why doesn't Sup Forums nuke the shit out of 9gag with porn and gore like it did back in the day?
Why doesn't Sup Forums nuke the shit out of 9gag with porn and gore like it did back in the day?
We've out grown them, in fact we've out grown the Internet.
We memed Britain out of Europe
we memed trump into the white house and next we're going to meme our way to mars.
because Sup Forums is full of faggots. every day is mlp day here, just with different pictures.
>We memed Britain out of Europe
No you didn't. It was typical anglo behavior, rats abandoning the sinking ship
>we memed trump into the white house
No you didn't. (((They))) already chose him to be the next tool in chief. It was too obvious but you retarded edgy faggots couldn't see it
>we're going to meme our way to mars
No you are not. You are just a bunch of shitposting losers, you have no power over anything at all, especially over your own lives
So you faggots claim the achievements of others as your memes? Not that your country, Britistan is really that much of an achievement its self, its no wonder this board has this "all white cultural progression is the fault of all white people" mentality. You people need this hive mind to feel happy.
wtf is 9gag?
Did you ever Alexander the Great why he didn't nuke the shit out of Ellesmere Island? Or Napoleon why he didn't nuke the shit out of Sicily?
We have higher aims. Our time is more valuable.
We invented you so your welcome :^)
Isn't Turkey threatening to join a Chinese union? Hmm seems ratish.
Turkey isn't turkish clay since 1938 so feel free to shit on it
Because 9gag is filled with a bunch of retards who are ultimately harmless.
That shit's small potatoes son. We just chose the fucking President.
Nice filename bro
regardless, we're going to meme a lot of things.
let's be real there's a many things that need to happen first. we need to quarantine terrorists from technology
No one even cares about 9gag anymore. I don't even see normies use it these days. Meanwhile Sup Forums already moved on to greater things like taking our memes into politics.
Next you're gonna ask why no one raids Habbo Hotel anymore.
Fuck off
a website for stale normie memes
i go to 9gag and they no longer use old Sup Forums memes like advice dog or rage comics. its now just regurgitation from popular social media memes/pic/vids.
9gag is veering right, one degree at a time
>not SOIL
>not EARTH
>not even HUMUS
I have incomprehensible feelings about you right now.
>why no one raids Habbo Hotel anymore
well why dont they?
tfw a roach is 100% right
tfw indonesia is a muslim shithole
You underestimate the propaganda autists are able to do for free and to what it may lead if it can be channeled. What we saw were baby steps.
What has 9gag done to us recently? Nothing. What has Hillary done to us recently? Exist.
See the difference?
9gag exists too
It's a meme you dip
You can't prove that.
nice to hear it from a leafnigger
that's beneath us now
You could do the same pic as:
>Sup Forums pranks
>Sup Forums pranks
Ask Sup Forums, I don't even know what they do on that board anymore.
As someone that browsed 9Gag until about 6 months ago, I can say with 100% certainty that it is the most cancerous, stupid, hive-minded website I've ever been on, and the community is easily the worst on the internet.
you overestimate it. Its literally the shitting street of the internet
>Ask Sup Forums, I don't even know what they do on that board anymore.
Fap to traps and shota
>until about 6 months ago
And it took you that long. You must be seriously retarded.
OP, or anyone, do you have this pic without the Sup Forums and youtube shit on it? It's a nice pic.
they did and they only succeeded once iirc. After that raid they changed the way how things get le upvoted and the DDoS attack didn't do anything significant either
>he doesn't appreciate the might of weponized autism
Only a little, but I mostly browsed it just out of habit because I had nothing better to do.
good get