>storm to league victory undefeated
so we lost for 7-1 to actually win?
I'm saying you sound like a reddit nonce, faggit
>coach kids soccer team
>teach kids to score own goals to ensure 5 goal deficit
>perfect record
>rule rescinded
Ohhh well who really cares then?
If it was rugby it'd be a different story
No, you meant "a gay version" of rugby, since it is non contact and a mere touch from another player results in falling to ground in soccer I think we can all agree which is the gay version =)
oh, and: no.
Your ass is still raw after that?
God damn
Did you take this image?
The memes are too strong.
just when i was feelin a bit down a leaf appears to brighten my day
>Quebec is part of Canada and always will be
If a team is losing by 5, they can win by scoring an own goal?
Just kick it into your goal five times.
I dunno, if one team is dunking on another that hard I don't see how telling the kids on the winning team "Just keep the ball away from them instead of scoring goals so they can have a chance to catch up" is the craziest thing. At least when the kids are as young as they appear to be in that picture. Gives the losing kids more practice.
yeah it's dogshit which is why I live close enough to work to walk everyday
bit shitty now with the snow but it's only 25-30min
>lol nice meme, if you kill your enemy, he wins
>it's fucking real
>Not gay
Yeah no Faget maximus
When life imitates memes...
>they will never feel the satisfaction of wrecking your opponent 7:1
go home trudeau, youre drunk
>Is it even possible to get 5 points in soccer?
thank you for giving me a reason to post this
>the real name for soccer
>the real name was made up after the fact
kek, britcucks
We should have won the World cup then!
> 2010
Okay, the latter then.
Why not just kick the ball into your own goal 6 times?
>>ottawa claims snow is too white
By Swedish standards, that means snow is racist.
Maybe if we get their racist snow plows, they'll cancel each other out creating a race free utopia.
your post is a total non-sequitur.
whether or not it "is the craziest thing" to suggest to the dominating team to let up on the losing team a little, the thread is about how in this children's league they are actually disqualifying teams for winning by too much.
all of a sudden, all BRs are now in favour of this new ruling.
What kinda contact are you thinking, faggot?
>Just nuke us.
Youre already killing yourselves. No need for us to step in, just too bad it will take some time.
hahaha im so done with this country
the minute ive my degree im out of here
Take it to /hm/ aushomo
>play soccer in Canada
>score 6 own goals every game
>win league with flawless record
You know the people who make these kind of equality rules have never been involved in whatever it is they are trying to make "equal."
Shitskins getting put in there place
the article is six years old
>ITT: OP leaf outleafs the rest of the leafs
Oh I can't wait for Trump to annex your shit.
this sounds like its focused on coaches not players. if youre 4 points up put in 2nd string or younger players etc
best Sup Forums board banner
When will you snow frogs declare independence already? We get to move up to fifth biggest cunt if that happens.
Take the Maritimes with you btw.
This is just retarded on so many levels.
How Canadian.
Ahh, yes. The Semifinal Solution.
I love this webm.
Haha when I played soccer in high school, if you got ahead by 8 goals at any point, they just ended the game. We actually 8-0ed a few teams too; felt good!
Soccer is globalism manifested as sport, user. They can't handle you having your love of a more competitive and dignified sport over their silly slack jawed, limp wristed, sissy show.
Easy way to rectify this, when you're ahead PLAY LIKE NO TOMORROW.
They'll think they get free goals because of the 5 point rule, but devastating losses(with the "win" being handed to them) will help illustrate the difference between those who work for it and those who don't.
ending the suffering is the whole point when somebody say nuke us
Poorball is for fags
You know why the left wins?
Because they assemble over shit opposite to this.
The right are pansies who like to complain on Tibet Dust Farming Fishing Boards
Ugh. Soccer fag.
Seriously, soccer so boring. I can't believe people get excited about that shit.
i brought this up last time, but wouldn't you just need to kick the ball into your own goal five times and then go out for victory Tim Hortons or whatever? It's utilizing the rules as read and being huge dicks but unless the other team are masters of possession you could easily do this.
Yeah but it costs us money and time. You should at least do the job yourself.
Maybe Trump will build a second wall on the north border of the lower 48 in 4 years to contain your cesspool.
I remember going to omegle with "Brazil" as my interest that day and just spamming 7-1, triggering the favela apes
I agree, much easier to get Amerifats playing a literal degenerate sport with 90% niggers who run into each other.
My soccer league had a rule similar to this when I was a kid in the 80's. In America. I don't even know why, not sure if it's a standard. It wasn't a "loss", but if you won by more than 5 goals, you actually only gained 2 points for winning. Normally it was 3 points for a W, 1 for a tie, and 0 for a loss(to determine the league's final tournament seedings).
For some reason, winning by too much earned you less. I remember this vividly because our coach made us score on our own team when we were crushing some other group of kids, and the parents were fucking pissed and the other team refused to shake our hands.