Post things related to Ancient Europe.
Ancient Europa
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Stone dildo found in Germany. Roughly 30.000 years old.
Missing link found in brzil about half a year ago.
Middle Eastern jew who preached egalitarianism, mercy, and love
Europeans loved worshipping him
How did you got to know my cousin?
I groom small brown boys for NWO orgies.
Surprisingly good pay.
Carved stag antler phallus, Sweden. 10.5 cm long, 2 cm in diameter, circa 6.000 - 4.000 BCe
Swedes, always keen on their arts and crafts shit.
top bantz now with pictures
lion man. 40.000 years old (it might as well be called bear man)
Those who live in cuck houses should not throw stone dicks
Those who live in the trees should no fling their feces at people
Vikings were the niggers of europe.
You could have chosen the romans or the greeks but you're just a 12 year old idiot.
what's that fantasy picture? why are they just hanging out on a glacier? why does the "viking" guy have two swords and the girl "viking" just has a bow?
>t.ignorant gypsy
More like this.
How would you know this child Sven, Are you trying to adopt him.
also does anyone know the artist?