It's time to rebrand
Alt-right is dead
The alt-right never existed you fag.
It is just what SJWs call anyone who has had enough of their shit and isn't sucking hillary's dick.
What do you have in mind
We never called ourselves that.
It's just a TRS raid, they think they are actually relevant to anyone. Like a political version of SA.
I for one always have and always will be in it for the lulz.
>i-----it was just a prank
Neo-right. Jeb Bush is our leader.
Progressive Right. Remember it.
Shift right
then tab right
then ctrl alt delrite
Trips decides
I say we call ourselves the Memetic party
Hail Jeb!
>all these fascists infighting
Daily reminder than communism will triumph.
Just drop the name and continue doing what we've always done. Even if they're wrong, the people who say "we never called ourselves that" have it right. It was a name that was attached to us, not the other way around. Some people embraced it early on, but now is the time to forget the labels. Labeling makes it easy for the Liberal mind to lash out. They've spent their whole lives labeling people so they can neatly categorize good and bad.
Don't allow yourself to be labeled. Do whatever you want, just refuse the label.
New Right.
Digits confirm.
What unifies Sup Forums is mostly nationalism it seems. Makes sense that they would support Trump. Also, kek vulted it.
And as for most of Sup Forums, if you can't judge for yourself what is serious or not then you must be autistic.
"alt-right" is the media trying to make sense out of what happened. What happened is that they lost hold over people's opinions.
The Reaction Right
I suggest 'the alt alt right'.
call it what it is Nationialism. and that's a good thing if they wanna compare us to hitler good. Hitler was the greatest leader to have ever lived. we need another hitler in our world.
>4plebs search for alt*right yield only people using alt*right negatively or people saying alt*right term is bullshit
Who would have thunk.
Its obvious we never referred to ourselves as the alt right. But i think it might be fun to run with it and just keep rebranding over and over. see it high lights how retarded identity politics is.
Rebrand? All the alt-right eggheads decided exclusionary autism was the way to go eons ago.
Kiss that big tent goodbye, schmuck.
Im a Drumpfkin. The rest of you losers can fuck off.
Newfags, CTR, and retards are the only ones who fell into the alt right meme. Daily reminder it was a term popularized by Hillary. Stop letting yourself be defined into their boxes retards.
FPBP, thanks shitpostlander. You aussies have been uncucking yourselves pretty hard lately, especially compared to all the norwegians.
Will you fuck off, we never were 'alt right', we are fucking nationalists.
Now piss off.
Nice prank leaf, but no one's buying it.
Why rebrand? Why not just own the name?
Rebrand all you want. We'll disown you every time you fucking shills.
fuck owning the name. If we are going to own anything it should be something we came up with ourselves. wtf you think this is leddit?
I recall a brief period early on where some people did call Sup Forums that speaking as a "we". "We" didn't invent the term, but it came up and a few people embraced it for a while.
It was certainly not universal, but it was fairly widespread. Obviously that should be just dropped entirely now, and most people are already doing it. But denying history makes us just as bad as the liberals. A non-insignificant portion of Sup Forums did call themselves the alt-right for a period of about 4-6 months.
Sage, CTR is still working. Don't believe this shit, its the new narrative where the media sees men giving a Roman salute and using hail before trump and victory. Its the nazi meme again. Disregard the shill.
>surrendering a perfectly good and well-known name just to come up with some "original name donut steel" bullshit
anime nazis
moe nazis
This board is not a collective. You should know that, being a leaf.
Mostly, the media coined the term and we just sort of ran with it for lulz because of the whole "CLINTON TO SPEAK ABOUT THE ALT-RIGHT AT RALLY" thing.
Sup Forums was never alt right.
Sup Forums is always right.
We don't need a "brand." We are nationalist shitposters who meme things into reality.
to make fun of the very concept of a brand. The point of pol is that its fluid and chaotic. The only thing that holds is a well supported argument.
It was never alt right, nat soc, left, conservative, liberal, libertarian, jewish, christian, muslim, because the one thing it definitely hates most of all is identity politics.
This right here.
The only thing you can say about Sup Forums is that we are a PART of the 'new right', which is to say that we are the modern incarnation of conservative discourse, and people are trying to demonize us for being willing to work with racists towards common goals, as if my supporting American security somehow involves gassing jews.
>It's time to rebrand
get fucked, faggot.
it's time to redpill normies
I wouldn't even say we are a part of the new right. I'd say the New Right spawned from us. I say this because I guarantee eventually the new right will die as well. But pol will still be here and spawn whatever is next.
Progressive right vs regressive left
Frame it as the right in favour of rights (privacy, freedom of speech, etc...) vs a left opposed to those things and that ignores the abuses of Islamic allies.
I'd say that most of us belong to the same populist, antiglobalist sort of momentum that allowed the tea party phenomenon to take hold.
We're definitely the most avant garde think tank(and that's what we most closely resemble: a think tank). But that's it.
It was kinda inevitable: The right's been a little stagnant since the middle of the last decade. There's a lot of minds that wanna be heard.
This. Plus I hate that the term is used as a means of dismissing any argument that isnt what libtards want to hear.
It won't matter. The ideals that created the alt-right often attract actual racists and neo-nazis. If not this term, MSM will just make another with the same meaning.
I for one think we should just take this name, and define it better in a way that no longer makes it an insult. Change it from being synonymous to "neo-nazi" and the like.
From what I can tell being what is called "alt-right" one of the main focus is ethno-natinalism and the end to racial hypocrisy (such as black pride being good, white pride being racist).
As long as a somewhat egalitarian and fact/statistic based message is associated with it (such as black people being, comparatively, murderous cunts, and very few are killed by police unjustly so it's a non-issue) it should be fine to have.
You must be on The wrong board. We are everything. We mutate. We cannot be stopped. Pol is HIV.
Sup Forums is and will always be counter culture.
Once the Secret Club is exposed, it gets made fun of and abandoned (GamerGate, Anonymous, MLP, MGTOW)
Now reply to me, you buttmad Drumpfkins.
Communism will take over Sup Forums
So you went for it like many others?
Sometimes I think people should be locked up on Sup Forums for a year before they come here.
Pol was never the alt-right you fucking retard. It's just a convenient moniker for the mainstream to brand swatsika shitposters as some supposed upswell of antisemitism on the internet.
Think tanks are usually staffed by intelligent people with policy experience. Try harder.
>It is just what SJWs call anyone who has had enough of their shit and isn't sucking hillary's dick.
But that's simply not true. We were calling ourselves alt-right for months but now that the mainstream has caught on we pretend it has nothing to do with us.
I know a guy with a >140 IQ who works for a major think tank all members of which browse Sup Forums.
bye rddit
this guy
Who needs experts in the information age?
We have all the resources in the world at our fingertips.
All we need is people willing to dig, to share, and to provide evidence of their findings.
I thought gamergate and subsequent digfests and wikileaks made this INCREDIBLY obvious.
Tanks of (((experts))) are highly co-optable. Everything is in front of us already, and what isn't will be leaked.
Power to the fucking people. We don't need to sieze the means of information production: We just need to SEE it.
>Wow now that Alt-right is mainstream it's no longer cool.
This is what you queers sound like right now.
Like fucking hipsters.
It's pretty gay. If we disavow every everything the MSM re-brands we will forever be playing defense. Fuck that noise.
>just hit "Send" on a tweet where he called a Jewish journalist a filthy like and shared a Goebbels quote
>blocked by dozens of "cuckservative" accounts because they won't name the Jew
>Stormfront open in another tab
>folder full of Nazi Pepes
>sees Heil Trump at NPI conference
The need for young disaffected men to be part of a group, especially a relevant one, was big enough to allow a title and a narrative to define themselves and their activities.
Being outcasts and NEETS wasn't enough. You allowed yourselves to be lumped in with Reddit, Breitbart, Milo, Anti-SJWs, Nazi-LARPers, and every other piece of shit scrambling to lap up a few minutes of fame like cats around a dish of milk.
Everything you've been proud of during the meme war has been tied up with a nice bow and labeled "Alt Right".
Now is your chance to prove them wrong. Resist Reddit. Spam the comment section when another loser from Vice lies about you. Cast off (((their))) labels of you, your community, and your message.
Seriously, disavow retards that take satire and comedy from sites like this out into the world amongst normies. It's stupid, and asking for waves of dumbass commentaries from the media.
>alt right wasn't dead off the line
op you nigger
'alt right' was always controled oposition phsy op bullshit.
The alt-right was never a thing lol. The normies and jews branded it on us and some fucks went along with it. Nothings changed.