My son has asked me to come on your board. I am a member of the Electoral College, ask me anything you want to know.
My son has asked me to come on your board. I am a member of the Electoral College, ask me anything you want to know
who asked you to come here?
Fuck off nigger faggot.
Are you a member of the Electoral College?
Can we ask you anything?
why? just, why?
Did you come to our board?
Which classes do you take?
Fuck off kike before you get gassed
Got any fresh memes for me?
Will you vote for our queen Hillary?
Any pics of your son in the bath you can share? Also, can you describe your experience with potty-training the little scamp?
>come on your board
Implying you use other boards. Fuck off you imposter faggot.
>Googling the names of electoral guys and checking which ones have kids
Any Republican traitor you know of?
>My son has asked me to come on your board
>Sup Forums filename
Fucking LARPing faggots
Does your son post a lot of memes here? I bet he does. The little memer.
Do you accept our God Emperor in sickness and in health?
fuck off we're full
try your larpy shit somewhere else
also consider sucide
Kys newfag. Come back after you've lurked for two years
how are your finals going
does ur mum know ur gay?
Yall aren't gonna go and start a civil war by adhering to the popular vote are you?
Are you a Trump Elector or a Hillary Elector?
I apologise for the rough treatment her at Sup Forums. Such is the way of free speech. Believe this or not it is a good thing. Don't take the epithets personally. They are normal reactions of Sup Forumssters and indicate that free speech is still active here.
Have you received death threats?
And have you communicated those threat to the Secret service?
Sup Forums Normie
quit LARPing faggot
Do you get any free shit, like golf tees, t-shirts, playing cards or other crappy marketing items for being in the electoral college? Something with an emblem or something so you can act cool when your with your friends or out on a date?
1 post by this ID
>My son
>Not wife`s son
where is the electoral college
Fuck you faggot
does your wife's son know you suck dick?
>1 post by this ID