What makes slavs so different from the rest of the whites?
What makes slavs so different from the rest of the whites?
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We're better in literally every single way. Just try to prove me wrong.
Dysgenic evolution under communism.
Imagine if the top 10% of your country in terms of intelligence were murdered. That's basically what happened in Russia.
What have you left are the descendants of the chavs.
Slavs are original whites, it's Germanic who're different.
Collectivist tendencies (due to being on the defense most of our history, being conquered often). This mentality is far more older and ingrained in us than since communism appeared. Ever since Mongols appeared it started to take shape.
This makes entire nations into cynical, sarcastic pricks that don't give a crap about their individual lives but if their country is attacked go into full uraaa vodka induced rage.
Also, it means we only function under dictators/autocrats since we need someone to command us to do something productive.
I think they have intermixed with Mongolians over their history more than other whites (more prehistoric than Finland), which is why they are more aggressive
they are more honor and brave then you, that is why different
divide and conquer. also track suits.
why does your flag look like that
1st not true
2nd true
the dna of genghis khan
they are the niggers of europe
East slavs manlets are destructive force of nature
We're just better, get over it.
25% at least, probably more. And after that certain defenders of white race also killed millions on the territories with most pure slavic population, and millions of bravest men died in war. What remained was not only still capable of keeping USSR from turning into Venezuela, but managed to create space program and nuclear weapons. I used to be ashamed of how bad we are compared to the West before i understood how well we perform with so grievously crippled gene pool.
Why the fuck do we Aussiedler (Germans from CCCP) recognize immediately if we see other Aussiedler even though we are not slavs. (of course there are many mixed, but i know many who definitively dont have any slavic blood for hundreds of years in them and we still se it...
Germans dont see this... Other foreigner sometimes...
i was asked so often if i am russian (my mother is german, my father russian) even though we did not talk to each other, so they dont hear it (i barely have any accent, i do roll the r a little bit but Franken are doing the same)
so what is it? My mother says that you can see it in their eyes...
It is estimated that 1/16th of people who live in the area Mongols conquered have his genes.
Subhumanity, aka filthy subhuman low IQ genes
Cherrypicking, obviously. Here's the whole thread of it.
>talks about IQ
>posts GDP
these things are not remotely related.
Soviet union was poor shithole yet they won space race ;)
Slavs are good, language very ancient aryan
we didn't made it for chess playing
New trade route to China
Marco Polo was slavic?
Pure Slavs are white. They are also a rarity. Every single Slav in the OP has mongoloid blood.
They're the most based ethnic group at the moment, and they have a great future ahead of them
The same really can't be said about you
There are connections yes.
Singular: Asmi, Asi, Asti. Dual: Svaha, Staha, Staha. Plural: Smaha, Stha, Santi.
Singular: Sem, Si, Je. Dual: Sva, Sta, Sta. Plural: Smo, Ste, So
(note the Dual conjugations especially)
verb "to float" (swim)
Singular: plavami, plavasi, plavati. Dual: plavavah, plavatah, plavatah. Plural: plavamah, plavatah, plavatanti
Singular: plavam, plavaš, plava. Dual: plavava, plavata, plavata. Plural: plavamo, plavate, plavajo.
Russia alone is far better than all of western slavs and southwestern slavs put together. And there is as much commieblocks in the west.
They're Arab
Thats pretty rich, coming from country that is 60% white.
Pretty sure you have some bits of nigger blood in your veins user.
t. blue eyed polish big guy ;)
They're the only white people that are still men.
Pic related is the average western "man"
It's ok Ivan, I actually like mongols too.
I reckon blue eyed poles aren't that common
The average country boy from the US, Mexico, and canada could slam those drunken malnourished slavic fucks on their head any day of the week.
Most of people i know have either green or blue eyes.
Relax, Kacper. I am sure we can find a toilet for you to clean.
> mexico
sure juan
Blond hair is rarer than blue eyes
Sort of this. Ofc, it wasn't that bad, nobody deliberately targeted intelligent people, and Soviet education was kinda ok. They purged mostly oppositionists and rich/successful people. Also, fucking Stalin and WWII, tens of millions of strongest young people died or became disabled. This really shows.
wtf estonia
Nice meme but there is not a single reason for me to move out of one of safest countries in the world into some shithole full of ghettos containing armed niggers. Enjoy becoming minority in upcoming decades
Soviets did not win Space Race friend. The US put a man on the moon. I'm yet to see photographic proof of a slav's bootprint on the lunar surface.
I like this tree
I wanted to say it's just Orthodox Slavs who are different but that's not true is it?
Poles are also different despite being Catholic, Croats even more so.
Geography, history.
Genetically speaking despite some superficial differences noticable to Europeans, European population forms a genetic cluster.
Poles is far more similar to a Spaniard than Palestinian for example.
One russian gopnik is maybe worth 2 roles of toilet paper and a pack of Karelia slim cigarettes in Bulgaristan.
All countries in eastern-europe is just another word for russia
C'mon man we're objectively worst Slavic group today.
And there's more Poles or Ukrainians than all South Slavs put together.
People here shit about communism but Ottoman rule was like 10 Giga Stalins in terms of damage.
I was looking for a pair of tearaway Adidas track pants the other day and I found out they haven't been around since the 90s. FML.
we hate ourselves more than we hate the rest of the world, and that's saying something
I have to say Poland is surprisingly good despite the post-commie thing
I'm literally wearing three-stripes Adidas right now, if that's what you mean. Bought 4 years ago.
Finland isn't Eastern Europe.
hmm... i think i hate niggers more, desu
>west Slavs
>posting a jew
With the buttons all the way down the sides? There are 3 stripes here but not the tearaway ones.
And then Atanasoff invented the PC ggrekt
According to venetian chronicles he wasaid Dalmatian, an area in modern Croatia. It's disputed between Venetian and Dalmatian. If Croatian back then applies as Slave Squat Master is also dubious at best.
Finland too?
But I thought they were white
Yes you would know, murifag
Based polak
Yes, he was Croatian.
No, not that one. Though I saw one somewhere recently.
this. the borders of eastern europe are apparent in this map
Dalmatia had plenty of Italians.
Slavs are white. Cant say the same about you.
>We're better in literally every single way. Just try to prove me wrong.
I.....I simply cannot. damn. You win this one
The guy in the video is making a scientifically valid point, although he get literally non-evidence to prove it. He says that IDEM is "I GO" in Serbian and wow look the same -M is appended to a Sanskrit word, they must be related. Well in Russian, which is definitely a Slavic language IDEM means "we go", and "I go" is IDU. Which just BTFOs his ridiculous argument.
He should have gone with Protoslavic language in the first place
>We're better in literally every single way.
No one can lick a boot better than a slav.
the fact that they aren't white
No one would come up with a more negative "counterexample" than a Slav
In Serbo-Croatian IDU is "they're going".
>go out
>see this
Negativity is all there is
Yeah, it's funny how we have basically the same words for stuff but with mixed by meanings.
I can't find a polandball comic, there was someone telling a Pole to go hide in sklep (basement) because Russians are coming, so he hid in sklep (store). Russians tried to find food in the city the invaded, but found only skleps (graves)
You don't have to tell me
>thinks this is bad
>go out
>see this
>kill self
I just love Poland
>west slavs
>not aggressive
>literally started the century-old shit slinging contest with us by trying to conquer us in the time of troubles
Sure thing, pshek.
Don't let me start on your movie posters then...
i could say the same thing about Ivan the terrible trying to invade polish baltics and getting btfo.
Not sure if that will make you sleep at night but it was started by bunch of nobles, majority opposed it. And our fuckup kinda made you stronger so you should be grateful.
Many Germans from Russia are intermixed, especially the last generation. But many germans who stayed "pure" also don't look typically german. I think many fled the border regions of germany where life was harsher, some came from Frisia in Netherlands, many South Germans on the border of France and Italy, North Bavaria near Czechia etc.. so they they're influenced by different regions in Europe and have a uniqe look about them that isn't that prevalent in the big cities of Germany.
The Slavs are more based than the rest of Europe. I wouldn't have any problem sharing a trench with one of them.
there are connections though.
I think ancestors of satem groups were the true "aryans".
Doesn't make you any less aggressive than us, just that you're not as historically lucky as us at building an empire. Also, why would anyone take pride in being passive over being aggressive, that's a cuck mentality right there.
because its easy to destroy shit and its harder to build something
and 500 years later you have slavs are niggers posts on Sup Forums
To be fair nobody said the space race had a clear goal.
If we're being honest to me it would seem like the space race winner would be whoever got to space first.
Excpet we Slavs are as good at building as we are at destroying. You have to be good at both to be successful. Niggers know only how to destroy.
>500 years later you have slavs are niggers posts on Sup Forums
yeah, and they are all created by people who look like this
havent heard a better explanation of a slav ever
both true imo
>Dalmatians being """Croatian"""
Nothing in Dalmatia was built by the Croats.
wtf? If you're a cuck don't project this on the rest of the Slavic people. Fgts
>we didn't made it for chess playing
Banter missile from the top of the globe
>who is stipe miocic
>What makes slavs so different
Their moral and intellectual superiority
i didn't know poland was so not violent. i always thought that it was violent because it's a poor and dreary shithole (even though it is 100% white).
>dalmatians not being croatians
educate us burger pls
Nice flag