Can someone explain why the board is all of a sudden filled with stormfag shills calling for Sup Forums to defend some literally who that the media is hyping up as the "leader of the alt right"? I don't recall anyone here ever identifying as "alt right" before Trump came along and the media lumped all of his supporters into the group, but all of a sudden not giving a shit about this autistic tard makes you a newfag.
Again I could point out how 9/10 of the 1919 German communist revolution leaders were Jewish, how affirmative action was a Jewish creation in both Canada and in the USA, how the lawsuits that opened abortion in our countries were lead by kikes, I could even lay out all the noses behind the drug/porn/tranny degeneracy they target our children with. But I won't. Rather i'll ask that every time someone in this thread sees societal/political rot ask yourself, and do some digging if necessary, if a certain sunken eyed inbred tribe is behind it.
Sup Forums calls this 'taking the redpill' and it ruins people for one simply cannot stop seeing the (((coincidences)))
its only full of shills since the media invented the alt right and the Ejws are mad like Blitzer on CNN it failed.
How far will the jews go? What is next?
gods work
fuck kikes
Spencer and his sycophants have been shitting up the board worse than the CTR shills did before the elections.
He is nothing to 99% of us, but he has been jammed down our throats the last few days. He is drawing a lot of very negative attention to himself . I am pretty sure that he is the reason behind Trump publicly disavowing the so-called "Alt-Right".
He is the asshole that the (((MSM))) is pointing at to discredit you and I, and I don't want any association with him. Identity politics is what broke the left, and his brand of it will break the Right.
Never punch to the right you the_donald newfag.
>people who actually go out and do things for the movement are shills
Fucking LOVING this! It's barely a month since the election, Trumps not even in the White House yet and it's all going to shit for the idiots who thought they were voting for the new Hitler. Four more years of watching idiots self-combust - FUCKING LOVE IT!
No one thought that you absolute retard.
I've literally never posted on plebbit in my entire life, stormfag. The fact of the matter is that nobody on this board ever identified themselves as being a part of the "alt right" until recently. Now we're supposed to care about some sperglord who the media says is the "leader" of a political ideology that no one here ever cared about until the media started lumping in Trump supporters with.
The media and leftists have been propping up Spencer as the absolute mastermind of the far right. They even claim he invented shit like 'normies' and redpills. Alt-right and Spencer are literally the definition of opposition control
No one ever thought that you idiot.
instead fuck trump
this is what trump ended up deciding and doing. that guy was merely a trigger for it.
Reminder, Sup Forums is not "alt right". That term wasn't even used here until this fucking year. Sup Forums did not invent the term, Sup Forums was never before associated with the term, and none of us sure as hell didn't identify ourselves as members of this "movement" until very recently.
Kikes were the ones who labeled us as a part of the "alt right", because if we have a name, and a face, they can attack us, like they are doing right now via Spencer.
Bump for the trend. Spencer threads were spammed here over the last few weeks, then he was apparently anointed as the great leader of "alt-right" (though I missed the anointing), and now mainstream media has DESTREOYERED the "alt-right" by the hands of Dick himself. It's basically an indirect attempt to discredit Bannon etc.
I actually like him more because of this. Nothing wrong with a bit of the ol' sieg'n and a heil'n. Get fucked pussy.
You weak-willed idiot, as you said, it's the MEDIA calling him the leader of the alt-right. What makes you a newfag is calling him a Nazi or a Stormfag. Everything he said is an average post on Sup Forums, even the memes he used in his speech.
So they destroyed their own creation? Alt-right is fucking gay anyways. Time to make the tent a lot smaller.
He would have dressed up like a klansman and burned a cross, but that would have been to subtle (also he wouldn't have been able to see himself on the news)
>being triggered about natsocs
>on Sup Forums
Dumb newfag
Im a Drumpfkin. The rest of you losers can fuck off.
I didn't call him a stormfag, I called him an autistic tard. He is a meme spouting autistic retard. I called the shills defending him stormfags, because nobody fucking likes stormfags and nobody has ever liked stormfags
How is he discrediting "you and me"? Talk about yourself. If you are such a cuck that you cannot defend yourself from media attacks, what is the point of doing anything? Sup Forums has always been against virtue-signalling.
>all of a sudden filled with stormfag shills
You answered your own question user, they're shills here to shill. They're not very good at it though
Sup Forums is a national socialist forum
>media invented
/pol has been alt right since last year.
Is natsoc the political philosophy of saying memes out loud so that the news will cover you?
You do realize it was filmed with a hidden camera? This "they did it for the publicity" -BS needs to die. All pussies should too, they've been calling us "Nazis" forever who gives a shit?
There's nothing wrong with promoting White identity but Spencer is sabotaging everything with his cringey sieg heiling. Better to cut him loose before the ship sinks
it's not about natsoc.
This further proves my point that people on Sup Forums are incapable of seeing the outcome of their choice, which is why some think it's smart to
1. be grouped by leftist into the "alt-right"
2. let Trump get endorsed by duke/spencer
No one in Sup Forums cared about WHAT you fucking no-argument loser? Skim through his speech and find us something that isn't Sup Forums material. Go ahead!
In fact a lot of people here were listening to the likes of Richard Spencer way before the Trump campaign even started.
Stormfront was never a part of this and I doubt it even has a functioning community, let alone produce memes or ideology.
Stormfront is only used by shills and newfags.
1.) Richard Spencer and "The Alt-Right" have ALWAYS been a "thing" for the past decade.
2.) We Said that the (((Media))) was going to use SOMETHING to tarnish the new-populist revival that built up around Trump and his campaign to overthrow the Neo-con and DNC estbalishment.
3.) The Thing that they picked was the "Alt-Right" "neo-nazi/white supremicst" movement based around people like Pat Buchanan and Spencer... it is the same thing they use David Duke and "The KKK" for.... A STRAWMAN "RACIST catch-all"
4.) Sup Forums is Sup Forums - Sup Forums has NEVER been "alt-right" only (((the Media))) and their tools like ***Milo*** have tried to make Sup Forums and Trump and anything else not Neo-Cohen as (((THE ALT-RIGHT)))
The Alt-Right is at once an actual nazi movement and also a strawman used by (((the media))) to turn anyone who is not an establishment neo-con into A NAZI.
Fuck them and their buzz-words.
Do not fall for it.
Go shill somewhere else
>he literally came out of nowhere overnight because of the atlantic:
>reading off a script word for word, the Atlantic was behind the whole thing:
>media calls it an attack on jews
>msnbc links trump and republicans to nazis
>richard spencer is the controlled opposition
What's with all these alt right fags spamming his board recently
Idk bro if anyone is the leader of the alt right it's Leslie jones
Why are you even here, you moderate piece of piss?
fuck off Spencer
>all of a sudden
the elections are over you can leave that board now
Why are you here? go suck Spencer's cock somewhere else
It's a false flag, literally the jews did it.
Shills! Can we wait until the inauguration to have this talk please!
The whole thing stinks of a false flag. Spencer is probably a sleeper agent who's been given orders to strike now.
>not liking an autistic memelord makes me a moderate
Maybe you can't read, but I haven't taken issue with Spencer's actual beliefs once. I take issue with the fact that he's a retard and that the board is all of a sudden filled with shills calling for us to defend this retard and trying to say that Sup Forums is alt right, despite the term never even being used on here before this year.
"alt right" was places like American Renaissance, Radix, and the like
no one has ever claimed Sup Forums is alt-right, but the movement does exist, it's a lot of the old white nationalists
you really think guys like Jared Taylor and Kevin MacDonald and Lana Lokteff are government agents trying to destroy Trump? because they were all at NPI too
it's more or less that Spencer couldn't keep his autism to himself
>implying I haven't been here longer than you
Here's your (you), leaf.
Imagine if some dude calling himself the leader of the """""alt-right""""" went up to Trump and started yelling awooooo and telling him how he and his compatriots prayed to an Egyptian god to help him win the election. This is basically how autistic Spencer is being
why do you act like white nationalist and stormfront havent always been part of that board then
The media hand picked him because
>he is credited with inventing the term so they can say he created it without being too inaccurate
>he loves being in the spotlight and will do stupid shit to stay there
>he has no media savvy
They'll do an interview with him and he'll drop that "it's a roman salute" response that his history buff fans get off so hard to
No thanks i'm not a sodomite. Spencer is a moderate dummy, but I'm not shitting my pants because Jewmedia calls me a Nazi. Stop hyperventilating bitch.
The only people shilling FOR Spencer are the left.
He is a false flag. He is a literal nobody made to try and de-legitimise the alt-right, which they think we are. I have never seen anyone on here ever talk about the alt-right except to take the piss out of these skinny retards on the street with KEK tshirts embarrassing themselves. It's essentially reddit and the_donald (which has increasingly been linked to Sup Forums, unfortunately) but has nothing to do with Sup Forums.
Sup Forums isn't alt right, it didn't come about when Trump did, or even BREXIT or the Migrant crisis it's been here a lot longer and is a place unto itself.
pic related, it's the alt-right
dude this board is satire lol, racism on here is just jokes, a lot of us are in interracial relationships, i have a latina gf for crying out loud
i mean come on, there are threads here everyday talking about white guys here that want to fuck thicc black women, you really think the racism is for real?
Make Autism Great Again!
I recognize my true beloved autists from the level of detail and devotedness. These nu-autists are fucking up the program.
It'd be nice to know where these shills are coming from
I don't act like white nationalists having always been part of the board. Stormfags on the other hand haven't always been a part of the board, they mass migrated here when they saw that there was a place they could express themselves with somewhat similarly minded people.
I never heard of him until a few months ago. This is a leaderless movement utilizing the power of crowds, not some old-fashioned political movement with a few obscure theorists sitting around conference rooms.
Notice how awkward Spencer is with memes and such, he is just a guy who happened to come up with a phrase that wasn't even his and somehow because he coined the phrase he appointed himself as the leader.
white nationalists are stormfags
the whole reason the stormfag label came up was because stormfront is the original neo-nazi website run by david duke
not necessarily. Stormfags are Nazi larpers and while they have always been here in one or the other, their influence has grown or sunk depending on the mood of the board. A lot of them with the other chan. Nonetheless, they are still a fixture here and always have been.
These newfags don't get it. Youre wasting time bro
whats the difference between white nat and SF
da j00s ?
Fuck this Spencer faggot and every one of you stormfags trying to fuck everything up
Stormfags are neo nazi autists who saw a national socialist majority board and decided to invade and try to integrate.
This about sums it up. People who've been into alt right stuff have been on this board for a while and, believe it or not, they're just as autistic as the rest of us. Sup Forums obviously isn't one person. You'll find people into just about any ideology hanging around trying to make a case for their side. Hell, there was a natsoc general here just a few months ago. Anyone who thinks otherwise has lurked long enough to appreciate how many different views post Sup Forums-harbor Sup Forums is. Ron Paul, Trump and not being able to corner the Dorner are about the only things we agree on here, and sometimes we can't even get those straight.
It doesn't matter what Spencer or Trump or Bannon or anyone on the right has to say. The MSM will distort, discredit, strawman and misrepresent ANYONE remotely right of left.
If it wasn't Spencer the media have someone else to parade around as the next hitler. They have been doing this for nearly 70 years.
You're either with the left or against them, you can try to split hairs and make objective distinctions between facets of right wing political positions all you want. But no one cares, no one will listen, no one will take you seriously. Even harbouring the most moderately right wing political views makes you a nazi.
>mfw we defeated CTR only to have a new cohort of faggots take their place
Why can't we just enjoy our memes in peace?
>Y-yeah, you're not really r-racist are you, right guys?
My theory:
>Spencer is a Sup Forumstard
>he thought "wow now that Trump won I can show my true powerlevel and I will start a new movement, I know about Sup Forums, thousands of people will follow me
>Spencer returns home
>goes to Sup Forums first thing to see how proud we are of him
>everyone calling him a shill, a plant, a traitor
I think it's pretty accurate, and amusing.
kek that black guy in the background
Don't define what /pol is fucking turk rape baby.
Pay debts
>wahhhh some people did the nazi salute omg like wow just wow
Great job Ivan Vladimirovich Sukabliat Petushok Xuisoska Pidaraz Adidas.
Now go to your sarai and shit in your outdoor toilet, fucking Putin poorfag.
Sup Forums never called itself altright, cunts like milo coined it and attached it to us. During those times we were against the term.
Who said it was stormfags calling for us to support him? How do you know that it isn't CTR trying to false flag this shit?
Big media and friends are throwing shit in any direction, they're blinded and wounded, your response echoes what's being said in that guys post and by most of us "Who cares he has nothing to do with me"
>he hasn't been listening to radix podcasts for the past three fucking years
pay denbts
Apparently hes our glorious leader that we couldn't give a fuck about.
Implying some radix podcasts are relevant to anyone but a tiny group of sperglords like yourself. Do you even learn anything from listening to those podcasts or is it just an echo chamber of stuff you want to hear? Be sure to donate.
Slovenia GDP/capita: 23,289.34 USD
Greece GDP/capita 21,956.41 USD
>Source: World Bank
I'm not a natsoc fag
But, fuck Jews
Ben Shapiro actually mentioned Richard Spencer is one of his podcasts like a week or two ago, before this whole thing started.
Really makes one (((think)))
>guy who is literally Sup Forums puts a face to the alt-right fad
>Sup Forumstards suddenly realise how fucking pathetic they look
>they try to disown the guy instead of the ideology
So close.
do you really think anyone gives a fuck about that? we mostly voted trump in as a "fuck you" to the establishment
if this board was really white nationalist, you wouldn't see all the guys on here in interracial relationships, praising black and asian women all the time while bitching about white women
If he made that post three months ago, you'd be like "Damn right."
I remember MFs calling them selves "alt right" here long before the MSM brought the term into the limelight. Now that it's "mainstream" you denounce it, because you can't do you work from anywhere besides under a rock.
At least spencer has the balls to get in a suit and spit his vitriol in front of a crowd like Trump.
You need guys like him.
I know my misguided pals here on Sup Forums aren't truly white nationalists. However, this whole election had a lot of them carried away saying things they don't really believe but saying them nonetheless.
I think we should take this opportunity to reflect on what we want this board to be when we see its reflection in this clown of a would-be nazi instead of pretending he has nothing to do with us.
>I think we should take this opportunity to reflect on what we want this board to be
Reminder that Sup Forums is not some safe space community hugbox.
I wholeheartedly agree, Pekka. That's why I'm a bit worried this site is turning into an echo chamber for unironic alt-rights. Their subculture is based on the idea that everyone is against them and is particularly obnoxious because it lacks introspection and can't handle criticism.
Basically Sup Forums is a place for everyone who seeks a safe haven for takes on politics that doesn't fit the mold of typical forums. But this includes people on the entire political spectrum. I think the alt-right is particularly bad in cultivating this diversity of opinion which is a staple of Sup Forums.
>what we want this board to be
Trying to control the board is stupid, especially when obvious scripted threads like nigger and women threads constantly flood the board.
Just let the discussions flow naturally.