Well this story is going to disappear quickly.
Other urls found in this thread:
they sure are trying. BUMPAN for nigger child killers
Delet This.
The time is nearing. Assemble the fellowship...
>unironically letting a nigger drive your children to school
I'm not saying they had it coming, but the should've expected something to happen.
So then his reckless driving is now 5 counts of murder, and 20+ counts of attempted murder
Not for nothing but I've noticed something on the local news today.
They started showing black suspects faces again.
Is anyone else seeing this?
It's going to turn out he was "suffering" from depression after his baby momma started filling for child support and that he was not accountable for his actions. Furthermore the way the police treated a "person of color with a mental condition" will be deemed inhuman and protests will spark because of it leading to the courts letting him off scott free.
You can't even make this shit up.
His name is what triggered this whole event. Johnthony is an abomination.
This is why you need White men driving buses. Niggers are violent savages and women are emotionally unstable wretches who can't drive 1 block without texting or taking a selfie from MySpace angles.
and where's the source for that claim exactly
So have they explained why adult Jaden Smith has come from the future to kill some of these kids? The 5 that died were terminators right?
>that song result
Giddy up :^)
>The time is nearing.
Time for a culling, my friends.
Can we spin it so that whites are at fault ?
If not then shut it down.
>and where's the source for that claim exactly
Here, let me google that for you, lazy nigger.
his daddy was prolly either anthony or johnathon. anthothon just sounded weird
Kys degenerate
Fuck off that's only for special occasions
Look at that face
i asked for the source
Of course it's the whites fault.
Between their unwillingness to pay a decent wage for bus drivers, their refusal to offer mental health treatment for all and their outrageous racism that leads to this sort of resentment in the first place they may as well have murdered the children themselves.
>i asked for the source
Not your research dept, nigger. Can you into google?
the mother of a two kids on the bus. (one lived, one died)
Really? WTF
Aren't any of you going to make a "belong in the back of the bus" comment?
Are you serious.
Also, was this a black school district with mostly black kids, or did white children die? This is important.
Why do niggers name their spawn such bastardized names?
claims without sources mean nothing here
she wasn't on the bus
Execute him. Those elementary schoolers didn't deserve to die under that murderous imp.
A mother who lost a kid in the crash said her daughter heard the bus driver say "Are Y'all ready to die!" before he rolled the bus into a tree.
Anthothon is a fucking badass name. Sounds like a godly powerful seraph's name or some shit.
Sounds like some old forgotten deity
>she wasn't on the bus
her daughter was though
Yeah actually. I wonder why
I live right next to this town and did not hear about this. Gg
Yeah he said it, so what.
Mental illness. Why Didn't the school research him?
how do i report this post?
May not be a get, but it is special to me...
i'm sure he has the copy of the report he made as well
Affirmative action. He fit the multicultural profile everything else doesn't matter.
ANthony or johnathON
Is he the prince of kek?!
murrica sometimes your cities have weird names
Just like Sandy Hook ;^)
>"He is a marvelous son. For two years he worked two jobs. He's never been in trouble before," his mother said. "He is a respected young man, grew up in Chattanooga and is liked by everyone."
obvious was an accident he didnt do nuffin
Does anyone know the racial background of the kids?
>hates claims without sources...
>...he said, as he was typing a post on the internet
>on the internet
>the internet
>internet = the mother of all search engines
>all search engines
>search engines = mother of all sources
Asking for "sources" is lazy, ignorant, degenerate nigger behavior. You track down your own sources. Multiple sources. Then you decide the truthiness for yourself.
Or were you just looking to attack the source because you don't like hearing this negative news about a feral dindu?
He's charged with 5 counts of vehicular manslaughter. He'll be out of prison within 20 years.
The name is native american. We took the land but we kept the names.
According to the article, he was employed by a third party bus driver contracting company, not the school itself.
>The name is native american
I had the feeling this was the case.
i see you are taking a page out of the modern media you claim to despise
just goes to show privatizing schools is the way to go
>the racial background of the kids
You didn't see any of the video, did you.
Driver, black. Parents, black. School officials, black. Cops, black. I'm not saying the kids were black, but the kids were black.
same with Tullahoma?
just checked in wiki and yes.
>took the land
It was bought for a handful of beads and a bottle of whiskey.
I bet he's one of these wise black muslim fellas
>Tried to crash the bus with no survivors
Niggers can't do anything right.
whites created the bus and the educational system (after stealing it from ancient Egyptian black KANGZ and KWEENZ)
Fact: African kings used buses to build the Pyramids.
Thats why Rosa Parks refused to give up her seat.
Buses is black culture.
Were the kids black? I saw an article with black father saying something.
It's a common theme for important people-places in the mid to southern American tribes.
Fire up the ovens
Targeting white kids maybe?
They actually said the cop killer in Austin the other day is a black male.
I noticed police usually only release that info if it's a cop that is shot.
Andrew WK is awesome.
Many US cities and states are named after American Indian tribes and words.
Pictures of the victims were all black kids. This is probably in the black part of chantanooga.
Get out of here cnjew
why dont you guess, from the school's test scores
I noticed this too
Well they were bused to school.
blue dots = white
green dots = black
Niggers are so retarded that they can't even kill themselves properly.
Well congratulations! You got yourself caught! What's the next step of your master plan?
"Are you ready to die?"
"says seen"
Jesus fucking Christ
Fucking coon is named johnthony?
>Bobbin Head
>Iron Knob
>Pisspot Creek
>Prominent Knob
>Fiddlers Lake
Yeah, Murica needs cool place names like us Aussies
Mayne, we be crashin dis mufuggen bus. WIT NO SAVIVAS NIGGA
All schoolbuses have a camera on board right above the driver.
If he said that, it should be recorded.