Today has been our pearl harbour. They attacked when we weren't ready. We need to regroup and repel this new offensive. Pol is full of shill threads from multiple factions and we are literally tearing ourselves apart. The left is winning right now.
We thought the meme was was over. It's only just begun
Calling all meme war vets how do we combat this? We are obviously being turned against one another by yet more leftist labels of "racism" and "nazis."
I need more officers of the meme division to help us figure this shit out
Reply with your meme war division as well as suggestions.
Pic related my info.
My suggestion is that we need more information. Who is involved in the shilling? It's obviously highly co-ordinated. When we find the atrget we hit it hard with our most accurate and devestating memes.
Connor Allen
Mexican Warlock reporting for duty.
Ayden Moore
the left lost the meme war, because the normies unironically support our cause indirectly.
Austin Jenkins
U.S. Repeals Propaganda Ban, Spreads Government-Made News to Americans
For decades, a so-called anti-propaganda law prevented the U.S. government’s mammoth broadcasting arm from delivering programming to American audiences. But on July 2, that came silently to an end with the implementation of a new reform passed in January. The result: an unleashing of thousands of hours per week of government-funded radio and TV programs for domestic U.S. consumption in a reform initially criticized as a green light for U.S. domestic propaganda efforts.
How to respond to the kike lugenpress for their strawman and the subsequent shilling?
Nathan Bailey
THE HELL ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT we were ready we never go to bed.
Jaxon Richardson
They will probably get the fuck out in a few days. I sure hope so.
Our minds are too strong to get influenced. The attackers are only brainwashing each other.
Christian Phillips
>Mexican Warlock Love that one beanigger
Chase Perez
What happened?
Gabriel Harris
Become Progressive Right. Or just ________ Right and watch as libtards try to comprehend what the fuck is going on.
Juan Parker
I don't see how the shills are dividing us. Most people never even herd of this Spencer fag before. And did people on Sup Forums think Sup Forums was alt-right befor all this? The alt-right was some boggie man that the left came up with to call the right racist.
Angel Foster
>Today has been our pearl harbour
Confirmed for newfag that wasn't there during Sup Forums harbor
Christopher Torres
I've defected to CTR. Fuck you faggots. I've had enough of your cognitive dissonance and mindless cockmongling of trump
Joshua Myers
If 4/pol/ has become a killing word, why not ironically meme the death of our enemies? I'm a democrat now but open to suggestion.
Daniel Jackson
But Trump is peace user. Don't fall for molochs tight 8 year olds
Noah Taylor
Progessive Right
>pro science ( climate change is real, pro nuclear power ) >race realist ( not only are blacks etc. less intelligent they are also not progressive enough) >pro gay rights >pro individual liberties >nationalist
Evan Parker
William Flores
What's about state? Small or Big?
Tyler Hill
checked, the numbers, not the pic
Mason Butler
People need to stop replying to fucking JIDF threads.
Jaxon Clark
Vet here.
But I won't fight with that Stormfront 5th column.
Dominic Mitchell
How about fucking off back to r*ddit you alt right espousing little newfag cunts
Take that little gaylord Spencer or whatever the fuck his name is with you too
Cooper Brooks
mass cuck threads dub gets on every post
it was a truly a great day
Landon Anderson
you're that finland VPN shill aren't you, get off our board you rat
Jackson Brown
Pol is currently under full-scale attack
Elijah Morales
Well said sno bro. That was the surprising truth. feelsgoodman
Xavier Wright
You could just try ignoring all forms of shilling, better to not respond as it divides you more, they'll spread their crap, get no You's they'll get archived or banned by mod.
Jordan Nelson
>pro science (climate change is real) Yeah, so what? We aren't going to do anything about it, its barely effected by gas from my big car. Its much more localized. You Eurofags need to get Black science man cock out of your asses.
>pro gay rights No, pic related
>pro individual liberties Depends on what you say is a "liberty"
Grayson Russell
>today has been our pearl harbor
We already had the fucking pearl harbor in December 2014-Jan 2015 you fucking newfag shit. It was literally dubbed "Sup Forums harbor"
Matthew Butler
Well I would myself support a small state. Markets are better at providing most of the services than the state. Some kind of basic income could be implemented.
Nicholas Mitchell
Can't tell if your being sarcastic or not I don't like the "alt-right" nor do I identify as one
Andrew Flores
I prefer the title "politically fluid" thanks. check your priviledge.
Kayden Johnson
Change the name to ____ right every week and pick a new fake leader.
Jacob Watson
posting in an epic meme thread
Julian Nelson
take a sip
Camden Scott
Canadian Shitheel of the 1st Tank Batallion Cuck Crusher Division.
Ayden Adams
Make a Hashtag to explain the truth. Maybe show the people who really support Trump as blue collar workers and regular people
not new nazis like they want people to believe. Address US by saying the movement has no spokesperson or name, it was all strictly moved in the name of loving our country.
Mason Nguyen
>I've defected to CTR Wew lads. Your pic related is retarded. This place is under attack 24/7, the complete opposite of a safe space.
Xavier Bell
Just post Jihadi executions. The only people who will flinch from it are shills because, a real Sup Forumsack won't give two shits about seeing death
Isaac Clark
I will continue to fight CTR and George Soros, with my last dying breath I spit at thee.
Isaiah Brooks
This. Besides, this new attack doesn't matter anyway. Trump won. We won. This is them just having a gigantic hall of fame hissy fit. Let them have their whinge.
Cameron Jones
We have always been a board of peace. A satirical playground of freedoms.
One must also fight against the jew plan to make whites the villain.
There seems to be a tactic at play to try to distance one self from any form of white pride. To attach that to horrible atrocities(needs citation)
Jeremiah Torres
my family is comprised of marines. I do not think they would take kindly to you using the military to threaten and intimidate someone especially over the internet. Not only that, but technically if reddit or whomever wanted to they could call the police right now because what you just said constitutes a death threat. I don't know who you are and I don't care too. However you would be wise to watch your words. This is friendly advice from a stranger. Two wrongs don't make a right and threatening someones life is against the law. I've taken the liberty of reporting you. Have a nice day.
Jordan Martin
Current slide or shill identification threads:
>RICHARD SPENCER IS OUR QUEEN >Flip-flopping Trump: >Trump disavowing the "alt right" >Alt Right is nothing and didn't help the election >Alt Right won the election but is now BTFO and betrayed by Trump
See in the catalog how the threads all follow the same pattern and come from a common source, but are often full of contradictions and disprove themselves (see )
Kayden Perry
Nu/pol/ bans for chemo.
Charles Thomas
Leslie jones became our sacred alt right leader
Praise Leslie she's just like us - experienced hardships online and triumphed by acting like a fool You're a shill
Colton Perry
LMAO, you're all a bunch of queers.
Camden Morris
BLM bros, we need to do something about the white media that portrays blacks as dangerous.
William Butler
>chemo brings back some feelgood memories senpai
Dylan Brooks
do what we always do, double-down and troll harder
remember when Pussygate came out and so many were blackpilled? We just had to fight harder and delegitimize it. same thing now.
Start by destroying all the fellow travelers like Cernovich, PJW and Milo.
Then continue triggering the left until they chimp out completely causing the country to fall right into our laps.
Angel Carter
We need anons that are good with Photoshop to cook up a bunch of new imaginary "X-right" movements' logos and just spam their threads with it.
Jason Brooks
Till basic income I liked you. Die Commie shill
Andrew Clark
Just drop the redpills, they''ll be scattering like roaches if you do that.
Brody Howard
Is this a CTR attack?
I mean this tactic seems a little similar to the slide and I'm with her spam.
Only now they're spamming nazi shit to delegitimatize the board.
617th Queer Unit -- Fighting Nancies at the ready!
David Powell
Man the battlestations!
Asher Jones
Jeremiah Powell
I'd prefer to do it slowly. *blows smoke in your face*
Camden James
I fucking told you guys.
Everyone was like- >"hurrr durr we won guise omfg the timeline fixed itself" >what do we do now guise?? xD
Yeah, we fucking won, A battle, Not the whole war, FUCK... sometimes I just want to grab some of you and scream in your face!
Brayden Thompson
Fraid it's up to you, newfag. I did my bit, played my part. Gave it everything I got, used up all my memes, the entire folder.
I've got nothing left. I'm too old too fight.. This war must be fought by a new generation of fit, young memers.
Good luck, kid. You're gonna need it.
Landon Cox
Question session is now open:
Thomas Ward
Yeah, what is this? I check Sup Forums for the first time today and it's completely fucked by obvious shills. It must be Barrier Breakers.
Dominic Cooper
Go scream in your wifes face, Mehmet.
Bentley Campbell
77th special infantry, "keks angels" reporting in, I served several tours on the twitter front. I have some info, I think the shills are trying to make division, there are multiple threads both praising and denouncing Richard Spencer, but I think there being made by the same people, to create a rift between the old fags who know better than to support that autist and new fags who think it's edgy and cool to support faggots like him.
Nathan Kelly
> tearing ourselves apart I'm pretty gud rn desu.
Remember to remind the gullible in our ranks of the tactics of our enemies and move on.
clinton Foundation and Pizzagate are our major concerns rn
Luis Williams
I've been here since /n/ in 2007 fagit
Carter Rivera
Go shoot yourself spic.
Asher Russell
Are you me? I would give all my support to a party to stood for those and some healthy market liberalism without forgetting to protect national interest.
Jace Morales
>clinton Foundation and Pizzagate are our major concerns rn
/cfg/ is MIA
Josiah Scott
We can start by spreading that this was a false flag done by jews, they were the ones saluting, get into the non MSM media or something:
relax frog worshiper. we have shills coming ere all the time, they usually give up after a while. Nobody can stop the awakening and flow of information, no matter how hard they try, and they will try even harder in the future.
Those shills are for the most part dumb, or those who pay them. Why would they come on this board and try to reason with a bunch of polsters? What good does that bring them? Will they convince you that you're a nazi if you're really not, or vice versa? If they succeed in that, then you're a weak person.
You see, the folks who controlled the narrative in the old media relied two heavily on it, and spent too much time there. Meanwhile, fringe movements started to grow in the assholes of the internet, and olden puppet masters have no response, they can try, but they're behind in the game. See how successful CTR turned out to be? And they spent probably millions. All most people spend here are few neetbucks for internet connection and some high carb food.
Eli Bailey
Nathaniel Morgan
They're only talking to each others in an attempt to bait someone into replying. The fact they're out in such numbers makes it really fucking obvious. Maybe it's more paid establishment shills playing divide and conquer in retaliation for the election, maybe it's stormfags trying to normalize the way that spencer fuccboi sperged out sieg heiling in front of cameras. Whatever it is their morale will drop soon enough, Sup Forums is a lot of things but it's not retarded and this bait isn't even fresh.
Evan Bennett
> Canadian "Marines" > sorry, let's eat Tim Hortons and mayonnaise fries and talk aboot our fee-fees
I summon Roko's Basilisk to uncuck your cerebellum.
Also, sage the shill.
Samuel Jenkins
You're a fucking retard
Blake Perry
Isaiah Barnes
First - stop replying to shills - to their posts, to their threads. We can call ourselves trolls but right now THEY are trolling us. And then we have tons of butthurt threads like this on how to fight shills. JUST DO NOT FEED THE JEW. Starve them like it's Auschwitz.
Second, do not participate in dox/raid threads. For these type of threads go to the 16/2chan instead. Here you will get banned for sure.
Do not lose faith. And continue doing the thing we're the best at: memeing
Praise KEK
because you fags don't contribute; there was only few same people in these threads lately. Now I'm heading out but I'll try to revive it and will bake a /cfg/ bread tomorrow around 5:30pm EST.
Justin Murphy
Well it was getting a bit quiet after the election. After the feast of liberal tears and butt hurt. A raid by the cucks is just what we needed to liven thing up.
Blake Murphy
SOUND THE ALARMS IT'S HAPPENING! bring out the weaponized pepes, the smug anime girls and the >implications. 11th weeb battalion here, we need more smug, WE NEED MORE SMUG!
Thomas Powell
Remember to question everything.
(((they))) have seen the real power "meme magic" posesses, and they WILL use it against you
Kevin Gonzalez
Reportin for doody
Nathaniel Martin
The Holy Nines approach, my brothers.
Lord Kek will speak once more with the true voice that brought forth Trump's victory.
John Sanchez
Jews are not white. Kill yourself and then delete that image.
Jace King
t. Nigger lover.
Sup Forums is anonymous, so you don't get cuck points for virtue signaling here.
Joseph Cook
MMOC reporting
Andrew Gomez
>leftypol is concern trolling about dickey spencer >we are tearing ourselves apart Pick one
Hudson Miller
step 1 :call them all nigger faggots. this triggers the lefty
step 2 : post links to crime rate statistics or news stories that poke holes in their narratives
step 3 : use tin foil to get them to lower their guard and make them think they are wasting their time here
step 4 : call them all nigger faggots because they are nigger faggots
Evan Diaz
>implying that the war ever ended
Ethan Hill
Its natural the war has been won now we will start to see in fighting because where as before we where all united for one common goal now that it has been achieved everyone is trying to pursue there own ends. This will definitely lead to inner turmoil.
Jason Nelson
101st here, reporting
Colton Brown
I think their efforts will fail either way. Sup Forums is a disparage of worldviews and ideologies as much as they try to paint everyone here under the alt tight umbrella its just not possible. If Sup Forums became "united" on Trumps campaign was mainly due to everyones disgust with the elite and their corruption. And that reason is not likely to go away that easy.