What kind of guns does Sup Forums have?

What kind of guns does Sup Forums have?

Nice. Is that your gun? How did you get that Costanza on it?


G19,26 and AR. Poorfag college student atm so can't afford much, I spent too much on my AR even though I got a good deal on it.


Bolt actions in 300wm, 30-06, 7mm and .308.

ARs in 5.56

FAL and HK91 clone in .308

4 shotguns all in 12ga

Hk94 clone in 9mm

About a dozen pistols in 9mm, 40sw, 45acp, 10mm, 357sig

A couple .22lr rifles

BAR in 30-06 (not the ww2 mg)

M1 garand in 30-06

I remember seeing that on /k/.
Anyone has pics of it in the evidence bag?

Also, no guns because too poor but getting my license by christmas

its probably fake tho

Are you going to take some classes from manlet operator Instructor Zero?

I swear I've seen that gun in an evidence bag because he shot someone with it in defense.

None, it's pretty much useless here and therefore not worth doing something illegal.
If based Hofer finally brings back shall issue CC like in Esti or Czech Republic it may be considerable.

Its proably fake

No, unfortunately, the instructors at my local range are pretty cool tho

Pic related, found it

OP here costanza handgun is not mine.
I own a hex moist nugget I got for $200
And I just bought a S&W M&P Sport 2 AR 15

What would be some good guns for the race war? AR 15?


the race war is canceld for the next 4 years at least


Got the image from Google, but this is the gun.

I'd say get a 7.62x51 for stopping power, but an ar-15 isn't bad either but like said, you shouldn't worry too much for now


Mossberg 500
Polish tt-33

ATF pls go

I live in California (SoCal) so there is a lot of niggers and spics. Whites are a minority.
I bought a AR 15 just in time before the bans


Nice AK, here's your (you)

I lost all of my guns in a tragic boating accident


at this point a train ticket might be even better

dude it's a Tavor wtf get your guns right fag

Twin Pines M14 7.62x51NATO
Armscor M1911 Practical .45ACP
Bersa Thunder .380ACP
Llama Ruby Max 22LR
Yoghurt Cannon

don't be a joker bin that soaker

Hey pare how are those pilipino 1911s? I've been finger fucking one at my LGS for a while but just haven't pulled the trigger yet

This badboy

>I lost all of my guns in a town raping accident

Fixed, Moldova-bro

>leaf education

pls be trolling

Here is YOUR (you)


Thanks Hans.

I'm 100% positive that its a famas you retard

Glock 30, Taurus .357, Ruger LCP .380, Rock Island Tactical 1911, and a Springfield XD-M 9mm

Too many handguns, need to start to buying rifles.

An AK47 Tavor, I've never heard of that version, Russians are bretty based at making them.

You dumbfuck, that's clearly an Apache helicopter

>American education

All these different versions of AK 47, it amazes me how the Russians dominate this market.

Is this even legal in the UK?

y-your trolling me r-right Ireland?

this is just a joke r-right?

1911 fag checking in

You europoors can't even identify a Kar98k when you see one. It's completely obvious if you just look at the stock.

I have a permit.

Are you retarded or what? That's clearly a landmine.

Is the 57 a good gun?

I remember seeing the thread. The guy got that custom made from some website. He did a "roll trips" for the picture. And costanza won. And op wasn't a faggot

What? Are you this butthurt becuase the Russians are superior engineers?

Why do you need to know?



Hehe George GunStanza

lots of them

cucked euros btfo

Accuracy International - 1996 - Bolt-Action Sniper Rifle - .300 Winchester Magnum, .338 Lapua Magnum: Variant of the Accuracy International Arctic Warfare bolt-action sniper rifle designed for use with magnum rifle cartridge chamberings.)
Accuracy International Arctic Warfare Magnum Folding/Accuracy International AWM-F (United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland - Accuracy International - 2001 - Bolt-Action Sniper Rifle - .300 Winchester Magnum, .338 Lapua Magnum: Variant of the Accuracy International Arctic Warfare Magnum bolt-action sniper rifle. Features a folding stock.)
Accuracy International Arctic Warfare Police/Accuracy International AWP (United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland - Accuracy International - 1997 - Bolt-Action Sniper Rifle - .243 Winchester, 7.62×51mm NATO, .308 Winchester: Variant of the Accuracy International Arctic Warfare bolt-action sniper rifle designed for use with law enforcement agencies rather than militaries. Features a shorter 24-inch barrel and black frame.)
Accuracy International Arctic Warfare Suppressed/Accuracy International AWS (United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland - Accuracy International - 1998 - Bolt-Action Sniper Rifle - 7.62×51mm NATO, .308 Winchester: Variant of the Accuracy International Arctic Warfare bolt-action sniper rifle designed for use with subsonic ammunition. Features an integral suppressor and a 16-inch barrel.)
Accuracy International Arctic Warfare Covert/Accuracy International AWC (United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland - Accuracy International - 2002 - Bolt-Action Sniper Rifle - 7.62×51mm NATO, .308 Winchester: Variant of the Accuracy International Arctic Warfare Suppressed bolt-action sniper rifle. Features a folding stock and a 12-inch barrel.)

I like my (((uzi))) a lot

THE FUCKING RUSSIANS!!!!!!!!!1!!!!!!!

There's a pic of it in an evidence bag.

The madman used it in self defence.

please no bully


My only question is to how that ended up with a tumblr image name



500 Mossy with a reddot for long range slug fun.

My only two guns (for now).

Kimber .45 - Bought it in July

Sig Sauer M400 - Just picked it up today

Going to get a shotgun early next year.


Atf,pls. I've been on /k/ long enough to know you just want to know about everyone's ghost guns. I can confirm I own firearms.


Mossberg 500 and a Walther P22.

Your rounds are in backwards bozo

Family photo. This was my "oh shit Hillary was elected, insurgency is go" kit. Thank fuck Trump® was elected, now hopefully I can put a silencer on these mofos.



Sideways motherfucker

>being this newfag

That's the way H&Ks work numpnutz

I know, sorry.

Why kimber? Their 1911s are shit. You should of just saved up more and got a sig 1911 for less or saved up for a semi custom / custom 1911. Kimberd qc is God awful.


>A gun door stop.

My negro

> Kimber
Sorry about your FTFs.


literally nothing wrong with kissing guns faggot

temp gauge to make sure that the foregrips don't catch on fire?

nice 10 rounds faggot

Also a 1911 man.

Making sure the oven reached the proper temperature before I tossed in the degenerate gypsy wasr.
Remember the 6 million

being a bong i have no idea about guns, but hopefully the burgers in the know can answer... why is the 1911 pistol so popular when it is a very old gun? did they get it right the 1st time or is there another reason it's still so popular even today?

Glock 19
Glock 21
Sig P226 Mk25
CZ 2075 Rami
Walther PPS
Colt Diamondback
Remmington 870
Colt AR15 made in 1978
Black Forge AR15

Up next:
Ak47 (probably an Aresenal SAM7)
Battle Rifle (AR10 or Scar17 if the price ever fucking drops back down)

I have a 30 caliber clip ghost gun that has the ability to shoot 30 magazine clips every half a second

i did this too, but with a murderkube on it

the grips suck

i really want a 1911 again tho

>Kimber hate fags

Here's my copypasta from /k/

The problem with Kimber is you have 2 camps.

1. Old Kimber fags that know old Kimber quality and are talking about those guns.

2. New Kimber fags that know new Kimber intermittent quality and are talking about those guns.

Old Kimbers (especially the pre-custom IIs) were great off the rack firearms for a good price.

New Kimbers are hit and miss with regards to quality as seen here .

Bottom line if you spend more than $1000 on a standard Kimber you're fucking up. Kimber has some decent custom shop models with rounded frames and gimmicky laser sight grips.

I have a five year old full size Custom II with an aluminum frame that I spent $800 on. I have about $300 in aftermarket add-ons to include better sights and upgraded one piece mainspring housing and magwell. 3000+ rounds later I've had no performance issues related to the function of the weapon itself. The finish on the slide could be better, but it's not a safe queen.

Guess my point is that Kimber's QC could stand improvements, but they are guaranteed for life.

Man, more folks got ghost guns than bait.

1911's have a strong cultural hallmark within american culture. It's almost like a mustang if that makes sense.
Pistol design has changed very little in the past 100 years anyways, and the 1911 still has one of the best triggers available on a handgun to this day

>mfw only Americans posting guns, and that one leaf

That kind that get lost in tragic boating accidents.

Didnt he shoot someone with it
